Key Decisions

Forward Plan List No. 68  (01/10/2007 to 31/01/2008)

List items
No. Item


* KD 1017 Allocation of Local Area Agreement delivery funding.

Decision maker:  Deputy Leader of the Council

Decision due:   Not before 1st Oct 2007

Originally due:   1 Oct 2007

Lead officer:  Ann Pennell

Decision status:  Abandoned


* KD 1019 Allocation of Neighbourhood Renewal Funding.

Decision maker:  Deputy Leader of the Council

Decision due:   Not before 3rd Dec 2007

Originally due:   1 Oct 2007

Lead officer:  Ann Pennell

Decision status:  Abandoned


* KD 2065 To approve the Borough-wide Characterization Study and the Criteria for the Designation of Conservation Areas. To approve for public consultation six new proposed conservation areas.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   8 Oct 2008

Lead officer:  Mike Brown

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2099 Authority for the Comprehensive Development Initiative (CDI) Phase 1 to proceed, in accordance with Cabinet report dated 5 April 2006.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Housing

Decision:   Not before 2nd Jun 2008

Originally due:   1 Jan 2008

Lead officer:  Sarah Carter

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2130 Cuckoo Hall Lane Estate window renewal and external refurbishment works. Approval to accept a tender in respect of one contract covering renewal of windows, roofs, external and internal repairs and redecorations, communal lighting upgrade

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Housing

Decision:   Not before 2nd Jun 2008

Originally due:   1 Jan 2008

Lead officer:  Elpida Andreou

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2139 Approval to the Fire Prevention Programme 2007/08.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Children's Services, (Director of Schools & Children's Services)

Decision:   Not before 2nd Jun 2008

Originally due:   1 Jan 2008

Lead officer:  Peter Dyster

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2153 Approval to tender and delegated authority to accept tender in respect of contract for Decent Homes Works within EN1 & EN2 - Package 1

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Housing

Decision:   Not before 3rd Mar 2008

Originally due:   1 Jan 2008

Lead officer:  Kevin Connolly

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2163 Approval to tender and delegated authority to accept tender in respect of contract for Decent Homes Works - Gordon Hill Area

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Housing

Decision:   Not before 2nd Aug 2010

Originally due:   1 Jan 2010

Lead officer:  Kevin Connolly

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2164 Approval to tender and delegated authority to accept tenders in respect of contract for Decent Homes Works - Southbury Area

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Housing

Decision:   Not before 3rd Mar 2008

Originally due:   1 Jan 2008

Lead officer:  Kevin Connolly

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2179 To agree the Heritage Lottery Fund management plan for Pymmes Park.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Transport & Waste

Decision due:   Not before 1st Feb 2008

Originally due:   1 Jan 2008

Lead officer:  David Breckenridge

Decision status:  Abandoned


* KD 2195 Approval to the tender for the rebuilding of the kitchen at Cuckoo Hall Primary School.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Children's Services, (Director of Schools & Children's Services)

Decision:   Not before 2nd Jun 2008

Originally due:   1 Jan 2008

Lead officer:  Liz Cody

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2197 Approval to the tender to provide a new dining hall and kitchen at Suffolks Primary School

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Children's Services, (Director of Schools & Children's Services)

Decision:   Not before 1st Oct 2007

Lead officer:  Amanda Doherty

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


*KD 2204 Review of the Council’s existing housing allocations policy

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   13 Oct 2010

Originally due:   1 Jan 2008

Lead officer:  Sally McTernan

Decision status:  Abandoned


* KD 2210 To agree the restructure of the Health and Adult Social Care Department.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care, Cabinet Member for Housing, Director of Health and Adult Social Care)

Decision due:   Not before 1st Jul 2008

Originally due:   1 Jan 2008

Lead officer:  Bindi Nagra

Decision status:  Abandoned


KD 2916 Allocation of Department of Health Grants (Adult Social Services) 2009/10 - Mental Health Grant, Carers Grant, Training Grant etc.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care

Decision:   Not before 2nd Nov 2009

Originally due:   1 Jul 2008

Lead officer:  Bindi Nagra

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


*KD 2234 Extension of Care Management Contract at Honeysuckle House with Care UK to enable a full tendering exercise to be undertaken.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care, Director of Health and Adult Social Care)

Decision:   Not before 3rd Dec 2007

Originally due:   1 Oct 2007

Lead officer:  Steve Tall

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


*KD 2235 Award of contract for nursing care provision at Elizabeth Lodge.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care, Director of Health and Adult Social Care)

Decision:   Not before 3rd Dec 2007

Originally due:   1 Oct 2007

Lead officer:  Steve Tall

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


*KD 2237 Approval to scheme to be referred to as Elsinge Estate Window Renewals.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Housing

Decision:   Not before 1st Jan 2009

Originally due:   1 Jan 2008

Lead officer:  Kevin Connolly

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


KD 2788 To write off miscellaneous debts considered irrecoverable by the Council.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Finance & Procurement

Decision:   Not before 2nd Feb 2009

Lead officer:  Stan Barker

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


*KD 2258 To approve a ‘start report’ for the Southgate Circus Improvements.

