Agenda item


To receive the report of Adam Cummings, Head of Community Safety & Corporate Security and Rebecca Barnett, Community Safety Intelligence Officer.


Adam Cummings, Head of Community Safety & Corporate Security introduced the report which set out the performance against agreed priorities of the Safer and Stronger Communities Board Plan. The key points in the report were highlighted and it was noted that Totable Notifiable Offences in Enfield have decreased by 1.7% in the year ending October 2023 when compared to the previous 12 months. London saw a 6.2% increase over the same period. Further data, comparisons and trends were provided for each category.


Questions were invited from Members.


In response to ongoing concerns regarding theft of motor vehicle crime Superintendent Chris Byrne advised that there were various initiatives in place to tackle this, including distribution of crook locks, advice on installation of posts outside properties as well as letter drops around the borough. Targeted work had also taken place with local Travel Lodges to warn tradesmen of the risks of leaving tools in their vans overnight. Members were advised however that some of the issues around this crime type are geographical to the borough, with the M25, A406 and the A10 offering easily accessible routes for criminals travelling into and out of London. 


In response to a question regarding the increase in domestic abuse incidents in Enfield, Superintendent Byrne said that this was not his area of expertise but advised that he would be happy to invite a colleague from the Public Protection Team to a future meeting of the Panel to discuss this issue in more detail.

Action: Superintendent Chris Byrne


Members questioned the sexual assault and rape data and the possible link with known sex offenders and asked whether any work was being done in relation to this. Adam advised that he would discuss this matter with Police colleagues to gain a better understanding of the figures/monitoring system and feedback accordingly.

Action: Adam Cummings, Head of Community Safety & Corporate Security


Questions were raised regarding sexual offenders being released from prison and what measures, if any, were in place to support these individuals upon their release. Information was also requested on the number of bail hostels in the borough. Superintendent Chris Byrne did not have this information to hand but advised that he would invite a colleague to give a presentation at a future meeting to address these questions.

Action: Superintendent Chris Byrne


Following comments regarding robberies around schools and the action being taken, Superintendent Byrne advised that Police Officers are out and about patrolling and targeting known robbers. He added that there is also a programme in place where Officers go into schools to talk about knife awareness and staying safe. Council Officers provided further information on the additional outreach work taking place which included the mobile youth bus, which can be deployed around schools where concerns have been raised, teachers monitoring areas outside schools and working closely with the Police around transport hubs. Information was also provided on the work undertaken by the Youth Justice Team which included the Restorative Justice Conferences which had produced some great outcomes.  Safer School Officers also go into schools to deliver ‘Consequential Conversations’ and again these had been well received. These programmes were in place to educate young people and help them to understand the consequences of their actions.


In response to concerns regarding knife crime it was agreed that following some recent murders of young people in London the timing could be right to re-visit the use of knife bins and knife arches in appropriate areas across the borough. Adam and Chris agreed to take this away to look at the possibility of re-visiting this.

Action: Superintendent Chris Byrne/Adam Cumming.


Members raised concern regarding the sharing of information from Police colleagues when there had been a major incident in the borough/their wards, and it was felt that relationships between the Police and Councillors needed to be strengthened. Superintendent Byrne confirmed that partner messaging does take place after any major incident, but he would look at how this was cascaded to Councillors.

Action: Superintendent Chris Byrne


The Chair thanked the officers and the police for the report and their attendance at the meeting.


The Panel agreed:

i.              To note the report.

ii.            That the above actions be implemented

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