Cllr Chinelo Anyanwu (Cabinet Member for Environment, Culture and Public Spaces) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Environment and Communities, seeking approval for the adoption of the revised Climate Action Plan 2024. The Plan set out the Council’s carbon neutral targets. It built on previous successes, particularly in reduction of emissions. Officers were thanked for working hard on these initiatives. It was noted that implementation of new schemes would be subject to affordability.
In response to Members’ queries in respect of performance against the original Plan, it was confirmed that the Council was ahead of targets and had achieved a reduction of over 30% in emissions, due particularly to decarbonisation of buildings.
The Chair recorded thanks to officers involved across a number of departments, and to the Cabinet Member and Deputy Leader.
DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to:
I. Adopt the revised Climate Action Plan 2024.
II. Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Environment and Communities in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member to implement the Climate Action Plan.
III. Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Environment and Communities, following consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member to update the Action Plan and make amendments, as long as they do not change its core value or have financial implications, so that all implementation, delivery and management requirements continue to be sufficient and effective.
The report sets out the options considered, if any, and the reasons for the recommendations and the decision.