Agenda item

Meridian Water - Supporting Economic Development

To receive a presentation for discussion on recent progress and future plans of Meridian Water in delivering on the vision of “your place to make and create” and to supporting education and skills of local residents.


The panel received a presentation from Simon Gardner (Regeneration Director - Meridian Water) on the work being done to support economic development as part of the Meridian Water project.


1.            Presentation


·         The aims and aspirations for Meridian Water were to adhere to the highest quality of design and place making, to build 10,000 mixed tenure homes, create 6,000 new quality jobs, build new facilities including restaurants, health centres and schools for the local community, to enable local people to be the principle beneficiaries, to lift Edmonton out of the top 10% of the most deprived wards, to create a legacy to be proud of in 50 years using the highest environmental sustainability standards. 


·         This would be based on three key pillars of placemaking: park life on the doorstep, a place to make and create and mixing uses to create animated streets. 


·         Currently a contractor has been selected for non-rail strategic infrastructure works and a grant agreement signed for £170m.


·         As part of Meridian One, Vistry Partnerships have already submitted a planning application for 300 homes and another is due to be submitted for 600 homes in April 2021. Construction is due to start in March. 


·         A development partner has been selected for Meridian Two to deliver 270 or more affordable homes with 3,000 square metres of commercial space.


·         Cabinet has granted authority to market a site for student or co living accommodation for Meridian Three.


·         As part of Meridian Four, Cabinet has agreed to appoint a professional team to work on a reserved matters application for 800 homes for a scheme to be delivered directly by the London Borough of Enfield. 


·         Four employment strategy outcomes have been identified; to create 6,000 high quality jobs at London Living Wage or above, to deliver 1,000 new high quality jobs, to enable no less than 10% of all investment to benefit local employers and to deliver 1,000 construction jobs over 25 years – 25% from local labour.


·         There are three main drivers for the creation of jobs: construction activity, meanwhile employment uses and occupation of non-residential commercial spaces. 


·         Economic activities include use of the drumsheds for live music events and filming, the BLOQs social enterprise maker spaces, Troubadour filming, creative workspaces on the Teardrop site and community garden and skills academy as part of Meridian One. 


·         The Council has recently set up a new Council wide skills and employment board.  There will be skills academies linked to the Meridian one Visty development and one associated with Troubadour. 


·         Social value would be an important part of all procurements.  There is a target of at least 10% of construction spend to go through local employers to support local jobs and apprenticeships. 


2.            Questions/Comments


2.1       In the first year Troubadour will be creating 25-30 new jobs in Enfield.  The Skills Academy will provide up to 500 places a year as part of Phase Two. 


2.2       The skills academies will be working with rather than competing with local schools and colleges, filling gaps and creating opportunities that existing settings cannot provide. 


2.3       A commercial retail strategy is being put together to work out what types of business will need to be attracted to fill the ground floor commercial spaces.  They wanted to avoid too many betting shops or a focus on only one type of shop.  The strategy should lead to local jobs for local people. 


2.4       It is anticipated that there will be a mixture of uses including a small amount of retail, lots of food and beverage outlets, affordable workspaces, a health centre, and gym.  The intention is to create a vibrant local area and attractive public realm. 


2.5       The target for local jobs is 10%.  If 10% is delivered this will bring £350m into the local economy. 


The chair thanked Simon Gardner for his presentation and members for their comments. 

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