Agenda item

Better Council Homes - Progress, Plans and Review of Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan for 2021

To receive a report of the Executive Director Place and Executive Director Resources on Better Council Homes.


To note that the report was considered at Cabinet on 3 February 2021 and that it was agreed that the recommendations in the report be forwarded on to Council for approval. 


Council is asked to approve the revised 13 year housing development programme and the revised Housing Revenue Account Business Plan.


To note the restricted appendices 1,2 and 3 which contain exempt information.   


(This item contains exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person – including the authority holding that information) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended).


RECEIVED the report of the Executive Director Place and Executive Director Resources on Better Council Homes – progress, plans and review of the HRA business plan for 2021. 




1.            That this report had been considered at Cabinet on 3 February 2021 and recommended onto Council for approval. 


2.            That the report contained three restricted appendices: 1,2 and 3. 




1.        To note the progress made to date on the Councils Housing Development Programme and in the light of this agree the updated Development Strategy proposed in this report.  

2.        To approve the updated 13-year Housing Development Programme, noting the reduction in homes from 3,804 to 3,500.

3.        To approve a bid to the GLA for its Affordable Housing Programme 2021-26 and for additional schemes through the Building Council Homes for Londoners programme as appropriate and based on capacity that been established with the HRA Business Plan and as outlined in this report, and to note the risks and impact to the Housing Development Programme.

4.        To authorise the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with Executive Director of Resources, to enter into development partnerships, award contracts for works and professional services and enter into or agreements for the acquisition or disposal of property for development schemes.

5.        To approve the revised budget of £21,303,999 for Bury Street West in the updated 13-year Housing Development Programme per paragraph 78, subject to a forthcoming portfolio decision.

6.        To delegate authority to the Director of Housing and Regeneration after consultation with the Portfolio Holder and Executive Director of Resources, to initiate and agree changes to housing development and estate renewal schemes, including submission of planning applications, provided they do not impact on the revised HRA Business Plan.

7.         To note the progress made to date on the Councils Housing Development Programme and in the light of this agree the updated Development Strategy proposed in this report.  

8.         To approve the updated 13-year Housing Development Programme, noting the reduction in homes from 3,804 to 3,500.

9.         To approve a bid to the GLA for its Affordable Housing Programme 2021-26 and for additional schemes through the Building Council Homes for Londoners programme as appropriate and based on capacity that been established with the HRA Business Plan and as outlined in this report, and to note the risks and impact to the Housing Development Programme.

10.      To authorise the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with Executive Director of Resources, to enter into development partnerships, award contracts for works and professional services and enter into or agreements for the acquisition or disposal of property for development schemes.

11.         To approve the revised budget of £21,303,999 for Bury Street West in the updated 13-year Housing Development Programme per paragraph 78, subject to a forthcoming portfolio decision.

12.         To delegate authority to the Director of Housing and Regeneration after consultation with the Portfolio Holder and Executive Director of Resources, to initiate and agree changes to housing development and estate renewal schemes, including submission of planning applications, provided they do not impact on the revised HRA Business Plan.


Councillor Laban, Leader of the Conservative Opposition Group, indicated that if there had been a vote on this report her group would have voted in favour of recommendations 1,2,3,4,6,10 and 12 and against 5,7,8,9 and 11. 


Councillor Barry, Leader of the Community First Opposition Group, indicated that if there had been a vote on this report four of her members would have abstained and one member would have voted against. 

Supporting documents: