Issue - decisions

capital Programme

24/02/2022 - Capital Programme 2022/23 to 2031/32

Cllr Maguire moved and Councillor Caliskan seconded the report of the Executive Director Resources on the Capital Programme 2022/23 to 2031/32.


Cllr Maguire made the following points:

·         The ambitious capital programme would be a source of funding over the next ten years and would support the delivery of the Council’s services.

·         The capital programme was within the self-imposed borrowing cap.

·         Information on the capital schemes has been collected using the new Development Investment Financial Framework (DIFF) which has enabled a deeper analysis of the programme.

·         The Council’s treasury advisers have endorsed the capital programme as appropriate.


Cllr Laban moved an amendment and proposed and alternative budget, which was seconded by Cllr Hockney.


Cllr Laban made the following points:

  • To agree the recommendations subject to the necessary adjustments to reflect investment in a cleaner, greener, safer borough that supports residents rising cost of living funded by reducing the planned Build the Change Civic Centre investment.
  • Funding diverted from the Build the Change programme would also be used on front line staff and to increase fly tip CCTV camera resulting in an additional 100 cameras.
  • Additional funding would be used to invest in the Borough.
  • School Road Safety fund. A comprehensive strategy to implement more school streets, zebra crossings, 20 mph zones and walk to school schemes.  Youth buses would increase outreach facilities to youth and youth groups.


Cllr Hockney made the following points:

  • Thousands of additional trees would be planted.
  • Investment would be in improving roads and road safety and pavements.


The administration made the following points:

·           Investment in Information Technology would deliver better services to all residents but particularly the family hub to those who were vulnerable.

·                                   There would be investment in the Borough for now and in the future.

·                                   Enforcement action was and would be taken against fly tipping.


The majority opposition made the following points:

·         The alternative budget would:

ØIncrease the amount available for investment in the Enfield, an outer London Borough.

ØProvide investment in technology for alternative sources of power.

·         There was insufficient provision for air monitors to measure increased pollution in the Borough.

·         The administration should aim to borrow prudently to reduce the borrowing figures.


The minority opposition made the following points:

·      The administration had failed to be addressed housing needs of the most vulnerable residents of the Borough had failed to be addressed.

·      There had been insufficient investment in the Borough’s parks.


NOTED that the report was recommended to Council by Cabinet on the meeting held on 16th February 2022.

AGREED to approve the 2022/23 Capital Programme and to note the 2023/24 to 2031/32 Ten Year Capital Programme as set out in Appendix 3 of the officer’s report.