Agenda item

Enfield Healthy Streets Framework

A report from the Executive Director – Place is attached. (Key decision – reference number 5246)


Councillor Ian Barnes (Deputy Leader) introduced the report of the Executive Director Place setting out the framework for developing and delivering Healthy Streets projects.




1.    The framework incorporated the Healthy Streets approach adopted by Transport for London in the Mayor’s Transport Strategy, and identified activities to deliver on local, London, and national policy objectives.

2.    The Council would have a clear rationale for delivering Healthy Streets projects in Enfield, which in turn would strengthen how it worked with the community to develop projects.

3.    This would help the Council to continue to access external funding sources and ensure projects were delivered within a clearly defined and approved framework.

4.    Enfield Healthy Streets would act as the Council’s primary vehicle for encouraging and enabling increased levels of walking and cycling trips in the borough, while supporting other sustainable modes to reduce the reliance and dependence on private motor vehicles. It would directly support Enfield’s local economy, and would contribute towards community health and wellbeing, and support the target of making the authority carbon neutral by 2030 or sooner.

5.    In response to Members’ questions, the need for the framework was confirmed, and the equalities approach was clarified.

6.    Cabinet expressed thanks to the officers involved in this work.


Alternative Options Considered:  An alternative option is to not adopt a framework for the delivery of Enfield Healthy Streets. This option is not recommended as the Council would therefore lack the additional clarity that this framework offers. In addition, this could jeopardise the ability of the Council to continue to access external funding sources that help deliver a range of benefits for the community.


DECISION:  The Cabinet agreed to support the continued delivery of Healthy Streets in Enfield, as set out in the report and in particular the implementation of the six key activities, which are:

a. Activity 1 – creating a high-quality walking and cycling network.

b. Activity 2 – making streets safer, reducing road danger and the number of people killed or seriously injured on Enfield’s roads.

c. Activity 3 – improving accessibility and inclusivity of active travel in Enfield.

d. Activity 4 – enabling community participation in the development of Healthy Streets projects.

e. Activity 5 – creating high quality public realm and places.

f. Activity 6 – Informing and inspiring people around the issues associated with sustainable travel


Reason:  NOTED the reasons for the proposals as listed below:

1.    The Council’s Healthy Streets programme has evolved since its inception in 2014, delivering projects funded largely by external sources e.g. TfL’s Mini-Holland and Liveable Neighbourhoods programmes. Approval of this Healthy Streets framework will help the council to continue to access external funding sources and ensure projects are delivered within a clearly defined and approved framework.

2.    The Council has adopted a Local Implementation Plan (LIP) which sets out how it will deliver the aims and objectives of the Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS) locally. While fully consistent with the LIP, this paper sets out a more specific activity framework that will guide how Enfield Healthy Streets projects are implemented.


(Key decision – reference number 5246)

Supporting documents: