Agenda item


Cllr Ergin Erbil, Associate Cabinet Member Non-Geographical covering young people to provide an update on his new role and a briefing note provided by Cllr Erbil.


Councillor Ergin Erbil highlighted the following from his report.



1.    The priority is to protect and safeguard children and young people at all times.

2.    A number of young people have become involved in offending due to adverse childhood experiences, trauma, discrimination, socio economic deprivation and exploitation. It is essential that whilst simultaneously protecting the public and victims that these young people are supported to reduce youth violence.

3.    A holistic approach is needed tackling this as a public health crisis working alongside children, their parents or carers and the wider community. Research shows that some cohorts of young people are more vulnerable to exploitation or becoming involved in and affected by youth violence than others. The work detailed in the report aims to prevent this.


Comments, queries and questions:

·         Following a query on who Cllr Erbil has met with, he confirmed that the pandemic has meant that unfortunately it has not been possible to hold physical meetings. All meetings have been online including meeting with; Young Mayors; a number of BAME groups and a number of other people and organisations relevant to this issue.

·         Clarification was requested on Associate Cabinet Member role. Cllr Erbil advised that his role is to support the Cabinet Members in their work, Cllr Erbil’s role supports both the Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Cohesion and the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services.

·         A member of the Youth Parliament was asked to highlight his general thoughts. He felt that there was a lack of opportunities for young people in the east. He could not see the agenda report and was interested in the approaches that will be taken. It was recognised that Young people are facing issues never faced in the past such as mental health, lack of opportunity, Covid related issues such as self-isolation. It was agreed for the document to be shared with the Youth Parliament and Cllr Erbil was happy to meet virtually with the Youth Parliament after this meeting to discuss further.

·         Following a query on why the report focused on youth violence and the work undertaken in Islington and what were the tangible plans coming from the report. Cllr Erbil is also the ward councillor for Edmonton Green which suffers from the highest rates of knife crime youth violence in London. Youth violence is a very important issue and the long-term aim of the document is to prevent youth violence. Islington is felt to be a very good model in terms of youth violence. The Associate Cabinet Member role is a supportive role therefore any questions on tangible plans are for the Cabinet Member to answer.

·         The Youth Parliament member was asked what would be helpful to young people moving forward. He felt that more opportunities for youth engagement and involvement would be welcome. Shadow opportunities for the Youth Parliament had previously been discussed and this should be revisited. Post meeting note a meeting had been held with the Youth Parliament to discuss Shadow opportunities officers will follow up again.


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