Agenda item


10.1    Motion in the name of Councillor George Savva

Enfield Council congratulates the England Lionesses in their amazing achievements, winning in the 2022 Euro final, beating Germany 2-1, and bringing football home.


10.2    Motion in the name of Councillor Hannah Dyson

Enfield Council agrees to rethink its deal with Tottenham Hotspur Football Club and commit to serious investment in Whitewebbs Park, securing it for future of generations as a park for the community, a centre of ecology, biodiversity, and a thriving community hub.


10.3    Motion in the name of Councillor Adrian Grumi

Following the speeches by the Mayor and Deputy Leader regarding their support for serving personnel, veterans, and cadets in the borough at this years Armed Forces Day Event, Enfield as a borough join many other councils and organisations across the UK in renewing our Armed Forces Covenant that was first signed in 2012.


10.4    Motion in the name of Councillor Chris Joannides

This Council will sign up to the Miscarriage Association's Pregnancy Loss Pledge to tackle the stigma associated with miscarriage and supports the campaign which wants to introduce paid leave for families who experience a miscarriage.


Miscarriage is the most common kind of pregnancy loss, affecting around one in four pregnancies in the UK.


The Council recognises the emotional trauma and loss suffered by parents as a result of stillbirths and miscarriages. As such, Enfield Council aims to improve support for parents by encouraging work environments where employers show empathy and understanding so employees who have been impacted do not have to use sick or annual holiday leave.


10.5    Motion in the name of Councillor Christopher Dey

The following roads in Grange Park ward urgently need some traffic calming measures to slow the speed of the traffic. Residents do not want a ghastly ‘Low Traffic Neighbourhood’ they do want to be consulted on what can be done to slow the speed of the traffic. The affected roads concerned are Old Park Ridings, The Grangeway, Vera Avenue, Green Dragon Lane, Green Moore Link, Bush Hill. The Council agrees to allocate more funding to road safety projects.


10.6    Motion in the name of Councillor Maria Alexandrou

The celebration of International Day of Women and Girls in Science commemorates the invaluable role of women in this field.


Over the years, incredible women like Margaret Hamilton and Katherine Johnson pushed the boundaries in space travel and were pioneers in mankind’s quest to reach to moon.


The 11th February is the date this International Day is celebrated.


This year’s theme is Equality and Diversity.


Let us unite and acknowledge the accomplishments of women that continue to explore the depths of science and applaud the women that innovate and are an inspiration to others.


10.7    Motion in the name of Councillor Maria Alexandrou

We condemn the shocking brutality that led to the death of 22 year old Mahsa Amini on the 16th September, sparking world-wide protests.


We stand together in support of Amini’s family and the brave people of Iran demanding Freedom.


10.8    Motion in the name of Councillor Chris Joannides

Enfield Council notes that World AIDS Day on the 1st December is an opportunity to show support and solidarity for people living with HIV. Furthermore, we remember those who have lost their lives because of Aids, and we honour memories by breaking down the stigma attached to people who have HIV.


This Council fully supports World Aids Day and supports the objectives of the national HIV Action Plan, which are:


1.         ensuring effective co-ordination of prevention, treatment, and care

2.         reducing levels of undiagnosed HIV and transmission in the UK

3.         effective monitoring of HIV resources and improved accountability and commits to flying the "red ribbon" flag on 1st December, and future World AIDS Day and, during the week after World AIDS day, to promote the sale of Red Ribbons at public points controlled by Enfield Council.


The Council further notes that:


1.         HIV is no longer a death sentence and HIV treatment and medication as prescribed helps people with HIV to live a natural life span.

2.         HIV treatment is available to everyone living in the UK regardless of social-economic status

3.         People living with HIV have their rights protected under the Equal Opportunities Act 2010 and should not be discriminated against.

4.         Recognises a number of voluntary organisations including the National AIDS Trust, Body and Soul charity and Terence Higgins and are commended for their work in helping people living with HIV and their families.


