Agenda item


To receive a report from Gemma Young, Head of Internal Audit and Risk

Management providing updates on:


· Corporate Risk Register

· Brexit Risk Register

· COVID-19 Risk Register


This was introduced by Gemma Young, Head of Internal Audit and Risk Management




1.    The report includes the revised Corporate Risk Register, the COVID-19 Risk Register and the Brexit Risk Register.

2.    The Corporate Risk Register has been circulated for review by Departmental Management Teams and the Executive Management Team and the only change is the risk for Health & Safety (CR10) has been reduced from High to Medium. All updates to this register are recorded in Appendix A of the report.

3.    The COVID-19 Risk Register developed with the Council’s COVID-19 Recovery Group and Silver has been circulated to both groups for review and the update is included in Appendix B of the report. There have been no major changes.

4.    The Brexit Risk Register following a request from the chair of the Brexit Panel a full review has taken place and the latest version is attached at appendix C. significant changes which have been made since the last time this was presented to the Committee are that Medicines and supplies shortages have been upgraded from medium to High, Civil unrest has been upgraded from low to medium and a new risk Local businesses has been added to take into account the support that local businesses may need post Brexit.


Questions, comments and queries raised:

·         Does the local lockdown risk need to be updated to consider the Tiered system? Officers confirmed that this does need to be updated

·         It was queried that rise in unemployment is considered a medium risk in the Covid 19 Risk Register, given the current economic state does this not need to move to medium. Gemma Young agreed to take this back to the Panel and challenge this.

·         Civil unrest in the Brexit Register has been increased why is this is this due to the closeness to the date of leaving the internal market. Officers advised that the Panel felt that in terms of what has taken place this year; the protects in London, the Black Lives Matter protests and when the lockdown began there was unrest in supermarkets, that the potential for civil unrest and the risk should be raised. A representative from the Metropolitan Police sits on this panel and they were in agreement that the level needed to be raised.

·         On Covid 19 Risk Register the sustainability of social care markets has gone from high to medium as has Civil unrest and unemployment. Currently in double dip depression and will be 2024 before things go back to normal, with furlough being extended and businesses struggling and the impact if we do not get a vaccine and a possible third wave- Is it premature to reduce these risks. Officers agreed to take this back to the Panel to look again at the economic risks. The Panel does have people represented from each service area and at present we are not seeing a lot of local businesses closing down. There has been lots of support for local businesses from central government

·         The Risk Registers are presented at every meeting of the committee is there anything else or any other risks that need to be included. Officers advised that no other risks at present. An equalities risk is currently being considered. Happy for any risk suggestions to be made by committee members.


agreed to note the Corporate, Brexit and Covid-19 Risk Register Updates.


Supporting documents: