Agenda item


Tim Fellows (Chair) to present.


Feedback also to be provided by:

·         Stop & Search monitoring group

·         CCTV Monitoring group


It has been a quieter period as Covid restrictions came and went and came back again!


I mentioned at our last meeting that EVA were hosting a training session on MS teams which I and several other CAPE Chairs attended. Following on from that training I contacted Chris and Erica regarding having a ward officer or sergeant in each ward that had the skills to facilitate MS Teams CAPE meetings. Discussions established that many CAPE meetings are taking place and Erica Crawshaw agreed to send out an email reminding all Sergeants to ensure that CAPE meetings are occurring in all wards.


Hate Crime Case Management Panel has struggled to cope with the 46.6% increase in reports, most of the increase is racist and religious with a 10% increase in homophobic and transphobic reports.


On 3rd November Central LGBT IAG held an open meeting on Hate Crime, this was very informative and well attended with reps from across London.


On 26th November I attended an LCP² zoom meeting with Commander Cressida Dick. This was predominantly about Black Lives Matter but included all protected characteristics and other aspects of policing in London in the discussion.


Safer & Stronger Community Board meet virtually in January, I attend to represent the Safer Neighbourhood Board.


I have been invited to join the North Area Violence Reduction Group, unfortunately I missed the first meeting I was invited to as it clashed with the hate crime case management panel which I chair. I hope to attend future meetings.


The successful groups awarded grants by Enfield SNB received their money in December. Covid restrictions are causing challenges in delivery of the projects.


SNB AGM – Our next SNB meeting on 29th April will be our AGM, as you may recall we didn’t hold our AGM last year but rolled over all board positions in the mistaken hope that COVID-19 and its restrictions would go away soon! How naive were we?


Therefore, this year most of the posts are up for election, the exception being Janet (Vice-Chair) who has 1 year left on her term. To get us back on track these are the posts and terms that we need candidates for:

Chair – 3 years

Vice-Chair – 3 years

Secretary – 2 years

Treasurer – 1 year


Please consider if you would like to stand for election to any of these posts and let Sue know. If you would like to chat about what the post entails, feel free to contact Sue or myself. Sue confirmed that an email will be sent to Safer Neighbourhood Board members regarding these posts shortly.


Stop & Search Monitoring Group

Christine Whetstone advised that she is the new Chair of this group. There was a meeting last week that looked at the figures for September to November. This showed that Enfield is in line with other London boroughs both in terms of numbers and of positive outcomes which were 21%. The meetings are at present virtual so unable to look at paperwork or body worn camera videos as would be the case normally. The next meeting is scheduled for the 17 February. This is a very small group and if anyone is interested in joining please either contact the chair directly or Sue O’Connell who will pass on your details.


CCTV Monitoring Group

Due to the Covid restrictions this group have not been able to meet. Badges to enter the CCTV centre are expiring shortly and this group will be reviewed once Covid restrictions are lifted.