10.9    Motion in the name of Councillor Andrew Thorp

Across Enfield amazing volunteers are running Uniformed Youth Groups teaching young people skills for life and providing them with an opportunity to have adventures. Last month Squirrel Scouts celebrated its first birthday. This is Scouts for 4-5-year-olds, and it is particularly targeting wards disproportionately affected by the pandemic to help ensure all children have access to the same opportunities. Non-formal education transforms young people’s lives and directly supports their achievements at school. This Council thanks our Borough’s volunteers and commits to supporting uniformed youth organisations across the Borough so that they can reach the young people that need it most.


10.10  Motion in the name of Councillor Edward Smith

The Council has recently submitted an expression of interest for an Investment Zone covering Meridian Water, the Joyce and Snell’s estates and neighbouring areas in the Lee Valley.


The Council welcomes the introduction of Investment Zones that will provide tax incentives, planning liberalisation and wider support for the local economy.


The Mayor of London, local conservatives and thousands of residents remain firmly opposed to housing development in the Green Belt and we urge the Council to drop these proposals from the draft Local Plan.


The Conservative Group will work with the Administration to find alternatives to housing development in the Green Belt and offer support to the Council’s submission for an Investment Zone in the areas referred to above.


10.11  Motion in the name of Councillor Lee Chamberlain

In the light of the Grenfell fire tragedy Enfield Council undertakes to rethink its proposals to build a high-rise tower with only a single staircase for escape at Meridian Water. It furthermore undertakes to adopt a policy of requiring at least two separate evacuation routes with separate exit options in all new high-rise blocks.


A single staircase is dependent on secondary systems such as sprinklers working; and the staircase and its exit being usable to provide a safe escape route. Historically sprinklers have not been favoured by public authorities as they can be set off for a variety of reasons and can take some time to restore to readiness for future use. A policy of having residents wait in their flats, rather than evacuate the building, was a contributory factor to the high loss of life at Grenfell. Any scenario where evacuation was prevented would force that approach on residents in a building too high to be evacuated from by other means, such as ladders.


The use of a shared exit point for two staircases in a block was given as reason for refusal of a tower block planning application by LBE, it seems reasonable that this logic should also be applied to the Meridian Water development. While the Meridian Water proposal may conform with current legislation, that legislation is expected to be revised and multiple escape routes are likely to form part of the new requirements. The Government has already issued a public letter to building authorities regarding such matters, following concerns being raised over single staircase tower blocks.


As a public body we have a duty to ensure resident safety and should be seeking to set standards in line with common sense, and at least equal to those we set for other developments.


I therefore ask that Councillors support this motion.


10.12  Motion in the name of Councillor Paul Pratt

In the course of carrying out case work in Arnos Grove I have come across what can only be described as waste and bureaucracy gone mad.  Specifically, if a vehicle is obstructing scheduled highways works, said vehicle will be moved at zero cost by a pooled ‘lift-and-shift’ vehicle.  If a vehicle is obstructing other scheduled works such as arboricultural works (tree pollarding) they do not have access to the same method of moving a vehicle.


A complex and costly internal procurement process must be initiated. This must be paid by one section of a council department, to another section of the same department before works can start, and as a result of this it isn’t unusual for trees to remain unpollarded for years after being scheduled for pollarding.


This Council agrees that the Highways and Arboricultural teams should have equal access, at zero cost to the pooled Enfield Council ‘lift-and shift’ vehicle when carrying out scheduled works.


10.13  Motion in the name of Councillor Nesil Caliskan

Enfield Council is committed to supporting Ukrainian nationals placed in our borough and we pay tribute to the generosity of the people of Enfield who have offered to share their homes as part of the Homes for Ukraine scheme. To date 119 Ukrainian refugees, including 28 children, have been placed in Enfield.


Enfield Council will continue to offer our full support to Ukraine refugees, and we call on the government to prioritise the safeguarding of refugees and to provide further links to wider support networks nationally.


10.14  Motion in the name of Councillor Ergin Erbil

Enfield Council has already established a clear record of commitment to Climate Action. The planting of 100,000 trees over the last two years as part of the Enfield Chase Woodland Restoration Project, the largest woodland creation project in London, was recently given the Trees & Water Award by the Forestry Commission.


Enfield Council has also recently introduced beavers as part of our rewilding agenda. We were saddened to learn that one of the beavers died from natural causes. The council are actively planning to introduce a new beaver at the appropriate season.


We note our thanks to local and national partners, such as the Beaver Trust, Capel Manor College and Forty Hall Farm for their efforts in making the project happen.


Enfield Council resolves to work to deliver similar projects to further enhance our environment to support the green agenda and animal welfare, such as the reintroduction of cattle.


10.15  Motion in the name of Councillor Ergin Erbil

Enfield Council was proud to observe and celebrate Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller History Month during June. Through celebration, education and awareness raising, the month helps to tackle prejudice, challenge myths and amplify the voices of Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller people in wider society.


By law, Enfield Council must meet the housing requirements of gypsies, travellers and travelling showpeople. Their housing needs have not been addressed in Enfield and the borough does not currently have any allocated sites for gypsies and travellers. Enfield Council has a legal duty to provide more gypsy and traveller sites and an assessment in 2020 of existing accommodation in the borough found that we need 23 permanent pitches and 6 transit pitches during the life of the Local Plan. This is an identified need that this Council must meet. It is not only an obligation but also a step towards addressing the discrimination faced by the Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities of Enfield.


Enfield Council stands in solidarity with Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities and will work to ensure we meet identified housing need for these communities, ensuring they can access public services, and to tackle the hate crime and discrimination they experience.


This Council resolves that sites to accommodate gypsies and travellers from across the borough should be considered and incorporated in the Local Plan.


10.16  Motion in the name of Councillor Alev Cazimoglu

The Adult Social Care Reforms announced by the government have been a long time coming. Given the delay in getting the legislation through Parliament, a significant amount of work remains to be done in a relatively short period of time. Despite the proposed introduction of the Care Cap for some older people, in some parts of the country, it will do nothing for those of working age who have disabilities or other care needs, or for unpaid carers. There is no significant new funding to end delays and stabilise the system, no clear and costed transformational plan for social care and no workforce strategy or improved pay and conditions for 1.5 million care workers.

This Council calls on the government to rethink these reforms to include a comprehensive plan to address all the issues facing the sector.


10.17  Motion in the name of Councillor Doug Taylor

Council reaffirms its support for Crossrail 2 as a project which can generate growth for the borough and improve connectivity both into central London but also Northwards. It is for Government and Mayor of London to create the opportunities for the project, but Enfield will give its support.


10.3 Motion in the name of Councillor Adrian Grumi:

“Following the speeches by the Mayor and Deputy Leader regarding their support for serving personnel, veterans, and cadets in the borough at this years Armed Forces Day Event, Enfield as a borough join many other councils and organisations across the UK in renewing our Armed Forces Covenant that was first signed in 2012.”


Following the debate, the Motion was AGREED.


10.14 Motion in the name of Councillor Ergin Erbil:

“Enfield Council has already established a clear record of commitment to Climate Action. The planting of 100,000 trees over the last two years as part of the Enfield Chase Woodland Restoration Project, the largest woodland creation project in London, was recently given the Trees & Water Award by the Forestry Commission.


Enfield Council has also recently introduced beavers as part of our rewilding agenda. We were saddened to learn that one of the beavers died from natural causes. The council are actively planning to introduce a new beaver at the appropriate season.


We note our thanks to local and national partners, such as the Beaver Trust, Capel Manor College and Forty Hall Farm for their efforts in making the project happen.


Enfield Council resolves to work to deliver similar projects to further enhance our environment to support the green agenda and animal welfare, such as the reintroduction of cattle.”


During the debate, a procedural motion was moved and seconded under paragraph 13.20 (viii) of the Council’s Procedure Rules to extend the debate for a further 30 minutes which was put to the vote and AGREED.


Following the extended debate, a procedural motion was moved and seconded under paragraph 13.20 (v) of the Council’s Procedure Rules that the question be now put which was put to the vote and AGREED.


