Agenda item


Examination of crime statistics received:

·         Current and planned police operations

·         Confidence and satisfaction

·         Target establishment on CAPE’s (including staff changes, vacant posts, anticipated timelines for replacement, etc)

·         Ward-based stats

·         Abstrations from Wards



Chief Inspector Rob Lee presented this item. The report included within the agenda will be developed further for future meetings and could be altered to ensure that it meets the Boards requirements.


Discussions were held on what is required by the SNB in the future. It was mentioned that should crime statistics be shown as it is in the wards which is ward on the closest wards. This report could look at Enfield against other BCU’s would be helpful comparison. This information does already go to the Crime Scrutiny Panel. This information is publicly available on the Council’s website.


The same stats that go to Crime Scrutiny should also come to SNB, this included sanctioned detection rates. This Council produced report comes with a narrative with the statistics which assists understanding of the figures. This works if the SNB meetings are timed to take place shortly after Crime Scrutiny meetings. Action democracy on timings of meetings.


There were also discussions around the information presented to CAPE’s. One of the frustrations is that they tend to be a broad statistic presented to CAPEs and do not include what has been resolved and actions taken. Chief Inspector Lee advised that sometimes there are delays with CPS. And this will be taken away by the police in regards to information presented to CAPEs. Action CI Lee.


Training given to CAPE Chairs on CAPE’s and the SNB was discussed and was agreed that this should be looked at going forward. Action new SNB Chair and CI Lee


Stats for CAPE’s are provided by police ward teams. A Ward handbook was developed several years ago, the feedback was that this was daunting. A document was being developed which was much simpler every new CAPE Chair should see. A briefer concise version would be helpful. Not all CAPE Chairs had seen this Handbook and felt that this should be sent to all CAPE Chairs, Action CI Lee to arrange distribution.


CI Lee then went through the following:

Confidence and Satisfaction figures are no longer kept, there is an app that the police use on phones to better track interaction with police and victims of crime. The Board was advised that generally speaking the feedback has been quite positive. This app has just been rolled out to Neighbourhoods it has been with Response Teams for a couple of months. It should be noted that confidence and satisfaction in the police are intrinsically linked to wider national issues outside the control of Enfield.


Examples of operations within Safer Neighbourhoods

The following is not an exhaustive list:

  • Joint operation with traffic division to deal with car meets, ended up in Glover Drive and seized 12 cars and issued 40-50 summons.
  • In between weekends ran an operation using own officers going round carparks of Enfield and Edmonton with the aim of shutting down car meets.
  • There is also an operation on burglaries predominately in the east of the borough, 4-5 arrests in the last 4 to 5 weeks and also seen significant drop in burglary.
  • Operation in Edmonton primarily against violence covering Fore Street and Upper Street, this includes covert and overt operations and covers vice issues on Fore Street. This is ongoing.
  • An operation in the Sainsburys retail park off the A10 to deal with anti-social behaviour, shop lifters and rough sleepers at the back of Sainsburys. This is ongoing.
  • Currently looking to plan an operation for Enfield Town to replace the section 35 dispersal following an incident in Enfield Town.
  • Violence against women in operation in the northeast of the borough.
  • This is on top of normal these are bespoke operations primarily targeting violence, ASB and burglaries as these are the feedback the police are receiving on priorities. Other units are also running operations.


There were concerns raised on a serious incident that took place in Enfield Town on the 8th March and the police response to this incident. There were also wider discussions around police communications in general. The Chair advised that messages previously went through as partner messages to SNB Chair/ Vice Chair for circulation, this also included some confidential emails which would be marked as restricted. The police advised that the partner messages system is not currently as effective as it could be as the threshold is too high for messages to be sent.


CI Lee promised to provide a detailed respond regarding the incident in Enfield Town as soon as possible ideally the next day by email. CI Gibbs will also look at the process on partner messaging, this will take a while and include looking at speed of communication, how often it is looked at and what is the trigger point. Action CI Rob Lee


Target establishment – New Met for London is now active this means there is a difference in terms of what staff Enfield has. The posts have started to come online, and people have started to come in behind them.


Pre–New Met for London there was one Inspector for Enfield we now have 5 in post. In terms of police constables; New Met provides a small rise from 55 to 61 Dedicated Ward Officers. In terms of Sergeants had 7 Ward Sergeants will move to a position of 15 (currently there are 10 with the remaining to be recruited). The big increase under the new system is PCSO’s there were 30 and the plan to increase numbers is a three-year plan. There is a target number of 84 at the end of this timeframe However, this is still dependent on Mayoral Elections and confirmations from the Mayor’s Office that funding is in place for the extra PCSO’s.


Previously there was a model for how many police should be in each ward’ there is now more scope for with policing where wards have a particular challenge more resources can be used for them. It will still take a couple of months to get to where the police would like to be in terms of establishment with the exception of PCSO’s being a much longer time frame.


A key thing for the SNB is to look at how the New Mayor for London affects Enfield. This will be for the new Chair to decide upon


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