Agenda item


A report from the Executive Director – Place is attached. (Key decision – reference number 5321)



Councillor Gina Needs (Cabinet Member for Social Housing) introduced the report of the Executive Director Place seeking approval of a draft Resident Involvement Strategy and Involvement Framework for Enfield Council Housing 2021-24.




1.    Learning from the Grenfell disaster had been considered in the development of the strategy.

2.    It would be ensured that the voice of residents was at the centre of service delivery, and that there were flexible and accessible opportunities for involvement.

3.    Approaches would be strengthened to support continuous improvement.

4.    In response to Members’ questions it was advised that resident engagement had already benefitted the service and that customer satisfaction levels had risen, and that the revised resident involvement structure had been shaped by residents through existing involvement groups and wider input.

5.    Thanks were expressed to the Director of Housing and Regeneration and the team for their work.


Alternative Options Considered: 

· The alternative option of continuing with existing approach was considered but rejected as the voice of the customer and other stakeholders have consistently called for a need for change and it is recognised as an essential component of delivering the Better Council Homes Vision.

· Defer making changes within the current approach until the regulatory changes arising from the Social Housing White Paper are enacted. This has been rejected as most of the principles and findings are consistent and Enfield want to be an early adopter. The framework and strategy provide a flexible framework to enable it to be updated and amended as it progresses.


DECISION:  The Cabinet agreed to

1.  Approve the Council Housing Resident Involvement Strategy 2021-24 and proposed action plan (Appendix 1) for formal consultation with residents for a six-week period.

2.  Approve the Framework of Involvement including the introduction of the Council Housing Excellence Panel to review performance across Council Housing and making evidence-based recommendations for improvement.

3.  Delegate authority to the Director of Housing and Regeneration in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Social Housing to make any minor amendments arising from the wider resident and stakeholder consultation.

4.  Delegate to the Director of Housing and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Social Housing further operational arrangements to support the delivery of strategy and action plan.


Reason:  NOTED the reasons for the proposals:

1.    The strategy sets out how the Council will strengthen relationships and the voice of tenants and leaseholders over the next 3 years, responding to:

· Feedback from residents and community groups

· Feedback from Council Housing officers

· Review of existing involvement mechanisms in Enfield

· Current best practice in involvement from social housing

· Lessons learnt from the Grenfell Disaster and to respond to the changing legal framework arising from the Building Safety Bill

· Current and future regulatory requirements as they effect Council Housing.

2.    The strategy recognises the hard work and commitment of existing involved residents and highlights the need to strengthen the voice of underrepresented groups and extend our reach through a programme of accessible and flexible involvement opportunities that are tied together through the new framework.


(Key decision – reference number 5321)

Supporting documents: