Key Decisions

Forward Plan List No. 60 (1 February - 31 May 2007)  (01/02/2007 to 31/05/2007)

List items
No. Item


* KD 1017 Allocation of Local Area Agreement delivery funding.

Decision maker:  Deputy Leader of the Council

Decision due:   Not before 1st Oct 2007

Originally due:   1 Oct 2007

Lead officer:  Ann Pennell

Decision status:  Abandoned


* KD 1019 Allocation of Neighbourhood Renewal Funding.

Decision maker:  Deputy Leader of the Council

Decision due:   Not before 3rd Dec 2007

Originally due:   1 Oct 2007

Lead officer:  Ann Pennell

Decision status:  Abandoned


* KD 1081 Variable Message Signs for Enfield Town Car Parks.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Transport & Waste

Decision:   Not before 1st Aug 2007

Lead officer:  David B Taylor

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2021 Review of Council Policy relating to the use of tables and chairs for refreshments on the highway.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Transport & Waste

Decision due:   Not before 1st Sep 2008

Originally due:   2 Apr 2007

Lead officer:  Alan Shaw

Decision status:  Abandoned


* KD 2039 Approval to the tender to replace windows at Bowes Primary School.

Decision maker:  (Director of Schools & Children's Services), Cabinet Member for Children's Services

Decision due:   Not before 2nd Jul 2007


* KD 2043 To approve conservation area management proposals.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Transport & Waste

Decision:   Not before 1st Feb 2007

Lead officer:  Mike Brown

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2045 Approval to accept a tender in respect of the scheme to be referred to as Hedge Hill Internal and External works.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Housing

Decision:   Not before 1st Aug 2007

Lead officer:  Elpida Andreou

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2064 Borough Capital Programme 2006/7: Highway Maintenance and Related Schemes - Phase 3.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Transport & Waste

Decision:   Not before 1st Feb 2007

Lead officer:  Stephen Skinner

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2065 To approve the Borough-wide Characterization Study and the Criteria for the Designation of Conservation Areas. To approve for public consultation six new proposed conservation areas.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   8 Oct 2008

Lead officer:  Mike Brown

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2070 Award of contracts for ten routes for the provision of special education needs transportation services.

Decision maker:  Gary Barnes (Acting Director Property)

Decision:   Not before 2nd Jul 2007

Lead officer:  Declan Hoare

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2084 Borough Capital Programme 2007/08: Highway Maintenance and Related Schemes.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Transport & Waste

Decision:   Not before 1st May 2007

Lead officer:  Stephen Skinner

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2085 Authorisation for Council officers to accept a tender in the region of £400,000 for works to refurbish the Angel Community Centre, Raynham Road, N18.

Decision maker:  (Director of Schools & Children's Services)

Decision due:   Not before 1st Feb 2007

Lead officer:  Simon Deakin


* KD 2096 To confirm that the £500k Section 106 receipt arising from development at Edmonton Green be allocated to undertake improvements to parks and open spaces in the vicinity.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Cabinet Member for Transport & Waste

Decision:   Not before 1st Mar 2007

Lead officer:  Steve Jaggard

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2099 Authority for the Comprehensive Development Initiative (CDI) Phase 1 to proceed, in accordance with Cabinet report dated 5 April 2006.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Housing

Decision:   Not before 2nd Jun 2008

Originally due:   1 Jan 2008

Lead officer:  Sarah Carter

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2101 Award of contract for Multi Functional devices, replacing current photocopy contract with Panosonic.

Decision maker:  Deputy Leader of the Council

Decision:   Not before 3rd Sep 2007

Originally due:   3 Sep 2007

Lead officer:  Deborah Palmer

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


KD 2229 Approval to specific proposals for one-off priority projects following the Cabinet decision on 12th October 2005.

Decision maker:  Deputy Leader of the Council

Decision due:   Not before 1st Aug 2007

Originally due:   1 Aug 2007

Lead officer:  Sheila Dawson

Decision status:  Abandoned


KD 2915 To Authorise the Purchase of Adults and Children's Social Care Packages

Decision maker:  Bindi Nagra (Director of Adult Social Care)

Decision due:   Not before 1st Jan 2019

Lead officer:  Paul Vernham

Decision status:  Abandoned

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/02/2014


* KD 2113 Details of the settlement for transport related spending within the Local Implementation Plan (LIP) for 2007/2008, and implications for the Council's programme of transport schemes. New Item!

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Transport & Waste

Decision:   Not before 1st Mar 2007

Lead officer:  Glyn Jones

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2117 Details of schemes in the approved Local Authority funded Enabling programme. New Item!

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Housing

Decision:   Not before 1st Mar 2007

Lead officer:  Nic Grayston

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2119 Lift Modernisation Programme - Report on progress, and pre-tender estimate and selection of tenderers for phase 2. New Item!

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Housing

Decision:   Not before 1st Feb 2008

Originally due:   1 Jan 2008

Lead officer:  Richard Quinton

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2120 Approval of arrangements for the restructuring of the senior management of the Property Services Division of the Department of Place Shaping and Enterprise. New Item!

Decision maker:  Director of Place Shaping & Enterprise

Decision due:   Not before 3rd Nov 2008

Originally due:   2 Jul 2007

Lead officer:  Marie Fallon

Decision status:  Abandoned


KD 2100 Approval of the Council's Revenue Budget for 2007/08 and Medium Term Financial Plan (Capital & Revenue) Setting of the Council Tax for 2007/08.

