Agenda item


To receive the Annual report of the Safeguarding Adults Board.


Cllr Alev Cazimoglu, Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care, introduced the report of the Executive Director – People, in respect of the Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report for noting by the Panel. The report highlighted the work undertaken to protect adults at risk in 2022-23 and achievements throughout the year. She wished to record thanks to all professionals working to safeguard adults at risk in Enfield.


Bharat Ayer, Head of Safeguarding Partnerships, highlighted the broadly positive external review by RedQuadrant, and the focus on partnership working. Recent work by the infection control team was also brought to the Panel’s attention.


Questions were invited from Members.


In response to queries around assistive technology, feedback was provided regarding the trial of PainCheck, and the preventative value of SMART devices to support people.


In response to questions about the Learning Disability Learning from Lives and Deaths Programme (LeDeR) reviews, it was confirmed that notification was of deaths of all ages and regardless of circumstances and the requirement for review was brought in some years ago.


Further details were provided to Members of the support and training to care homes in respect of infection control, not just for Covid-19, and ensuring that care home residents were the priority. Further details were also given in respect of actions in extreme temperatures during summer and winter and pre-preparation.


In respect of the table of types of abuse reported, set out on page 59 of the agenda pack, it was confirmed that they showed what was reported, but there was probably under-reporting. Work needed to continue to raise awareness of how to disclose abuse, and that something can be done.


Learning from cases such as Mr K and those declining support was discussed, including the importance of professional curiosity and appropriate challenge, and assessment of mental capacity.


In response to Members’ queries, it was confirmed that the Partner Updates in Appendix A of the Annual Report were expected and were produced by each partner. The Independent Chair of SAB would oversee if any action was needed on a strategic basis. In respect of the update from the National Probation Service, it was advised that people coming out of prison homeless would be provided with more than a rucksack containing a sleeping bag, and that more details could be obtained from the Service: the Panel requested a letter be sent to clarify those details.

ACTION:  Elspeth Smith


In response to Members’ queries regarding Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS), further detail was provided on applications and authorisation and due diligence through the process.


The Chair thanked the officers and recorded congratulations on the team’s nomination for the 2023 Local Government Chronicle Awards in recognition of modern slavery work.


The Panel AGREED:

I.  To note the Annual Report. Noting the report at Cabinet, Scrutiny and Council enables Enfield Council to demonstrate its commitment to safeguarding adults at risk throughout the organisation. The report is a partnership document and as such is agreed at the Safeguarding Adults Board.

II.  To recommend that a letter be sent on behalf of the Panel to the National Probation Service to request more details further to their Partner Update in Appendix A of the Annual Report.

Supporting documents: