Agenda item


To update the Board on proposals in the draft Local Plan.


RECEIVED a copy of the report of May Hope, Plan Making Manager, a copy of which is attached to the agenda.


The following information was highlighted:


(i)            The council is in the process of preparing a new local plan for Enfield. This report provides an update to the Board on the equalities impact of the draft Local Plan (ELP).

(ii)          It is a statutory requirement for all Councils to prepare a Local Plan and ensure that it is up to date. Enfield’s current Local Plan includes a Core Strategy published in 2010 and a Development Management Document published in 2014: as both are older than five years they are required to be reviewed.

(iii)         Preparing a new Local Plan provides the council with an opportunity to set out a positive vision for growth, ensuring that appropriate facilities and infrastructure are provided for future residents. It is a vitally important tool for helping the council deliver its corporate priorities and delivering the spatial elements of the council’s corporate plan.

(iv)         When preparing Local Plans, the Equalities Act 2010 requires the council to:

·         Consider all individuals when shaping policy;

·         Eliminate discrimination;

·         Advance equality of opportunity;

·         Foster good relations between different people when carrying out their activities.

(v)          This public sector duty is an important task to be carried out during all stages of the Enfield Local Plan preparation.

(vi)         The Local Plan has also ben subject to Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA). The Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA) ensures equalities are addressed by considering the protected characteristics.

(vii)        The Enfield Local Plan (ELP) includes long term planning framework for the borough up to 2039. The Plan will have a significant impact on the lives of those who live and work or visit the borough. Important choices will be made between competing demands and seeks to address inequalities, but policies need to be assessed for unintended consequences for equality issues.

(viii)       Plan preparation stated in 2015 and includes engagement with voluntary bodies at each stage, which represents the interests of different racial or national groups, religious bodies, bodies which represent the interests of disables persons, Enfield Youth Parliament, young people and students. EqIA assessments have also been completed at all stages.

(ix)         Information was provided on addressing inequalities through the vision and strategic objectives of the ELP. Four key themes of the ELP vision are:

·         A nurturing place;

·         A deeply green place;

·         Workshop of London;

·         Distinct and leading part of London.

(x)          Detailed strategic objectives address many equalities matters. These translated into objectives informing IIA and the EqIA.

(xi)         Further information was provided on the ELP policies on disability, age, race, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity and marriage and civil partnerships.

(xii)        There are no specific policies for addressing religion or belief. However, Policy BG10 deals with space for burials and cremation and addresses the needs of different faith groups and the needs of diverse communities.

(xiii)       Equalities issues have helped underpin the development of the ELP policies. Many policies are designed to improve the relevant equality strands where possible or have a neutral impact. 

(xiv)      Fulfilling the duty in relation to equalities matters in the development of ELP policy is an evolving and ongoing process. Equalities matters will be taken into account when reviewing representations and making recommendations on the next iteration of ELP policy.


Following May’s update, the following comments/questions were raised.


·         In response to a comment regarding the allocation of cemetery and burial space, May advised that there are policies within the ELP addressing burial needs and site allocations for all different faith groups. The Chair, Cllr Ergin Erbil added that a multi-faith cemetery is to be developed in the borough and this is a work in progress.

·         Cllr Orhan said that she believed housing is an equalities issue as is social inclusion. She added that residents have voiced very strong concerns regarding the type of and allocation of housing within the ELP as the plan appears to be designed to bring people into the borough rather than structured for the needs of local residents; therefore outpricing local residents and not addressing local needs.

Helen Murch, Head of Strategic Planning & Design responded that an important foundation of the plan in terms of housing is to ensure that people who are born and live in the borough can stay in the borough. Policies developed have been designed to ensure that the plan delivers the mix and levels of affordable housing that the borough needs, and this includes larger family homes.

·         Tim Fellows, Chair, Safer Neighbourhood Board felt that the burden of house builds needs to be shared as the East of the borough is becoming more and more dense. Helen said that this is something that Enfield Council are very aware and conscious of. The spatial policy for distribution of this growth is one that is thought to be the best solution in order to level things up.


The Chair thanked Officers for their interesting update.  

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