A recorded vote on this item was requested by Councillor Chris Dey and another 11 members of the Council, having stood in support of the request by Councillor Chris Dey, Motion 10.14 was put to the vote and was AGREED with the following votes recorded:


For (54)

Abdul Abdullahi

Josh Abey

Nicki Adeleke

Gunes Akbulut

Nawshad Ali

Kate Anolue

Chinelo Anyanwu

Mahym Bedekova

Sinan Boztas

Mustafa Cetinkaya

Hivran Dalkaya

Guney Dogan

Elif Erbil

Ergin Erbil

Susan Erbil

Thomas Fawns

Margaret Greer

Ayten Guzel

Nelly Gyosheva

Ahmet Hasan

Suna Hurman

Mohammad Islam

Chris James

Rick Jewell

Tim Leaver

Gina Needs

Sabri Ozaydin

Bektas Ozer

George Savva MBE

Nia Stevens

Doug Taylor

Eylem Yuruk

Maria Alexandrou

Lee Chamberlain

Chris Dey

Hannah Dyson

Peter Fallart

Reece Fox

Alessandro Georgiou

Patricia Gregory

Adrian Grumi

Chris Joannides

Joanne Laban

Andy Milne

Elisa Morreale

Tom O’Halloran

Paul Pratt

Michael Rye OBE

Julian Sampson

Ruby Sampson

David Skelton

Jim Steven

Emma Supple

Andrew Thorp



The extended period for debate of Motions having then lapsed, a procedural motion was moved by Councillor Sabri Ozaydin and seconded by Councillor Ergin Erbil under paragraph 13.20 (viii) of the Council’s Procedure Rules to extend the debate for a further 30 minutes which was put to the vote and AGREED.


10.15 Motion in the name of Councillor Ergin Erbil:

“Enfield Council was proud to observe and celebrate Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller History Month during June. Through celebration, education and awareness raising, the month helps to tackle prejudice, challenge myths, and amplify the voices of Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller people in wider society.


By law, Enfield Council must meet the housing requirements of gypsies, travellers and travelling showpeople. Their housing needs have not been addressed in Enfield and the borough does not currently have any allocated sites for gypsies and travellers. Enfield Council has a legal duty to provide more gypsy and traveller sites and an assessment in 2020 of existing accommodation in the borough found that we need 23 permanent pitches and 6 transit pitches during the life of the Local Plan. This is an identified need that this Council must meet. It is not only an obligation but also a step towards addressing the discrimination faced by the Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities of Enfield.


Enfield Council stands in solidarity with Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities and will work to ensure we meet identified housing need for these communities, ensuring they can access public services, and to tackle the hate crime and discrimination they experience.


This Council resolves that sites to accommodate gypsies and travellers from across the borough should be considered and incorporated in the Local Plan.”


During the debate, an accusation of racism was made by the Deputy Leader of the Council directed towards the Conservative councillors which was refuted by those councillors. On the advice of the Monitoring Officer, the Mayor requested that the remark be withdrawn, and an apology issued. This request was declined. The Mayor made the same request twice more and twice more it was declined. At this point all Conservative councillors rose and left the Chamber.


Following the debate, a request was made under paragraph 16.6 of the Council’s Procedure Rules after the demand of 11 councillors present, the item was put to the vote and AGREED with the following votes recorded:


For (32)


Abdul Abdullahi

Josh Abey

Nicki Adeleke

Gunes Akbulut

Nawshad Ali

Kate Anolue

Chinelo Anyanwu

Mahym Bedekova

Sinan Boztas

Mustafa Cetinkaya

Hivran Dalkaya

Guney Dogan

Elif Erbil

Ergin Erbil

Susan Erbil

Thomas Fawns

Margaret Greer

Ayten Guzel

Nelly Gyosheva

Ahmet Hasan

Suna Hurman

Mohammad Islam

Chris James

Rick Jewell

Tim Leaver

Gina Needs

Sabri Ozaydin

Bektas Ozer

George Savva MBE

Nia Stevens

Doug Taylor

Eylem Yuruk


The remainder of Motions lapsed under the guillotine arrangements.