Agenda item


A report from the Executive Director People is attached.  (Key decision – reference number 5383)


Councillor Mahtab Uddin (Cabinet Member for Children’s Services) introduced the report of the Executive Director People outlining the People Schools Capital Programme for inclusion in the Council’s Capital Programme, and the Council’s landlord responsibilities undertaking major capital projects at school buildings to ensure the safety and wellbeing of school pupils and staff, whilst also maintaining the Council’s assets.


  The Council retained responsibility for major items of repair in schools, and as Corporate Landlord had responsibility for major works at schools.

  Officers confirmed that the programme covered major works to ensure schools were safe, and capital projects to invest to save, and to contribute towards the Climate Change Agenda by reducing carbon emissions.

  In response to Members’ queries, it was confirmed that school caretaker property disposals were progressing; that work in respect of schools’ connection to Energetik’s network continued; and that there were around 70 projects in total in the schools’ capital programme at different stages. The programme was reviewed and updated as part of the quarterly capital monitoring reporting processes. Assurance was given that critical items were up to date, and condition surveys were ongoing.


Alternative Options Considered: 


Projects have been prioritised for inclusion in the Programme based on technical information in condition surveys commissioned by CMFM through external consultants.


DECISION:  The Cabinet agreed to


1.    Grant the approval to spend the 2022/23 and 2023/24 Capital Budget of £21.098m and £6.520m as set out in section 37 of the report.

2.    Agree the proposed programme of works including professional and technical expenses detailed in the restricted Appendix A of the report and allowance for emergency schemes proceeding up to the total two-year indicative Programme total value of £42 Million (which includes previously approved schools programme KD5210, Cabinet 3rd March 2021) and become part of the Council’s future capital programme.

3.    As previously agreed by Cabinet approval (Condition and Fire Safety Programme 2021/22 to 2023/24) to continue to delegate authority to the Executive Director of People to:

(i) approve tenders for individual projects or schemes of aggregated value up to a maximum of £500,000 including professional and technical expenses;

(ii) manage the Programme’s individual project budgets so the overall budget remains within approved resources. This is to take account of variations between estimates and tender return costs and the potential need to substitute schemes having a greater technical priority if the need arises; and

(iii) allocate any contingency provision (up to a maximum of £350,000 including professional and technical expenses) to emergency projects and/or to schemes identified as priority but not yet programmed.

4.    Note the procurement and award of the works contracts including entering into the contracts for each will conform to the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules and standing orders.

5.    Note the contract award for professional services and works above £500,000 will also conform to the Council’s standing orders with approval sought at the appropriate authority level, following the key decision process as required.




1.    Under the Scheme for Financing Schools, the Council retains responsibility for major items of repair in schools. A programme of projects has been collated to rectify and repair items of a high technical or strategic priority for consideration in 2022/23 to 2023/24.

2.    The Council as Corporate Landlord has responsibility for major works at schools and seeks to employ the latest technology and energy saving improvements to contribute towards the Climate Change Agenda where it is practical and feasible to do so.


(Key decision – reference number 5383)

Supporting documents: