Agenda item


To receive an update on progress in respect of the Local Plan.


RECEIVED a progress update on the Enfield Local Plan 2019-2039.




1.    Key points were highlighted by Brett Leahy, Director of Planning & Growth.

2.    The Local Plan will have a new spatial vision, spatial strategy, 10 x place-based policies, 36 x strategic policies, 57 x non-strategic policies and 62 x draft site allocations.

3.    Further information was provided on the Local Plan 2020-2021, where it currently stands (2021-22) and the next steps.

4.    The Local Plan is very much a technical study that will help to inform strategic policies as well as the infrastructure delivery plan.

5.    Following consultation there had been 7,267 Regulation 18 responses. Information was not available on where all the responses had come from, however postcodes were known for about three quarters of responses and a breakdown of these were included in the presentation.

6.    Details of the high-level summary-borough wide were discussed which included the need for additional housing, support for proposed affordable housing targets, opposition and support for Green Belt release, opposition to tall buildings (particularly in Enfield Town) as well as support and opposition to Crews Hill and Chase Park polices. Full details of the summary could be found in the presentation attached to the agenda for this meeting.

7.    Following consultation work has been ongoing to analyse, digest and correlate over 7,000 responses and these responses will shape the Local Plan.

8.    Work continues on the preparation of the draft Enfield Local Plan, with further workstreams being undertaken on a number of key evidence-based documents including an update to the Housing and Economy Land Availability Assessment (following the most recent Call for Sites in July 2022), Employment Land Review, the Transport Assessment and continued cross boundary working.

9.    An updated Local Development Scheme will be published in early 2023 providing updated timescales for the publication of the proposed submission plan (Regulation 19), and submission timetable.

10. Details were included on the next steps which included further engagement with stakeholders, refinement and testing of Plan, April-September 2023, seeking approval to consult on Regulation 19, October-December 2023, and consultation on Regulation 19 in early 2024.

11. Brett concluded by encouraging everyone to engage in the consultation progress as it was very much a listening exercise, and it was important to hear from local experts to shape and refine policies to progress to Regulation 19.

12. Questions and comments were invited.




Q. At a previous meeting of full council it was agreed that they would be full consultation, debate and a vote. Is that on Regulation 18 and the statement?

A. Consultation on Regulation 18 had been completed with just over 7,000 responses received. The next key stage in terms of consultation will be Regulation 19. Whatever is finalised from the Reg-19 consultation will then be presented to full council to vote on the next stage. If approved, it will then be forwarded to the Government Inspectorate. It was hoped that a roadmap of timelines would be available to share in March 2023.

Q. Has a cross-party committee now been organised?

A. This is in the progress of being organised. A date has not yet been finalised, but it is endeavoured that the first meeting will take place before Christmas.

Q. When and where will you produce a summary of the Reg-18 consultation?

A. This will be available by March 2023 on the Enfield Council website.

Q. How are you engaging/consulting with the harder to reach groups in the parts of the borough which have the highest need?

A. This is a universal challenge for all consultations as often the harder to reach groups do not have the means to respond. However, any approach put forward will be supported by the technical need.

Q. Cllr Rawlings commented on page 11 of the presentation – Placemaking areas in Enfield – and requested that the reference to ‘rural Enfield’ be changed to ‘Green Belt’. Action: Brett Leahy

A. What is the ‘drop dead’ date for finalising this Local Plan and submitting it to the London Mayor’s Office or will it roll on for ever?

Q. No, we do not foresee it rolling on for ever as successive governments have always supported strategic local planning. It is hard to predict a definitive final date, but it is hoped that a new Local Plan could be in place by 2025, however, they do take time to finalise and implement.

Q. With regards to the Reg-18 consultation responses, can a breakdown of the ‘for and against’ data be provided?

A. Yes, this data can be circulated. Action: Brett Leahy

Q. Is there a mechanism to feedback now or do we have to wait for the next consultation period?

A. Wait until Regulation-19 as this will ensure that you are responding to the updated addition.

Q. There needs to be some forward thinking with regards to the next stage of the consultation as it is very disappointing to see the low response to the
Reg-18 consultation from the Eastern side of the borough. Consideration should be given to holding community events and roadshows to encourage more engagement and response as this is something that will fundamentally affect everyone in the borough. There needs to be a collective/cohesive response to inform the Local Plan going forward.

A. Brett agreed to feed this back to his team and acknowledged that there were lessons to be learnt when it came to engaging with the hard-to-reach groups/communities in the borough. Action: Brett Leahy


The Chair thanked Brett for his informative update.

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