Agenda item

Council Plan 2023-26

The report presents the draft new Council Plan 2023-26 for discussion and feedback: Investing in Enfield for discussion prior to approval of the final Plan by Council which is scheduled for February 2023.


The Leader of the Council introduced the report which presented the draft Council Plan 2023-26: Investing in Enfield, together with a PowerPoint Presentation, which set out the Council Plan Framework, investing in Enfield, together with the priorities, principles and future outcomes to the Committee for discussion prior to approval of the final Plan by Council scheduled for February 2023.


The Head of Corporate Strategyexplained that the new draft Council Plan 2023-26: Investing in Enfield set out the Council’s strategic direction and priorities for the next three years.  The plan set out five overarching priorities; five principles; and six future outcomes that the Council would be working towards.  The Plan would be used to inform and guide staff across the organisation on the Council vision and priorities and would be available online for all the Council’s stakeholders and partners to learn more about the Council and its goals.          


The Chief Executive advised Members that the Council Plan would provide staff with an understanding of their role within the organisation and the reasons for undertaking their duties and responsibilities.  The Corporate Plan would be informed by the Annual Service Plans, which would be circulated to the Committee.  New corporate performance scorecards for 2023/24 onwards in line with the priorities set out in the Plan were to be created, which would track the Council’s performance and progress in delivering the five new priorities

ACTION: Governance


Responding to questions from the Committee, the Leader explained to enable an economy that worked for everyone, a swift economic response to the current economic climate which had been built into the Council Plan.  There had been two fundamental steps to ensure this; the Council had made it a fundamental priority to reflect on the previous four years, reviewing the organisation, its capacity and reviewing its position four years ago.  Regeneration programme, across the Borough, including homes, was very focused and the Administration were confident that it would deliver the five priorities.  The Administration recognised that ‘an economy that works for everyone’ had a direct impact on the life chances and ability to get on in life of all the residents in the Borough.  The Council could not do this alone and was exploring opportunities Pan-London and with local and regional partner organisations.  Examples of the Greater London Authority and the private sector housing providers.


The Chief Executive acknowledged that the local Planning Service was very important to the whole community.  Effective planning data was crucial to the economy and the Business Rates collected by the Council to generate income.  The economic development of the five distinct town centres in the Borough was very important, with a focus on the strengths, together with funding to improve economical transport.


The Leader and Chief Executive, responding to questions about the Lido listed in the manifesto pledges, advised that options had been identified with regards to the location, development of a business case and costs.  The costs had been included in the Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP).  In addition to this, a potential developer had been identified who wished to build in the Borough, however there was little more which could be shared at this stage due to the commercially sensitive information.


With regards to levelling-up, the Leader confirmed that the Council would bid on all available funding, which it was recognised that Enfield needed.


The Chief Executive advised that the North London Waste Authority, following a peer review, wanted to engage with the Council regarding Enfield’s recycling rates.  It was reported that Enfield’s contamination rate was better than the industry average.  The Council wanted to explore, in line with the Mayor of London, recycling rates for flats and housing estates.


With regard to the leisure provision in the Borough, the Chief Executive advised that the whole sector was finding it very challenging across the country.  It was a very difficult situation all round.  However, the Council would be looking at the wider context, not just provision at leisure centres but the use of other facilities around the Borough, including the use of indoor and outdoor facilities.  This would be to provide wider access to sports facilities a range of activities.


Members expressed the view that the leisure offer to the residents was unsatisfactory and that many residents could not afford the subscription to private leisure providers and that a joined-up strategy across the Borough was essential for residents’ health and wellbeing.  This was linked to the active travel programme, where encouragement should be given to the use of bicycles on footpaths, or shared footpaths and in the parks.  Walking and cycling were preventative measures to obesity and ill health and improved the health and wellbeing of residents.  Access to leisure facilities was crucial to this.


The Leader confirmed that there would be a joint strategy for leisure, including safer travel, the role of private providers and schools and parks.  The Chief Executive concurred and added it would be necessary to carry out a review to ascertain how residents would travel to and between parks and open spaces, together with, and investigation of, the quality and potential income of / from the provision of outdoor sports facilities.  Good quality outdoor provision would offer outdoor sports opportunities.  Another area to be reviewed under the leisure strategy were the disability offer, which were there but not well developed.


The Chair commented that the role and place of leisure in the Borough needed further consideration not just active travel.


Referring to the possible use of the Vickers Lane Tennis courts by a Club, the Leader and the Chief Executive asked Councillor Alexandrou to contact them outside of the meeting to discuss.


The Leader and Chief Executive reassured Members that there was a plan to invest and improve the front of house facilities and provision, with regard to digital services and the website offer for those customers who found access difficult.  It was recognised that there were a number of groups in the community who did not engage in this area and Digital Services at the Council were reviewing the website and its use and accessibility.  Scrutiny Members would be asked to be involved in a working group to share their experiences.                                                                                   ACTION: Digital Services


The Leader and Chief Executive both confirmed that it was essential that the Council involved young people in all decisions taken, and in particular in regard to those which have a direct impact all the young people in the Borough and on an individual basis.  The Council must engage with the young people who were a focus for future investment.  The Council was working to identify how the voices of the young people were heard and listened to.


A Member requested that consideration be given at the work planning meeting to the addition of school streets to the Committee’s 2023/24 work programme and details of the project plan for the improvement to the Council’s housing stock be circulated to the Committee.         

ACTION: Governance/ Director of Housing and Regeneration


The Leader endorsed the view that Enfield’s Scrutiny held the Administration to account and linked the work programmes to the Council Plan, Strategies and Policies, and that all staff at the Council should be able to identify which of the Council priorities their area of work related to and if unclear were to question this.


AGREED that the discussion and feedback of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the Council Plan 2023-26: Investing in Enfield prior to approval of the final Plan by Council scheduled for February 2023 be noted and incorporated/forwarded to Council.

ACTION: Governance




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