Examination of crime statistics received:
· Current and planned police operations
· Confidence and satisfaction
· Target establishment on CAPE’s (including staff changes, vacant posts, anticipated timelines for replacement, etc)
· Ward-based stats
· Abstrations from Wards
Chief Inspector Karl Curran went through the report in the agenda pack. The following was highlighted:
· The information provided a flavour of the role profiles of the teams, some of the work the teams had been delivering and the key objectives for the coming year.
· Updates and information were provided on the following:
o Community Tensions
o BCU Performance Overview
o Key Tasking’s
o Portfolio Overview
o Planned Operations
o CAPE Meetings
o Good News Stories
· Full details for each of the above can be found in the agenda pack report.
· An update was provided on the Portfolio Overview which included information on the following:
o Safer Neighbourhoods
o Safer Estates
o Edmonton Green Town Centre Team
o Operation Boxster
o Project Taipan
o Partnership & Prevention Hub
· Safer Neighbourhoods in Enfield is broken down into 25 wards, consisting of one Inspector, seven Sergeants, 52 PC’s and 21 PCSO’s. The officers work shifts between the hours of 0700-2300 7 days a week.
· Officers attend three monthly ward panel meetings to discuss current crime trends and listen to concerns of the local community and agree policing priorities for the coming months.
· There are daily high visibility patrols in hotspot areas to tackle issues such as burglary, robbery and violence against women and girls as well as conducting reassurance patrols after events that are likely to have an impact on the local communities.
· Another large part of Neighbourhood policing is dealing with long term issues within communities with a view to ‘designing out crime’ to stop it happening in the first place.
· Information and discussions took place on the role profiles of the Safer Neighbourhood, Safer Estates and Safer Schools Teams, their key achievements in April, May and June 2022 and their Key Objectives for 2022.
· Further information was also provided on the Edmonton Green Town Centre Team which had been established in February 2022 and was already proving to show some fantastic results.
· The primary focus of the Town Centre Team (TCT) is violence reduction with an emphasis on serious youth violence and violence against women and girls, while rebuilding trust and confidence. This will be achieved through high visibility policing in intelligence led hot spots and by working in partnership with local stakeholders including business owners and youth groups to understand root causes and work together to provide long term solutions to ongoing problems.
· Key Achievements for the past month of the Edmonton Green Town Centre Team were discussed and full details of these were included in the report.
· An update was provided on Operation Boxster which included the Key Objectives for 2022 as well as the Key Achievements.
· The aims of the unit are to target males who exploit sex workers, safeguard vulnerable women and assist in diverting women from sex work
· A total of 96 males have been arrested for soliciting women for the purpose of prostitution. This has led to the imposing of over £15,000 worth of fines which are paid directly to outreach services to assist them in funding the diversion of women from sex work.
· Operation Boxster has recently been approached by Bedfordshire Police Service to assist them in duplication the work which the unit has been completing in North Area.
· Project Taipan is a dedicated Neighbourhood proactive tasking team who devise and utilise tactics to engage with the public whilst supporting the community and target crime and offenders. It works with partner agencies to deliver quality outcomes and are at the forefront of proactive policing. The team is made up of one Sergeant and seven Constables.
· Information was provided on the Partnership & Prevention Hub, its role profile, key areas of responsibility and Key Objectives for 2022.
· Discussions took place regarding planned operations which included Safeguarding Operations, Robbery/Violence Operations and Cross Cutting Operations. Various good news stories were also shared with the Board.
· Additional information was tabled detailing the total numbers of offences in the borough over the last six months (6 months to the end of June). This provided a flavour of how Enfield compares to the rest of London.
· Discussions took place around this data and explanations were provided to the questions raised regarding the various figures.
· Chief Inspector Curran along with Superintendent Rhona Hunt provided information on recent staffing changes over the last 6 months which had resulted in a fair amount of movement/promotions etc. However, it was hoped that the next two years would see a lot more consistency and positivity, especially with regards to Neighbourhood Policing as there was a huge recruitment drive around this area and there had been a lot of interest from officers wanting to fill these positions and work within the communities. It was envisaged that in the not too distance future there would be a lot more police officers coming back onto the streets.
· IT was agreed that the CAPE Meetings were massively important. One or two wards did not currently have a Chair, but action was being taken to fill these vacancies as soon as possible.
· In conclusion Superintendent Rhona Hunt welcomed feedback from Board members on the Examination of Crime Statistics information that had been provided, as moving forward she wanted to ensure that all data and information provided is relevant, useful and streamlined where possible. Members were encouraged to contact Superintendent Hunt with any suggestions.
The Chair thanked the Chief Inspector Curran and Superintendent Hunt for their interesting and informative update.