Agenda item

20/01982/FUL - Land rear of Ellington Court, Southgate N14 6LB


1. That the Head of Development Management be authorised to GRANT planning permission subject to conditions.

2. That the Head of Development Management be granted delegated authority to agree the final wording of the conditions to cover the matters in the Recommendation section of this report.


WARD: Southgate


Claire Williams, Planning Decisions Manager, introduced the report, highlighting the key aspects of the application.


The officer provided details of two representations, the first of which was an update from Southgate Green Association, who asked that the application be deferred for consideration, as they still had concerns with the scheme relating to heritage assets and amenity of the residents of Ellington Court. A resident had also asked for their concerns/ objections to be read out, these included: the distance of the new building to the boundary, the impact on heritage assets, overlooking/ privacy issues, and the fact that permitted development rights may allow the developer to increase the height of the building.


Officers responded to comments and questions, and advised that there was a distance of 74m between the rear boundary of the site and the rear of 4 and 5 The Green (Grade 2 star listed properties), and that this was added to by the distance the building was set away from the boundary. With vegetation and the reduction from 3 to 2 storeys, there was not concern about the heritage impact on the listed buildings, and that the wall would not be impacted.


In response to Member’s queries regarding access, officers advised that vehicle access would be limited to the existing car park of Ellington Court, and that the new building was being designed to only have pedestrian access. Emergency services would be able to access the site with more than sufficient space to accommodate

even the larger emergency vehicles.


In response to Member’s queries regarding permitted development rights, the officer replied that a condition was proposed to remove permitted development.


In response to Member’s queries regarding transport, officers advised that the site would make use of the 11 existing parking spaces available at Ellington Court, that 18 cycle spaces were proposed, and further details on additional spaces would be a condition.


In response to Member’s queries regarding the reduction of garden space for the existing block, officers advised that the proposal would leave more than sufficient communal space as it relates to policy.


In response to Member’s queries regarding consultation, officers advised that only 2 objections had been received, that the neighbouring properties were consulted, notices were posted/ advertised, and discussions had taken place on the original application. The reduction in scale did not require re-consultation. The officer confirmed that Walker Primary School were consulted on the application and had raised no objections.


Cllr Rye proposed a countermotion, that a decision on the application be deferred, until a site visit could be conducted, on the grounds that it would: help members to take into account the context of the site, the conservation issues, the issues of overlooking, and the loss of garden space. This was seconded by Cllr Georgiou.


The proposal having been put to the vote; Members voted:






and so, it was AGREED:


That a decision on the application be deferred, until a Member site visit could be conducted at a future date.

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