Issue details

KD 5616 - Enfield Chase Woodland Creation – Eastern Gateway

As part of the wider Enfield Chase Landscape Restoration vision, which is being delivered in phases, the Council are committed in creating publicly accessible woodland. A total of 80 ha of woodland has been created through previous phases, and it is proposed to create another 50 ha of publicly accessible woodland by 2025. Currently there is limited connectivity between Crews Hill and Gordon Hill Stations (the Eastern Gateway of the newly created woodland), and therefore the proposals include the creation of new paths, upgrading existing paths and introduction of wayfinding to establish these vital green links to improve accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists to the newly restored woodland.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure/Savings > £500,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Ridgeway; Whitewebbs;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/04/2023

Department: Housing Regeneration and Development

Contact: Jamie Kukadia, Engineer Email: Tel: 0208 379 2288.

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