Issue details

KD 5280 - Corporate Property Investment Programme - Build the Change

·         Provide an update on the progress of the Corporate Property Investment (CPIP) operational assets, specifically the Build the Change (BtC) programme in relation to the Housing hub, and Children and Family Services hub.

·         Provide further details on the next proposed phase of the Build the Change (BtC) Programme, the redevelopment of the Civic Centre, which will enable the release of the Claverings industrial estate. 

·         Provide details on the approved new flexible ways of working as detailed in the Smart Working policy, including the worker style classifications. 

·         Provide details on the investment into the Councils IT infrastructure and end user equipment, which enables the Council’s new ways of working to be delivered.

·         The report also details a proposal and seeks approval for the development of a Mental Health and Wellbeing hub, enabling staff from the Integrated Mental Health Service, (currently delivering frontline services from 2 separate locations) to be brought together in a single location to deliver a new re-provisioned community hub service.

·         Provide detail on the revised budget estimate to deliver the Build the Change Programme and seeks approval for the additional funding


Standing Item!

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significant Impact on 2 or more Wards;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2021

Decision due: 21 Apr 2021 by Cabinet

Department: Housing Regeneration and Development

Contact: Gary Barnes, Head of Build the Change - Housing Strategic Services Email: Tel: 020 8078 2816.

Part 1/2 (Para x): Part 1 & 2 (Para 3)

Agenda items