Tim Fellows (Chair) to present.
Feedback also to be provided by:
· Stop & Search monitoring group
· CCTV Monitoring group
It has been a period of many meetings, some more constructive than others.
Hate Crime Case Management Panel has struggled to cope with the 49.5% increase in overall reports, most of the increase is racist and religious with a 15.5% increase in homophobic reports. The last two Case Management Panels have had to be postponed as the case were not made available on time. The Chair and Erica Crawshaw will liaise outside the meeting on this
I have attended two LCP² zoom meeting this period, at the second we heard about the introduction of BCU Police Encounter Scrutiny Panels and the changes in the way CAPE’s would set their priorities (formerly promises). I hope we will hear more on that later.
The Hate Crime Executive has met twice this period and Crime Scrutiny took place in March.
Safer & Stronger Community Board meet virtually in April.
The North Area Violence Reduction Group has met twice with Janet Marshall and I attending the first and Janet only attending the second meeting.
I thought the CAPE Chairs meeting with Erica Crawshaw went well and was informative, but I feel Friday night wasn’t the best time to get a good attendance.
Chase CAPE had our first virtual Teams meeting where I met our new DWO, the meeting was well attended. Highway still hasn’t met since the start of Lockdown1.
The successful groups awarded grants by Enfield SNB received their money in December. Covid restrictions are causing challenges in delivery of some of the projects. We are still awaiting a decision about next years funding, although I have to say it looks unlikely to continue. As part of our evaluation of projects funded last year, I went out with Love Your Doorstep after school patrol in Enfield Town and they clearly had good links with the local police as well as local school children.
CCTV Update
When all lockdown restrictions are lifted on the 21st June, the CCTV inspections will be able to recommence.
Sheila Stacey will be stepping down and handing the reins over to Janet Marshall who will liaise with Darren Woods and his team and report back to the SNB. Tim Fellows and Carole Shuttle have also stepped down.
The new team will be Janet Marshall, Vicky Dungate & Lorna Logan as inspections will be limited to 1 individual who will have to adhere to current or new guidelines that will be in place.
Sheila expressed her thanks to Tim & Carole for their contribution and also Darren Woods and his team for all their hard work in preventing and detecting Crime in Enfield and I wish them continued success for keeping Enfield safe.
Stop & Search Monitoring Group
Christine Whetstone advised that there is a new approach to Stop and Search in Enfield. A new inspector has taken over who is very enthusiastic. Officers have been retrained and is looking to develop a partnership with the Council. He has been setting up community group involvement, particularly with young people and diverse communities to hear their views on Stop and Search.
The membership of the Stop & Search Monitoring Group has increased with four new members. The group will be looking to make some changes on the way they operate.
Last week the figures for Stop & Search in Enfield were released for January to March, the positives outcomes were 30% which is greatly improved from the figures just before Christmas where the positive outcome was 22%. The latest figures were the best in London.
There is a meeting coming up shortly.