Agenda item



Welcome to the meeting councillors and a special welcome also to the members of the public we have in the gallery and in the conference room who have come to observe the debate tonight on the Enfield Local Plan submission.


This is an important document, and I am pleased to see so many members of the public showing an interest in it. I think it might be helpful for me to explain what the process will be for the debate this evening so that members of the public know what to expect.


First, we will deal with some preliminary matters. We will have some tributes and then members will need to declare any interests they have in the business being transacted this evening. After that, we will move on to the main item of business – the Local Plan.


The first speaker from each side of the Chamber normally has 5 minutes to speak but given the special nature of this meeting, I am expecting a Procedural Motion to be moved requesting slightly longer and I will probably allow them to speak for up to 10 minutes each. Other councillors will then be invited to speak for up to 3 minutes each. At the end, there will be a final response by the Opposition for 5 minutes and then a final summing up from the Cabinet member for 5 minutes. We will then go to the vote.


Now it is important that everyone in the chamber who is invited to speak is allowed to do so without interruption. Councillors have been elected to represent their communities and they must be allowed to speak and express their views here tonight. There will be different views expressed and there will inevitably be some disagreement, but all councillors must be allowed to express their views and be heard.

I appreciate that there may be some of you who have come tonight hoping that you too may be able to speak on the Local Plan, but I am afraid that will not be possible as we do not have deputations at Council meetings. Some of you will already have approached your councillor and I am sure that they will be able to put across the different views they have heard over the past few weeks and months.


However, you will have an opportunity to make your views known and your views will be taken into account. The documents which we are considering tonight are on the Council’s website and I would strongly urge you to read those documents if you have not done so already. The proposal before us is essentially to agree the documents to go out for formal consultation for a minimum of 6 weeks and, during that period, you will be able to submit feedback to your councillors or to the Planning Inspector directly. So, your voices will be heard.

Moving back to the business for tonight, may I remind councillors, I will not tolerate any interruptions or shouting or heckling from the gallery or in the chamber and, if there is shouting or heckling, I will have no alternative but to ask you to leave. I sincerely hope that will not happen as I really would like you to all stay and listen to the debate.


Members, may I ask for your continued professional and orderly conduct during this meeting. There are lots of members of the public here and I am sure you will want them to have a positive experience of watching democracy in action here at Enfield. Can I remind you that any members wishing to speak should indicate they wish to do so and wait for me to invite them to speak. Members, please address the meeting through me and continue to treat each other courteously and with respect during political interactions.


If you would like to ask for an extension of time, or if you wish to move any other type of procedural motion, please do so at the end of a speech and not in the middle of it.

Finally, I will not tolerate any interruptions tonight from members and if I ask you to stop speaking, please do so straight away and let me manage the meeting.


We have been informed this week of the sad passing of former Councillor Chris Murphy. Chris was elected as a councillor in 1998 until 2014 and was a much-respected councillor.


We have also been informed of the sad passing of one of the council’s long serving officers. Teresa Cassidy passed away on 27th February. Teresa worked in Housing Services and will be hugely missed by her colleagues and friends.


We send our condolences to both families at this very sad time.


At the invitation of the Mayor, the Council, in memory of Chris Murphy and Teresa Cassidy, stood for a minute silence.