Decision maker:  Cabinet, Council

Decision due:   21 Feb 2007

Lead officer:  Sheila Dawson


KD 2106 To approve proposals for the redevelopment and future operation of Whitewebbs golf course.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   4 Jul 2007

Lead officer:  Ray Brewer

Decision status:  Abandoned


KD 2109 Borough Capital Programme 2007/8: Highway Maintenance and Related Schemes. Delegated authority to the Cabinet Member for Environment & Street Scene to approve work programmes.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   28 Feb 2007

Lead officer:  Stephen Skinner


KD 2114 The closure of Trent Park to stop a large scale unauthorised event taking place. New Item!

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   7 Feb 2007

Lead officer:  John Bobin


KD 2118 To approve an agreement with the Metropolitan Police to establish a safer neighbourhoods response unit to replace wardens. New Item!

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   7 Feb 2007

Lead officer:  Ray Brewer


* KD 2071 To approve the Enfield Town Area Action Plan Preferred Options report for the first formal stage of public consultation.

Decision maker:  Local Development Framework Cabinet Sub-Committee

Decision due:   Not before 1st Oct 2008

Originally due:   28 Jan 2008

Lead officer:  Joanne Woodward

Decision status:  Abandoned


*KD 2072 To approve the Core Strategy Preferred Options Report for the first formal stage of public consultation.

Decision maker:  Local Development Framework Cabinet Sub-Committee

Decision:   Not before 1st Feb 2008

Originally due:   28 Nov 2007

Lead officer:  Joanne Woodward

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


KD 2082 Approval of the Housing Revenue Account estimates for 2007/08 and setting of rent levels for 2007/08.

Decision maker:  Cabinet, Council

Decision due:   21 Feb 2007


KD 2066 Capital Monitoring and Prudential Indicator Report third quarter.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   28 Feb 2007

Lead officer:  Eddie Beaton


KD 2067 December 2006 Revenue Monitoring Report.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   28 Feb 2007

Lead officer:  Graham Dixon


KD 2086 Note the Council Improvement Plan quarterly monitoring report and consider the actions proposed to improve performance.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   28 Feb 2007

Lead officer:  Simon Tendeter


KD 2095 Adoption of the Council's Community Cohesion Strategy.

Decision maker:  Council

Decision:   28 Mar 2007

Lead officer:  Julia Sherfield

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


KD 2121 To approve proposals for a high trees adventure facility at Trent Country Park subject to necessary agreements and approvals. New Item!

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   28 Feb 2007

Lead officer:  Ray Brewer, James Wyld


* KD 2061 Approval to accept tenders submitted for the day to day partnering contracts for responsive building repairs and planned maintenance.

Decision maker:  Director of Health and Adult Social Care), Cabinet Member for Housing

Decision due:   Not before 1st May 2007


* KD 2062 Approval to accept tenders submitted for the collaborative working for painting and repairs.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Housing

Decision:   Not before 1st Dec 2008

Originally due:   3 Sep 2007

Lead officer:  Peter Fiddeman

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2063 Approval to accept tenders submitted for the partnering contracts for servicing maintenance of gas installations boiler and plant and of electrical installations.

Decision maker:  Director of Health and Adult Social Care), Cabinet Member for Housing

Decision due:   Not before 1st May 2007


KD 2097 To approve the increases in Social Services charges, assessment allowances and payments of allowances with effect from Monday 9th April 2007.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care, Director of Health and Adult Social Care)

Decision:   Not before 1st Mar 2007

Lead officer:  Charlotte Law

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


KD 2115 To write off uncollectable council tax, business rate and benefit overpayment debt identified within quarter 4 (06/07) for debts above £2,500, totalling over £250,000. New Item!

Decision maker:  Deputy Leader of the Council

Decision due:   Not before 1st Mar 2007

Lead officer:  Geoff Waterton


KD 2010 Post evaluation selection of London Borough of Enfield's preferred partner/partners for management and operation of fleet.

Decision status:  Abandoned


KD 2087 January 2007 Revenue Monitoring Report.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   22 Mar 2007

Lead officer:  Graham Dixon

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 993 Authority to expend monies from the Repair & Maintenance (R&M) fund on various works to the multi-storey car park at Claverings Industrial Estate.

Decision maker:  Deputy Leader of the Council

Decision due:   Not before 3rd Sep 2007

Originally due:   3 Sep 2007

Lead officer:  David Jack

Decision status:  Abandoned


* KD 1026 Approval to deliver a heating and hot water service replacement programme at the Exeter Road estate.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Housing

Decision due:   Not before 1st Sep 2008

Originally due:   1 Jan 2008

Lead officer:  Kevin Connolly

Decision status:  Abandoned


KD 2104 Tender (eAuction) of the Council's PC Contract in conjunction with the Office of Government Commerce, London Centre of Excellence and a number of local authorities within London and Essex.

Decision maker:  James Rolfe (Executive Director Resources)

Decision due:   Not before 2nd Apr 2007

Lead officer:  Dean Francis


KD 2105 February 2007 Revenue Monitoring Report.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   18 Apr 2007

Lead officer:  Graham Dixon


KD 2116 Approval of the tender award for food items to school catering and the Civic Centre restaurant. New Item!

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   12 Sep 2007

Lead officer:  Linda J Smith

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved