Agenda item


To receive an update from Harriet Potemkin, Head of Policy & Strategy.


RECEIVED a presentation on the Draft Housing & Good Growth Strategy.




1.    Key points of the draft strategy were highlighted by Harriet Potemkin, Head of Policy & Strategy.

2.    Information was provided on the desk-based review of the 2020 strategy, environmental pressures, and the proposed ambitions for more and better homes for Enfield.

3.    Regarding the housing test for good growth, officers advised that they wanted to retain this in the new strategy as both the council and residents are feeling considerable financial pressures and demand for affordable housing continues to rise beyond the resources available to address it. This housing test will help Enfield Council aim for the best possible quality homes within the current challenging climate.

4.    Further engagement with stakeholders would take place in January-February 2023 followed by further drafting of the strategy in February-March 2023. The full council decision on the final strategy would then be taken in April 2023. 

5.    Members were invited to raise questions and comments.

6.    In response to Members’ questions regarding the impact of environmental pressures on building new homes, officers advised that the construction industry has experienced severe material and labour cost inflationary pressures throughout 2022 and interest rate increases will add further pressure during 2023.

7.    Further information was provided on the all-round impact of environmental pressures. People are already suffering from the ‘cost of living crisis’ which will be exacerbated by energy and food price hikes and interest rate rises affecting the costs of housing. Whilst Enfield council retains its aspiration to reduce the numbers in temporary accommodation and prevent homelessness, demand is increasing substantially while resources reduce alongside accommodation.

8.    Officers provided an overview of the council’s proposed ambitions for more and better homes for Enfield and reiterated that it is operating in a very challenging and volatile climate for increasing supply. As a result of this, Enfield Council will need to explore all available options to continue to directly deliver Council homes and will need to further strengthen its partnerships with registered providers and developers and enable homes via robust planning, policy, and processes.

9.    In response to a question raised on how right to buy receipts will be used going forward, officers advised that additional short-term flexibilities were being asked for including through relaxing the restrictions on combining receipts with other forms of grant funding for new development (e.g. Affordable Homes Programme funding) complete relaxation was ideally required to use resources that come from Enfield housing stock to support new homes or invest in existing stock. However, there is a limit on possible acquisitions and restrictions on how the money can be spent.

10. In response to a question regarding the use of prefabricated houses, Joanne Drew, Director of Housing & Regeneration advised that this was something that had been extensively looked at in the past but following an options appraisal it was deemed not affordable and not a suitable option. However, Joanne agreed to revisit this option to see if there was any new products or models that may now be available.

Action: Joanne Drew, Director of Housing & Regeneration

11. Cllr Guzel raised concerns regarding the high level of evictions taking place in Enfield and felt that one of the priorities of the draft strategy should be to invest more in the private rented sector (PRS). Officers acknowledged this and stated that one of the levers for this is the Housing Gateway.

12. Cllr Savva (Cabinet Member, Social Housing) asked what engagement is taking place with residents who have concerns regarding repairs/mould in their homes. Officers advised that this issue is being addressed by reviewing the material on Enfield Council’s website which provides information on how residents can deal with mould in their tenures, training is also taking place for staff that go into residents’ homes so that they can identify and deal with any problems they find. A leaflet is also being produced which will be sent to tenants by way of an e-newsletter.

13. Further discussions took place and members raised the following questions to which officers agreed to look into and provide a response as soon as possible.

(i)    Amount of specialised housing for older people?

(ii)  How many people are in need of specialised housing?

(iii) What gaps are there in the specialised housing market and how are these gaps being addressed?

(iv) How many council houses have been retrofitted so far and how has this been funded?

(v)  What are the housing targets over the next three years?

Action: Officers

Post meeting note: Responses to the above questions have now been circulated to Members of the Housing Scrutiny Panel.


Members extended thanks to officers for the detailed and informative update.

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