Agenda item


Application is made by Mohmmed Salim for a variation of his Premises Licence.


SUBMITTED an application by Mr Mohmmed Salim for a variation of a Premises Licence.




            1.            The statement of Mr Galvayne, Licensing Officer, including:


a.That the application was for a variation to the current Premises Licence to allow the sale of alcohol 24 hours 7 days a week.


b.Conditions set by the Metropolitan Police and the Environmental Health had been met and therefore both parties had withdrawn their representation.


c.Representation had been received in the form of an email from a local resident, Ms Goodfellow, a copy of her representation was included in the report on page 45.  Ms Goodfellow was not present at the hearing.


d.                  In replying to a question from the Chair Mr Galvayne confirmed that the store was not in a no drinking zone and the closing times of the local public houses were as follows:


·        The Kings Head 24:00

·        The Salisbury Arms 23:30 and

·        The Queens Head 23:00



2.            The statement of Mr Salim, including:


a.                  That the supermarket which was situated in a highly populated area was currently open 24 hours a day.  Mr Salim had submitted the application after receiving a number of requests to do so from regular customers.


b.Mr Salim stated that the premises, in the 2 years since he had been there, had not had any problems with regard to law and disorder.


c.In answering a question from the Chairman with regard to the statement in Ms Goodfellow’s email that the premises had been known in the past to sell alcohol to under aged drinkers, Mr Salim stated that this must have been the previous owners of the premises.


d.                  Mr Salim confirmed that the store did not and did not intend to sell alcohol to customers who were obviously drunk.  He had no knowledge of local public houses in the area experiencing problems with drunk customers.



(1)       In accordance with the principles of Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 to exclude the press and public from the meeting for this item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act, (as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006 as are listed on the agenda).


The Panel retired, with the legal representative and administrator, to consider the application further and then the meeting reconvened in public.


(2)       The following statement was made by the Chairman:


“We note the application and the representation from the interested party.  Unfortunately due to the interested party not being at the hearing today we were unable to question her on her representation.   Having regard to the council’s Licensing Policy and the representation the application for the variation of this Premises License is granted subject to the conditions in the report.  The applicant is reminded that he must adhere to the statutory licensing objectives and that if not the responsible authorities or interested parties could ask for a review of the License.”