Agenda item

22-00733-FUL - Plaza And Fountain Island The Town London EN1


1. That the Head of Development Management be authorised to GRANT planning permission subject to conditions.

2. That the Head of Development Management be granted delegated authority to agree the final wording of the conditions to cover the matters in the Recommendation section of this report.

Ward: Town


Note: Following the proposal from the Chair, the Committee agreed that items 8 - 22/00733/FUL - Plaza and Fountain Island the Town London EN1and 9 - 22/00836/ADV - Plaza and Fountain Island The Town London EN1 would be considered together and voted on separately.


1.  The introduction by David Gittens, Planning Decisions Manager, clarifying the proposals.

2.  Member’s debate, comments and questions responded to by officers as follows:

·         Would the area for the tables and chairs provide continued easy unhindered access to pedestrians, including those with limited mobility together with mobility scooters and prams?

·         Whether security would be provided by the premises

·         The continues use of the loading bay by the food kiosk trailer and whether this would impact on the traffic flow and interrupt deliveries to the commercial premises.

·         Whether public facilities, such as toilets, would be provided and adequate.

·         The proposal conflicted with the Conservation Area in which it was to be located.


The Town Centre Development Manager, Place Department advised the Committee that:


  • The area for the proposed additional seating was considered to be adequate and would be kept under review.  The business operators would be responsible for managing their own space and security would be managed by the operators in accordance with their commercial contracts.
  • All the outdoor dining/seating furniture would be removed from pavements and stored indoors within business premises outside opening hours.
  • Large planters had been placed in the area as anti-terrorist measures.
  • The Council currently allowed the food kiosk to use the loading bay, which was sufficiently large to allow for another vehicle to load there.  A load function was also available on that stretch of road.
  • Public facilities, such as toilets, would be provided by individual operators.   Bonito Café, which had customer toilets would be open during the hours of operation of the kiosk.
  • Concerns were raised regarding the hours of operation, which had not been agreed.
  • The application, in the context of the Enfield Town Centre was acceptable, and an appreciation that new initiatives had to be tried to enhance the area.
  • The proposed signage was out of keeping in the Conservation Area and it was unnecessary for the sign to be illuminated if the kiosk was to operate during daylight hours.
  • Further concerns were expressed regarding the operation and impact of the proposal on and in the Conservation Area.  The temporary period of three years was considered too long for this proposal in the Conservation Area.  One year was more reasonable.


The Heritage Officer, responding to concerns raised by Members, explained that:

  • The proposal would provide a positive contribution to Enfield, a market town, with a commercial centre.  It would encourage people to visit and extend their stay in the town centre which, in turn, would improve its sustainability and economic vitality.  This was essential to the current economic climate and was linked to the plans for the future of Enfield in the long term.
  • Careful consideration had been given to the possible impact on the Conservation Area.  The view taken was that there was no harm to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area and, following consultation with the agent, the location of the noticeboard/display unit in this instance was acceptable and would not impact on the heritage setting. 
  • The application did not propose to display signage on the buildings. 


The Chair proposed and was seconded by Councillor Michael Rye that the planning application with temporary use for one-year with an additional condition for a management plan. 


On being put to the vote there were ten votes for with one abstention.


AGREED that:


  1. The Head of Development Management be authorised to GRANT planning permission subject to conditions contained in the report of offices and subject to additional conditions limiting permission to one year and requiring submission of a management plan for the area.
  2. The Head of Development Management be granted delegated authority to agree the final wording of the conditions to cover the matters in the recommendation section of the report of officers.


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