Agenda item



Peter George (Programme Director – Meridian Water) and Lisa Woo (Head of Placemaking – Meridian Water) presented on following items:


·         The Meridian Water masterplan is a corporate document. The plan is to take an updated masterplan to Cabinet.

·         Masterplan version 1 is what has been worked to over the last few years, it supported the financial plan and contributed to the win of £170m of government grant funding. Over the last few months, we have worked on version 2.

·         Phase 1 involves us being on site now building 300 homes, phase 2 includes a planning application for 2300 homes. The housing infrastructure fund is due to start on site next year has a detailed planning application.

·         Within the masterplan redline, there is a retail park purchased by an international developer providing over 500 jobs

·         The masterplan address Ikea and Tesco who are expected to redevelop their land, assuming homes will be built.

·         All the masterplans must respond to the strategic priorities set by the Council. If cabinet approves the plan, feedback will be sought from local community and business to inform the plan.

·         The Meridian Water financial model was approved in October 2019, since this several events affected this including covid 19, the councils declaration of a climate emergency and construction costs rising. The masterplan is undergoing financial review which will be brought to Cabinet in summer 2022.

·         The masterplan involves connecting businesses, social settings, and the surround environments.

·         Meridian water has 2 key parks on the masterplan. Open space and public ground are important for people’s wellbeing. These will be for all residents of the borough to use, not just Meridian Water.

·         With increased emphasis on the importance of drastically reducing operations carbon we need to encourage residents to take up cycling and use public transport.

·         The plan offers three primary schools and one secondary school, they take up a large amount of space.



Questions and comments:

·         Officers noted that we have negotiations with Tesco and Ikea, but we rely on our powers as a planning authority and in addition to the local plan we are working on a supplementary planning document. This will enable the council to provide parameters around height.

·         The Meridian Water strategic risk register are available to all members.

·         Originally wanted vibrant streets with 2000sqm of retail space. Covid has affected the way people work and shop. Members noted they was conscious for having empty shops. Officers confirmed the council will be the landlord on ground floor buildings for non-residential purposes. They offer a higher-than-average ceiling height and have been designed to be flexible for different uses such as retail, workspace, or community spaces. A balance is needed so that Meridian Water compliments surround town centres and does not undermine them.

·         Officers commented that residents have been keen to have affordable groceries within walking distance and Tesco’s offers this. This allows smaller business to offer other things. There is a challenge with Tesco and Ikea having conflicting opinions on car parking space.

·         It was noted by members that it is key to have local people having local jobs. Officers explained that they want to improve opportunities for people in the area. A construction skills academy plan has been approved and local people will be the priority. Spaces will be offered to council tenants, unemployed and long term unemployed. It will offer to train up to 500 people per year, with space to modify the curriculum to align with the sectors in Meridian water. There are also 3 film studios in Meridian water, another 3 will be built over the next year which will provide a skills academy for up to 450 people per year.

·         A good start has been made on the employment strategy, £57m of contracts have been let at Meridian one, £11m of which have gone to local companies. We had a target to have 25% of local labour on Meridian one, we have exceeded this and currently have 40%.

·         Officers clarified the current draft maintains 6000 jobs and 10,000 homes but the process is evolving so this could change.

·         Members commented parks and open spaces are essential, but we should look at having lots of smaller spaces rather than large spaces that take up a lot of room. It was also suggested that primary and secondary schools could run on the same site.


The chair summarised with;

·         Thanking everyone for their input

·         The panel need to think about what they want to be brought back to the scrutiny panel so we can delve into more detail.

·         It was noted that Charith’s had emailed questions that officers will review

·         The canal and river trust would be a good starter point to get some ideas on waterside living and how we can support and sustain this.

·         It would be useful to receive a revised workplan for Meridian Water

Supporting documents: