Agenda item

PETITION ON Stop roadblocks for pedestrians and cyclists

To receive the petition from the Lead Petitioner, and in accordance with the Councils Petition scheme, allow consideration of the views expressed in the petition.


RECEIVED a petition from members of the community which asked the Council to stop roadblocks for pedestrians and cyclists – reduce emissions from the increased traffic these blocks cause.  Stop discriminating against disabled car users who cannot walk nor cycle.


NOTED the report of the Director of Law and Governance, confirming that the petition was compliant and had sufficient numbers of signatures to trigger a debate at Overview and Scrutiny Committee, having 3,159 verified signatures.


NOTED the statement of Mr Tony Messina (on behalf the Lead Petitioner, Mr Apple) that:

1.    The proposal did not take into consideration the protected characteristics identified under the Equalities Act. 

2.    The scheme would affect the daily lives of blue badge holders and other disabled road users with restricted mobility.

3.    There had been insufficient scrutiny of the data informing the decision to implement Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs).

4.    Traffic orders had been implemented without proper consultation or communication with local residents.


Cllr Barnes, Deputy Leader of the Council thanked Mr Messina for attending the Committee to present the petition on behalf of Mr Apple and responded as follows:


1.    The purpose of the initiative was to reduce the injuries caused to disabled pedestrians who were five times more likely to be injured by vehicles and to provide safe corridors for the expected increase in the number of pedestrians and cyclists who would use the scheme.

2.    It was recognised that a number of residents were very upset and disappointed regarding the inclusion of St Pauls school into the school street scheme.  However, this scheme was to keep children and pedestrians near to school safe. 

3.    Extensive consultation with the population of the areas affected had been undertaken and the needs of blue badge holders had been taken into consideration before the decision to implement the proposal had been taken.


Cllr Caliskan thanked the petitioners for their time in presenting the petition to the Council and stated that petitions were an important part of the Scrutiny and democratic process.


1.    The impact of the proposed scheme on the nine protected characteristics under the 2010 Equalities Act had been assessed by senior officers in the Legal Services of the Council. 

2.    The proposals were within the law, although an individual may not necessarily agree. 

3.    The Council had responded to resident’s anxieties and concerns by extending the criteria on which Blue Badges were awarded. 

4.    Support was being provided by the Council to applicants of the Blue Badge scheme, for which any resident was welcome to apply.


Questions, comments, and debate from Committee Members:


1.    There were hidden disabilities, including mental held issues which could be exacerbated under the proposed scheme.

2.    Would the proposal stop the free movement of traffic and would there be an increase in emissions from the stop/ start of vehicle engines?

3.    How clear was the letter to residents in the roads affected by school streets?

4.    Had there been engagement with the disability reference groups?


The Chair thanked Mr Messina for his time and contribution in presenting the petition, together with the questions regarding the implications for residents which the Committee unanimously AGREED to consider during the discussions of the Call-In items.

Supporting documents: