Key Decisions

Forward Plan List No. 57 (1 November 2006 - 28 February 2007)  (01/11/2006 to 28/02/2007)

List items
No. Item


* KD 931 Letting of contracts for the delivery of adult social services transport and transport routes for swimming lessons pending the completion of the Social Services transport review.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Transport & Waste

Decision due:   Not before 1st Nov 2006

Originally due:   1 Nov 2006

Lead officer:  Declan Hoare

Decision status:  Abandoned


* KD 974 To agree the establishment of a partnership under section 31 of the Health Act 1999.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care

Decision due:   Not before 1st Nov 2006

Lead officer:  Brigitte Shallow

Decision status:  Abandoned


* KD 1017 Allocation of Local Area Agreement delivery funding.

Decision maker:  Deputy Leader of the Council

Decision due:   Not before 1st Oct 2007

Originally due:   1 Oct 2007

Lead officer:  Ann Pennell

Decision status:  Abandoned


* KD 1019 Allocation of Neighbourhood Renewal Funding.

Decision maker:  Deputy Leader of the Council

Decision due:   Not before 3rd Dec 2007

Originally due:   1 Oct 2007

Lead officer:  Ann Pennell

Decision status:  Abandoned


* KD 1081 Variable Message Signs for Enfield Town Car Parks.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Transport & Waste

Decision:   Not before 1st Aug 2007

Lead officer:  David B Taylor

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2007 Enfield Enterprise Agency Loan in respect of 26/28 Queensway.

Decision maker:  Deputy Leader of the Council

Decision:   Not before 1st Nov 2006

Lead officer:  John Haslem

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2021 Review of Council Policy relating to the use of tables and chairs for refreshments on the highway.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Transport & Waste

Decision due:   Not before 1st Sep 2008

Originally due:   2 Apr 2007

Lead officer:  Alan Shaw

Decision status:  Abandoned


KD 2022 Joint Commissioning Strategy for Children's Services.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   1 Nov 2006

Lead officer:  Jennifer Hill


KD 2031 To write off miscellaneous debts considered irrecoverable by the Council.

Decision maker:  Deputy Leader of the Council

Decision due:   Not before 1st Nov 2006

Lead officer:  Stan Barker

Decision status:  Abandoned


KD 2033 Agreement to the priorities outlined in the revised Sustainable Community Strategy and agreeing the way forward for finalising the strategy.

Decision maker:  Cabinet, Council

Decision:   8 Nov 2006

Lead officer:  Sharon Gordon

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2043 To approve conservation area management proposals.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Transport & Waste

Decision:   Not before 1st Feb 2007

Lead officer:  Mike Brown

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2044 Compulsory Licensing of higher risk Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs).

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   13 Dec 2006

Lead officer:  David Legg


* KD 2045 Approval to accept a tender in respect of the scheme to be referred to as Hedge Hill Internal and External works.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Housing

Decision:   Not before 1st Aug 2007

Lead officer:  Elpida Andreou

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2052 To revise the levels of discretionary compensation paid to staff whose employment with the Council is terminated either on the grounds of redundancy or in the efficiency of the service.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   1 Nov 2006

Lead officer:  Tim Strong

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2053 Award of contract for the provision of hot home meals.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care

Decision:   Not before 1st Dec 2006

Lead officer:  Michael Sprosson

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2054 Award of contract for the provision of frozen home meals.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care

Decision:   Not before 1st Dec 2006

Lead officer:  Michael Sprosson

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


KD 2229 Approval to specific proposals for one-off priority projects following the Cabinet decision on 12th October 2005.

Decision maker:  Deputy Leader of the Council

Decision due:   Not before 1st Aug 2007

Originally due:   1 Aug 2007

Lead officer:  Sheila Dawson

Decision status:  Abandoned


KD 2915 To Authorise the Purchase of Adults and Children's Social Care Packages

Decision maker:  Bindi Nagra (Director of Adult Social Care)

Decision due:   Not before 1st Jan 2019

Lead officer:  Paul Vernham

Decision status:  Abandoned

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/02/2014


* KD 2061 Approval to accept tenders submitted for the day to day partnering contracts for responsive building repairs and planned maintenance. New Item!

Decision maker:  Director of Health and Adult Social Care), Cabinet Member for Housing

Decision due:   Not before 1st May 2007


* KD 2062 Approval to accept tenders submitted for the collaborative working for painting and repairs. New Item!

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Housing

Decision:   Not before 1st Dec 2008

Originally due:   3 Sep 2007

Lead officer:  Peter Fiddeman

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2063 Approval to accept tenders submitted for the partnering contracts for servicing maintenance of gas installations boiler and plant and of electrical installations. New Item!

Decision maker:  Director of Health and Adult Social Care), Cabinet Member for Housing

Decision due:   Not before 1st May 2007


* KD 2064 Borough Capital Programme 2006/7: Highway Maintenance and Related Schemes - Phase 3. New Item!

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Transport & Waste

Decision:   Not before 1st Feb 2007

Lead officer:  Stephen Skinner

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


KD 2068 To consider potential funding sources for the refurbishment of Broomfield House. New Item!

Decision maker:  Council, Cabinet

Decision due:   22 Nov 2006

Decision status:  Abandoned


* KD 2069 Approval to the negotiated tender to complete the Children's Centre at Galliard Primary School. New Item!

Decision maker:  (Director of Schools & Children's Services), Cabinet Member for Children's Services

Decision:   Not before 1st Dec 2006

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2070 Award of contracts for ten routes for the provision of special education needs transportation services. New Item!

Decision maker:  Gary Barnes (Acting Director Property)

Decision:   Not before 2nd Jul 2007

Lead officer:  Declan Hoare

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


KD 2073 Approval to senior management recruitment process - Enfield Homes (ALMO) including posts of Chief Executive and Head of Business, Strategy & Resources. New Item!

Decision maker:  Council, Cabinet

Decision due:   22 Nov 2006


KD 2075 Allocation of the Access and Systems Capacity Grant 2006/07. New Item!

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care

Decision due:   Not before 1st Nov 2006

Lead officer:  Steve Tall


KD 2076 Allocation of Community Care (Delayed Discharges) Grant 2006/07. New Item!

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care

Decision due:   Not before 1st Nov 2006

Lead officer:  Steve Tall


KD 2077 For the residential child care services for Looked After Young People currently provided by the Young People's Resource Centre 265 Church Street to be delivered in a different way. New Item!

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Children's Services, (Director of Schools & Children's Services)

Decision due:   17 Nov 2006

Lead officer:  Andrew Fraser


KD 2047 Decision whether to adopt LB Enfield's Statement of Principles (policy) under the Gambling Act 2005 and decision whether to make a 'no casino' resolution so that applications for casinos will not be permitted.

Decision maker:  Council

Decision due:   8 Nov 2006

Lead officer:  Sue McDaid


KD 2060 To endorse the involvement of Enfield Council in the preparation of a Joint Waste Development Plan Document (JWDPD) to be produced in partnership with six London Boroughs, by approving the Memorandum of Understanding for the JWDPD. New Item!

Decision maker:  Council

Decision due:   8 Nov 2006

Lead officer:  Joanne Woodward


KD 1037 Corporate Facilities Management.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   7 Feb 2007

Lead officer:  David Tullis

Decision status:  Abandoned


KD 2010 Post evaluation selection of London Borough of Enfield's preferred partner/partners for management and operation of fleet.

Decision status:  Abandoned


KD 2011 September 2006 Revenue Monitoring Report.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   22 Nov 2006

Lead officer:  Graham Dixon


KD 2012 Capital Monitoring and Prudential Indicator Report second quarter.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   22 Nov 2006

Lead officer:  Eddie Beaton


KD 2086 Note the Council Improvement Plan quarterly monitoring report and consider the actions proposed to improve performance.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   28 Feb 2007

Lead officer:  Simon Tendeter


* KD 2037 Review of senior officers pay and grading structure.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   22 Nov 2006

Lead officer:  Tim Strong


* KD 2056 Approval to the memorandum and articles of association for Enfield Homes.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   22 Nov 2006

Lead officer:  Stewart Holton


* KD 2074 Agreement of the future management arrangements for Enfield Leisure Centres. New Item!

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   13 Dec 2006

Lead officer:  Mark McLaughlin


* KD 2026 Award of contract for the supply of replacement furniture in temporary accommodation.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Housing

Decision due:   14 Dec 2006

Lead officer:  Mike Bedford


KD 2046 Borough Spending Plan 2006/07 - Revised Principal Road Maintenance Programme for 06/07.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Transport & Waste

Decision:   29 Nov 2006

Lead officer:  Ian Sturrock

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 993 Authority to expend monies from the Repair & Maintenance (R&M) fund on various works to the multi-storey car park at Claverings Industrial Estate.

Decision maker:  Deputy Leader of the Council

Decision due:   Not before 3rd Sep 2007

Originally due:   3 Sep 2007

Lead officer:  David Jack

Decision status:  Abandoned


* KD 2131 Palace Gardens Car Park proposed parking charges.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Transport & Waste

Decision:   Not before 1st Aug 2007

Lead officer:  Gary Barnes

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


KD 1052 Property Strategy Next Phases (Service Portfolios).

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   7 Feb 2007

Lead officer:  David Tullis

Decision status:  Abandoned


KD 1086 Future Options at Honeysuckle House.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   18 Jan 2007

Lead officer:  Ray James

Decision status:  Abandoned


KD 2029 October 2006 Revenue Monitoring Report.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   13 Dec 2006

Lead officer:  Graham Dixon


KD 2048 To set the Council Tax base for 2007/08.

Decision maker:  Audit and Risk Management Committee

Decision due:   9 Jan 2007

Lead officer:  Geoff Waterton


KD 2049 November 2006 Revenue Monitoring Report.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   18 Jan 2007

Lead officer:  Graham Dixon

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


KD 1056 That Enfield Council apply to become a 'Fairtrade Borough'.

Decision maker:  Cabinet, Council

Decision due:   24 Jan 2007

Lead officer:  Matt Clack


* KD 2065 To approve the Borough-wide Characterization Study and the Criteria for the Designation of Conservation Areas. To approve for public consultation six new proposed conservation areas. New Item!

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   8 Oct 2008

Lead officer:  Mike Brown

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2071 To approve the Enfield Town Area Action Plan Preferred Options report for the first formal stage of public consultation. New Item!

Decision maker:  Local Development Framework Cabinet Sub-Committee

Decision due:   Not before 1st Oct 2008

Originally due:   28 Jan 2008

Lead officer:  Joanne Woodward

Decision status:  Abandoned


*KD 2072 To approve the Core Strategy Preferred Options Report for the first formal stage of public consultation. New Item!

Decision maker:  Local Development Framework Cabinet Sub-Committee

Decision:   Not before 1st Feb 2008

Originally due:   28 Nov 2007

Lead officer:  Joanne Woodward

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


KD 2066 Capital Monitoring and Prudential Indicator Report third quarter. New Item!

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   28 Feb 2007

Lead officer:  Eddie Beaton


KD 2067 December 2006 Revenue Monitoring Report. New Item!

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   28 Feb 2007

Lead officer:  Graham Dixon