Agenda item


To receive an update from Joanne Drew, Director of Housing & Regeneration.


RECEIVED a presentation from Nnenna Urum-Eke, Head of Development.




1.    Key points of the presentation were highlighted which included progress to date and the implications of the current environment.

2.    With regards to the Joyce and Snells Programme Cllr Chamberlain commented on the successful ballot in December 2021 and asked what had contributed to the high turnout rate of 85%. Officers advised that this had been one of the strongest residents’ ballot results in London. Engagement had gone far and beyond a housing solution to a better quality of life and better neighbourhoods.

3.    Cllr Halloran asked what the next completion date on Meridian Water was and how many properties would be completed in the next calendar year. Officers to clarify and feedback accordingly. Action: Officers

4.    Cllr Halloran asked if Enfield Council were on track to meet the pledge of 3500 new homes as detailed in the current Administration’s manifesto. Officers advised that to date, 1000 homes had been secured for delivery. Moving forward, funding, planning and the ability to enter into viable contracts all needed to come together to allow delivery of this target.

5.    In response to a question regarding more similar housing to Reardon Court, Officers advised that there is ongoing joint working between the Adult Social Care, Council Housing and the Place Regeneration and Development teams to bring forward specialist housing schemes similar to Reardon Court in future development proposals.

6.    Members asked for a breakdown on the % of Affordable Housing on Bury Street West, Electric Quarter, Newstead House and Gatward Green. Officers to clarify and circulate the information to Members following the meeting. Action: Officers

7.    Members also sought clarification on the breakdown of family housing of the 242 council owned properties on Meridian Water Phase 1. Officers to clarify and circulate the information to Members following the meeting. Action: Officers

8.    Members raised concerns regarding the decision to accept only single staircases on Joyce and Snells as they felt this could present a safety issue. Officers would clarify this and provide a detailed response to Members following the meeting. Action: Officers.

9.    Cllr Alexandrou (Chair) asked what action/progress has been made on the 3000 empty privately-owned homes and how many have been brought back into use over the last three years. Officers to clarify and circulate a response to Members. Action: Officers

10. Members requested an explanation on the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) process. Officers to circulate an explanation following the meeting. Action: Officers

11. Further discussions took place on the economic forecasts affecting the housing market and the Council’s response to these. This included greater focus on acquisitions to underwrite continued delivery, reducing exposure to inflation volatility and mitigating risk on Right To Buy (RTB) spend. A range of delivery options were also being explored for future delivery across all programmes.

12. With regards to influencing the conditions of supply lobbying was taking place for increased grant on shared ownership, grant funding for life expired stock, flexibility to use RTB receipts alongside grant to address viability gaps as well as additional funding to address inflationary pressures for the Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF).

13. Cllr Savva (Cabinet Member, Social Housing) suggested to the Chair that a cross party letter be sent to lobby Central Government on the above issues. The Chair agreed to discuss this further outside of the meeting.  Action: Chair, Cllr Savva & Officers


The Chair thanked Officers for their informative update.


Post meeting note: Responses to the above questions have now been circulated to Members of the Housing Scrutiny Panel.

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