Petition details

Vote against the plans to turn John Wilkes House into a Hostel

We the undersigned petition the Council to Retract their plans to convert John Wilkes House into a Hostel

Petition Against Plans to Open a Hostel at John Wilkes House

We, the undersigned residents of Ponders End Ward, are petitioning against the proposed plans to open a hostel at John Wilkes House due to the following concerns:**

1. **Safety and Security**: The introduction of a hostel in our residential area could lead to an increase in crime, disturbances, and overall safety risks. Hostels generally attract transient populations, which may pose safety challenges for families and children living nearby.

2. **Increased Traffic and Noise**: Hostels often result in increased traffic, with guests coming and going at all hours. This could lead to significant noise pollution, disrupting the peace and quiet of our family orientated neighborhood.

3. **Impact on Property Values**: The presence of a hostel can adversely affect property values in the area, potentially leading to financial losses for local homeowners.

4. **Disruption to Community Character**: Our community is primarily residential and family-oriented. A hostel might undermine the cohesive nature of our neighborhood, affecting community events, local schools, and public spaces.

5. **Environmental Concerns**: Increased traffic and activity associated with a hostel could lead to environmental issues, such as littering, pollution, and damage to local green spaces.

**Given these concerns, we respectfully request that you reconsider the plans to open a hostel at John Wilkes House and explore alternative locations that would not have such adverse impacts on a residential community. We believe there are more suitable areas for this type of facility that would not compromise the safety and character of our neighborhood.**

Thank you for your consideration of our concerns. We look forward to your response and hope you will make the right decision to protect our community.

This Petition ran from 28/04/2024 to 09/06/2024 and has now finished.

126 people signed this Petition.