Agenda item


To receive current statistical information relating to the Covid-19 pandemic within Enfield and the roll-out of vaccines.


Glenn Stewart, Assistant Director of Public Health introduced the presentation



1.    In broad terms the data is moving rapidly in the right direction; the infection rate is going down, death rates are going down and vaccination rates are going up.

2.    Enfield has more testing sites than most other boroughs.

3.    The summary slide details Covid data for 6-12 February 2021. Data moves on very quickly for example vaccinations now stand at 60k.

4.    The slide detailing excess deaths since the start of the pandemic shows Enfield having the highest rate per 100,000 of the North Central London (NCL) boroughs. This may be due to the high number of care homes in the borough. The Covid-19 Actuaries Resource Group indicates that 30% of deaths are in the over 70’s and 36% in care homes.

5.    Page 12 of the agenda to follow pack shows the analysis undertaken on different ethnicities. This shows the rate per 100,000 and the figure on the top is the number of deaths.

6.    The siting of the test centres tries to follow where the infections are.

7.    The numbers of infections are higher in the younger age groups as demonstrated on page 14.

8.    The vaccinations data, where it shows a minus figure for example -469 for the 80+ age group means that the target (over 75% of this age group being offered the vaccine) has been overachieved.

9.    Vaccine uptake is shown by ward, the uptake is higher where the population is older. The vaccine programme was initially offered to those aged 85 and over.

10.The slide showing declined first dose of the vaccine covers two groups, those who do not want the first dose (under 1%) and those who have been texted but have not responded. The groups that have been disproportionally affected by Covid are those who are less willing to take the vaccine.

11.There is lots of work underway to increase uptake and combat vaccine hesitancy. The key focus of the communication is to build up confidence that the vaccine is safe. The approach is to map out the key communities, who the key community leaders are and look at how best the message may be given such us through community leaders, trusted people in appropriate languages and forms.

12. A vaccine hub has been set up at Chase Farm for people with disabilities and learning difficulties. This will have longer appointments to allow more time for reassurance and will also allow for carers to be vaccinated at the same time.

13.NCL uses a hybrid model for vaccinations hubs, roving model to pick up housebound patients and Romany and travelling communities and street or out-reach model to pick up any other groups.

14.There are 8 vaccinations sites in Enfield, 3 GP sites (Carlton House, Winchmore Hill & Evergreen Surgery, 4 Pharmacy sites (Aldermans, Atkinsons, Parkview and Pyramid pharmacies) and 1 mass site (Dugdale Centre).


Questions comments and queries

15. The Chair acknowledged how quickly figures change. Officers were praised on how well Enfield has done with vaccinations and the availability and arrangements for vaccines were also praised.

16.What support is there for disabilities and those for need support and cannot travel? Officers advised that Barnet Enfield & Haringey Mental Health Trust are responsible for these groups and that they are currently going through GP lists to identify patients who may not be able to get to vaccine centres and ringing them to arrange to visit them at home. The vaccine should have been offered to all housebound patients by the end of this month.

17.Text messages are received from GP’s to arrange vaccines is this only in English what happens is English is not their first language? It was confirmed that in terms of the text messages being in English this is being raised with the NHS. There are targeted events happening with different communities’ groups, at present there are 130 lines of actions and this is being added to all the time. An example was given of a Turkish event which had occurred today.

18.In Bowes Ward particularly around Bowes school the uptake of the first dose is quite low. In West Bowes there are no GP’s on Enfield side, the closest vaccination centre is in Winchmore Hill which is two buses. The Bounds Green Health Centre although not in Enfield is only 5 minutes away. Can this centre be used for Enfield residents? Glenn Stewart agreed to take this back to the NHS and will keep monitoring vaccine uptake across Enfield.

19.Looking at vaccination sites there seems to be a gap in Ponders End, could there be consideration for a hub to be placed here. It was confirmed that this point will be taken back.

20.In terms of those in temporary accommodation and not registered with GP’s, what work is going on for this? There is a workstream going forward on how to target people who have not registered with GP’s

21.What is done with groups who are perceived to have declined but may not be aware what they need to do? Officers referred to slide 17 in the report pack. A lot of work is being undertaken to make people aware and encourage vaccine take up. Councillors, community leaders and religious leaders has filmed themselves being vaccinated to encourage others. As part of the communication, various communities will be targeted looking at; what their needs are, what the misconceptions or misinformation might be, then tailoring communication to this community to address these concerns in the most appropriate way.

22.Concerns were raised over people floating Covid rules particularly in supermarkets where in addition to mask wearing issues there was too many people inside stores. What enforcement is there in supermarkets? Members were advised that the Council had their first successful prosecution of a business was last week. It is very difficult to enforce, cannot be everywhere. The communication message is being pushed all the time. Officers will speak to the stores mentioned (Morrisons and Tesco’s).

23.How is the vaccination going with those who are housebound, care homes and care home staff? In terms of the housebound those will be offered by the end of the month, with care homes there is good coverage across the homes. In terms of care home staff there has been reluctance at first, although this is improving following communications.

24.How prepared are we for the second dose with the first dose going on at the same time? There is a 12-week gap between doses, there are conversations within the NHS on how to maintain and promote the current capacity.  The NHS is looking at keeping the productions going whilst looking to bring back other services that have been cut due to the pandemic. The capacity is there although will be more difficult as normal services start to return.


Officers and the team were thanked for the work being undertaken and members commented that there were very pleased and proud with how well Enfield is doing.


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