Since we last met, I have continued attending events in our community and I am pleased that the Mayoral duties are picking up speed again this year.
Black History Month in October has been busier than ever this year and I have attended many events in the borough and have been overwhelmed with the celebrations taking place. I attended “Celebrating the Windrush generation” event at Fore Street Library and the Black History Month event with Enfield Unison Black Members Group, in recognition of contributions made to British society and culture throughout history.” October serves as an opportunity for society at large to recognise these contributions, practice tolerance and learn about racism and inequality, allowing us to celebrate and acknowledge and give thanks to all backgrounds and cultures that live together in our diverse Borough, making Enfield such a wonderful place to live.
I try to go to all school invitations as the children are always so excited to see the Mayor. I was at the Mind Kind event at Edmonton County Primary School, and I was honoured to be at the Enfield High Achievers Evening at St Ignatius College, for those who achieved the highest grades in their GCSE’s, it is great to see the children of the borough thriving in their education.
The Citizenship Ceremonies are taking place most Thursdays now, with citizens arriving in their finery – it is lovely to see so many people settling into our diverse Borough. So far this year we have welcomed 1476 people as new citizens of this wonderful borough.
I attended the Remembrance Day Services both in Enfield, Edmonton and at City Hall which recognised the tremendous personal sacrifice made by so many people in the two world wars and other conflicts.
Members, may I thank you for your professional conduct at our last Council meeting where you adhered to my requests to conduct the meeting in an orderly fashion. Can I remind you that any members wishing to speak should stand when speaking unless they are not able to do so, and that you should address the meeting through me. Please continue to treat each other courteously and with respect during the debate. As I have said before, we may challenge robustly but we must remain polite and professional.
I intend to continue to preside over this meeting in a firm but fair manner. I will give opportunities to members on both sides of the Chamber to speak and I will not tolerate rude and discourteous interruption. I would remind members that when I stand then you will sit. Please wait for me to invite you to speak.
If you would like to ask for an extension of time, or if you wish to move any other type of procedural motion, please do so at the end of a speech and not in the middle of it.
Finally, please may I ask all members to speak up as there are no mics available. We are all used to speaking at public meetings so I would like to hear you loud and clear.
Thank you.