Petition details

Declaration of a Climate Emergency

We the undersigned petition the Council to declare a climate emergency immediately, as other councils throughout the UK have done. At the end of 2018 the UN Secretary General warned us that we face a direct, existential threat from the climate crisis. Unless we act now to eliminate carbon emissions and keep warming below 1.5C, we will face a climate breakdown unlike any other catastrophe in human history. We are calling on Enfield Council to recognise the seriousness and urgency of the climate crisis we face. Telling the truth is a necessary first step in any serious approach to tackling climate change. And the truth is that we are faced with a crisis. Declare a climate emergency and come up with concrete plans to get Enfield to net zero carbon emissions by 2025.

This petition is submitted by Extinction Rebellion Enfield on behalf of all local residents and environmental groups who are concerned about climate change and would like to see Enfield Council recognise the urgency of the climate crisis.

This Petition ran from 13/06/2019 to 23/09/2019 and has now finished.

289 people signed this Petition.