Agenda item


A report from the Executive Director People is attached.  (Key decision – reference number 5373)


In Councillor Uddin’s absence, Councillor Nesil Caliskan (Leader of the Council) introduced the report of the Executive Director People seeking approval for alternative use and selective disposal of site managers properties owned and managed by the Council.




1.    The purpose of the proposals was confirmed, and attention drawn to the sites identified in Appendix A to the report.

2.    Officers advised there was now an additional site with a vacant residence, and this was an ongoing process.

3.    It was confirmed that schools had the right not to declare a site surplus to their requirements, that each school would be engaged with appropriately, and consideration was on a site by site basis.


Alternative Options Considered: 


1.    To adopt a policy where all occupied school site managers’ dwellings deemed to be suitable for disposal are sold with immediate effect. This is not a preferred option given the terms and conditions of employment of residential site managers.

2.    To allow the school to retain 100% of the disposal receipt. The properties are part of the Council’s Education estate portfolio and given demands on existing capital grant funding to undertake works to maintain and expand provision it is proposed that a significant proportion of the capital receipt contributes to the Council’s priority objectives and statutory duty to provide school places.

3.    For the Council to retain 100% of the disposal receipt. It is recognised that capital funding for schools has been reduced in recent years and that schools are facing significant challenges when prioritising essential condition / health and safety works. It is therefore proposed that a proportion of the receipt be used to fund clearly identified condition works to improve the teaching and learning environment particularly where this provides opportunities for increased community use and income generation. This will provide a longer-term benefit to schools an incentivise them to declare the houses surplus to their education requirements which we be required to change the lease. This will be required prior to seeking DfE consent for disposal.

4.    Do nothing. The lack of clear guidance relating to these dwellings has caused some confusion and uncertainty in recent years and left properties unused. It is therefore important to have a clear and transparent policy in place in order that schools and the Council are fully aware of all implications. The absence of a clear approach to manging these dwellings has resulted in the council having to fund the costs associated with vacant properties.


DECISION:  The Cabinet agreed


1.    To approve the approach to manage vacant site managers residential dwellings as set out in the report.

2.    That all proceeds from the sale of a site manager’s house, less any reasonable and pre-agreed costs incurred in achieving the disposal, will be ringfenced for the Education Capital Maintenance programme and in particular provision of additional Special Education Needs places.

3.    That the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services approves in principle any recommended disposals or repurposing of the vacant properties, thereafter the Cabinet Member for Finance & Procurement approves for disposal any property that is recommended for disposal.

4.    To allow the Director of Education on behalf of Enfield Council to approach the DfE and obtain the necessary consent for disposal of Education land.

5.    The report sets out a process for the future of all vacated site managers’ houses to be considered to ensure the best use of the assets.

6.    That Cabinet will review progress on implementation of this strategy in six months following approval.




1.    The need to lay out a clear and consistent procedure going forward to allow the decisions to be made expediently so that benefits of the asset are quickly realised.

2.    To ensure that all schools with site manager houses are treated consistently and fairly.

3.    To ensure that land and buildings within the education estate are used to provide benefit to the Education Service and schools directly.

4.    To provide additional residential properties where possible to meet the demand for housing within the borough.

5.    To assist the Local Authority by providing additional funding through disposal by way of capital receipt to improve and extend the education estate specifically through investment in delivering additional SEND places.

6.    To assist in funding the delivery of additional statutory places within Enfield so local children can be educated in our communities.

7.    To assist the Council in alleviating pressure on budgets by realising a capital receipt and reinvesting this in to the Education Capital Programme


(Key decision – reference number 5373)

Supporting documents: