To provide an update to the panel on the work undertaken across the Council in relation to: the Council’s recycling performance, and fly tipping and enforcement.
Doug Wilkinson (Director of Environment and Street Scene) and Jon Sharkey (Head of Public Realm Services) provided an update on recycling and waste management.
The key point was the website refresh which went live on January 8th. The refresh provides different ways and journeys for residents to access information with graphics, visuals, and Enfield photography to make it feel more local and personalised on one page. A one-stop shop.
Letters have been dispatched to local authorities confirming funding for the implementation of the new legislation for food waste collections and recycling on flats/estates within the borough.
1. The advantages and disadvantages of co-mingling were detailed in response to Members’ questions. Officers confirmed that those boroughs who do separate materials get better results but it is down to logistics – the ability to store a plethora of bins in urban areas.
2. It was advised that Enfield Council do not have up to date figures on waste analysis. The North London Waste management are in the process of a waste audit so figures and behaviours post covid are expected imminently.
3. In response to Members’ queries on plastic film and business that do not use recyclable materials, the overriding answer was these should be taken to Tesco or your local participating supermarket. Officers acknowledged that residents do not always have the time and/or inclination to do so. As a result, the government is putting more onus on the producer responsibility legislation and deposit return scheme, similar to that of the 1970’s.
4. Cllr Jewel recently met locally with Amazon to continue lobbying around packaging, plastic film and making the symbol bigger,
5. Officers confirmed that there are meetings and discussions with neighbouring boroughs who have a higher recycling rate than Enfield to discuss improvements and initiatives.
6. New legislation introduced will encourage, support and enforce private management agents to recycle and collect food waste on estates.
7. Officers reiterated that there should be no confusion with arrangements at Barrowell Green. A slot needs to be booked. It is clear on the website. However, site operatives will have a flexible approach if it is not too busy.
Action: Comms team to promote further the requirement to book an appointment.
Perry Scott, Executive Director for Environment & Communities who recently joined LBE was introduced to the Forum.
Fly Tipping
Esther Hughes (Head of Service-Consumer Protection & Waste Enforcement) and Martin Rattigan (Interim Head of Regulatory Services) provided an update on Fly Tipping in Enfield. Key points highlighted included the government action plan which has allowed for an increase in fines for fly tipping offences.
1. The Chair requested clarification of a “hot -spot” and how it is determined as it can be contentious. Officers encouraged the Chair, Members and all residents to report issues online to allow the council to determine where problematic areas are.
2. Officers confirmed that when black bags are put in litter bins on Chase Road, Southgate residents are incorrectly presenting their waste, can be served with a notice and are effectively fly tipping.
3. Providing more litter bins is not always the answer, it is better to look for the root cause. In high footfall places bins would not be removed rather the frequency of it being emptied would be increased.
4. In regard to outstanding fines, FPN’s are a means to discharge your liability if unpaid the council have to prosecute for the offence rather than non-payment. Reminder letters are sent and personalising the letter to encourage payment has been introduced. There will always be a percentage that are written off due to limited capacity in the courts and only 6 months to prosecute.
Action: Cllr Alexander would like to know the total value of the outstanding fines for April 21 – March 22
Action: Grangeway Local Stores has had their waste bin removed. Officers are to write to the store.
Cllr Jewel expressed his pride at the team as they are working hard and reacting to behaviours. Residents are now working in tandem with the council.
Members also expressed their thanks to the fly tip teams.
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