Agenda item


To receive the report from Richard Eason, Healthy Streets Programme Director.


This report will be circulated as a to follow document.


Richard Eason, Healthy Streets Programme Director, delivered a presentation highlighting the reasons behind the changes.  The main area was an increase in motor vehicle use in the borough as well as the increase in “C” and “unclassified” roads usage in the last ten years.


In response, members commented as follows:

1. Cllr Andrew Thorp voiced his disappointment with the report and the lateness of the submission.  Cllr Thorp stated he was a great supporter of School Streets and thanked officers for their work on this.  However, highlighted that the use of AMPR cameras rather than barriers could create safety risks.  He would be interested to know how many schools were using the cameras and what studies had taken place on the risk.


In response, Richard Eason stated that the use of the cameras made the scheme more sustainable as it was difficult to recruit volunteers for the barriers.  Barriers could be used alongside cameras and was at the school’s discretion.  It was noted that some volunteers and residents had received abuse.  Richard felt the use of cameras would improve safety compared to having nothing in place.  All schools go through safety processes – Cllr Thorp would like this to be shared, Richard would check and advise ACTION.  Cllr Thorp also asked about data on “near misses”. Richard advised this would be with the police.


2. Cllr Thorp asked where the money goes from fines issued.  Richard stated it goes towards the running of the schemes and if there is any surplus it goes back into transport systems in the borough and is ringfenced for transport services such as TFL concessionary fares.


3. Cllr Lindsay Rawlings would have welcomed the presentation in advance of the meeting.  It was queried about public transport however Richard had just focused on “active travel”.


There were some concerns over Sketty Road and the roadworks on Southbury Road and noted that the school wants to make changes.


4. Cllr Ayten Guzel was interested in the uptake in cycling and walking to school and asked if there were any grants or schemes to help families, for example with the purchase of bikes. 


Richard responded saying this had been looked at, including Dr Bike, second hand bike markets and “try before you buy”.  It was also hoped to introduce Cargo bikes.  Cllr Ian Barnes agreed this was very good and it would be looked into further.


5. Cllr Susan Erbil asked if the Enfield policy was in line with the Government’s policy.  Cllr Barnes confirmed it was and all were working towards the same goal.


6. Cllr Daniel Anderson emphasised his disappointment with the report which did not provide any updates and felt the Bowes LTN should have been included.  Cllr Anderson stated that over populated areas had caused the increase in cars and that some areas had poor public transport routes.  Richard stated that the policy was for residents to make transport choices and not default to a private car.


Cllr Anderson felt the solution had been decided before properly evaluating the problem.  Richard advised that Quieter Neighbourhoods had been around for a long time and pilots had taken place.  The problem was clear; too much traffic and safety.


Richard extended his apologises to the panel for the difference in expectations around his report.


7. Cllr Anderson raised points in relation to the Bowes report. 


At this point the meeting was adjourned for five minutes due to disruption from the public gallery.


8. Cllr Charith Gunawardena asked Cllr Barnes for clarification around healthy streets and the emissions from short journeys which were low.  Cllr Barnes was unclear on the question however stated he wants to reduce emissions.  It was noted that emissions were not just from exhausts but also other things such brake pads.


9. Cllr Gunawardena raised the Fox Lane report and Southgate roundabout.  Cllr Barnes would look at this once the report comes out ACTION.


10. Cllr Ayten Guzel asked if officers were engaging with TFL about traffic light sequences.  Richard stated that they can discuss it with them however it was ultimately their decision.  ACTION: Richard to check and feed back to Cllr Guzel.


11.  Cllr Andrew Thorp voiced that the biggest update was the Bowes Report and felt it should be discussed at this meeting.  The Chair clarified that it had to go through the appropriate processes such as call-in and the OSC.  ACTION: Chair to discuss with the Chief Executive.


At this point the meeting was adjourned for ten minutes due to disruption.  The public gallery was cleared and Cllr Susan Erbil, Cllr Ayten Guzel and Cllr Daniel Anderson did not return to the meeting.


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