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Transport & Waste

Decision:   Not before 1st Oct 2007

Lead officer:  Mike Brown

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


KD 2915 To Authorise the Purchase of Adults and Children's Social Care Packages

Decision maker:  Bindi Nagra (Director of Adult Social Care)

Decision due:   Not before 1st Jan 2019

Lead officer:  Paul Vernham

Decision status:  Abandoned

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/02/2014


*KD 2260 To approve the bailiff services contract award New Item!

Decision maker:  Gary Barnes (Acting Director Property), Director of Place Shaping & Enterprise

Decision:   Not before 3rd Dec 2007

Originally due:   1 Oct 2007

Lead officer:  Geoff Waterton

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


KD 2266 Approval to authorise settlement within the proposed mediation case on the legal dispute between the Council and the original contractor for the Children’s Centre at Galliard Primary School. New Item!

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Children's Services, (Director of Schools & Children's Services)

Decision:   Not before 1st Jan 2008

Lead officer:  Peter Dyster

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


KD *2267 The Report seeks the release of the sum of £ 872,000 of Local Authority Business Growth Incentive Scheme (LABGI) monies towards the promotion of the Council’s Place Shaping agenda and an allocation as set out in the Appendix of the Report. New Item!

Decision status:  Abandoned


*KD 2268 Detail of scheme in the approved Local Authority funded Enabling programme New Item!

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Housing

Decision:   Not before 1st Nov 2007

Originally due:   1 Oct 2007

Lead officer:  Sarah Carter

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


*KD 2270 To approve funding for a programme of improvement works to external communal parts of housing estates across the borough. New Item!

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Housing

Decision:   Not before 1st Feb 2008

Originally due:   1 Oct 2007

Lead officer:  Andrew Batty

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


KD 2199 Approval of a Strategy to develop Sensory Impairment Services in Enfield

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   10 Oct 2007

Lead officer:  Matt White

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


*KD 2218 August 2007 Revenue Monitoring Report.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   12 Dec 2007

Originally due:   10 Oct 2007

Lead officer:  Graham Dixon

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2222 Modernisation of services for older people with cognitive impairment.

Decision maker:  Council

Decision:   7 Nov 2007

Originally due:   10 Oct 2007

Lead officer:  Steve Tall

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


*KD 2233 To agree this draft for internal / external consultation : the draft strategic framework for implementing the white paper 'Our health, our care, our say: a new direction for community services'.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   31 Oct 2007

Originally due:   1 Oct 2007

Lead officer:  Mame Gyang

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


*KD 2250 To receive and note the findings in the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) report following the inspection of services for older people in Enfield June 2007

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   10 Oct 2007

Lead officer:  Steve Tall

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2127 To approve Section 75 Health Partnership Agreements

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   18 Jun 2008

Originally due:   31 Oct 2007

Lead officer:  Robert Lee

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2142 To agree those issues necessary to enable the ALMO to go live following the funding announcement by Central Government eg. Section 27 application and the ALMO Management Agreement.

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


*KD 2261 Update on progress in developing a resident involvement strategy for Housing Landlord Services and to note the agreed action plan for delivering the strategy. New Item!

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Housing

Decision:   Not before 3rd Dec 2007

Originally due:   31 Oct 2007

Lead officer:  Kate Tordoff

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


KD 2263 Decision whether to approve LB Enfield’s revision of the Licensing Policy as required under the Licensing Act 2003. New Item!

Decision maker:  Council

Decision:   7 Nov 2007

Lead officer:  Sue McDaid, Mark Galvayne

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


*KD 2245 To agree the budget and scope of SAP / MSS / ESS projects.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   21 Nov 2007

Originally due:   31 Oct 2007

Lead officer:  John Jossa

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


KD 2249 The Making of 3 Compulsory Purchase Orders for Housing Purposes

Decision maker:  Council

Decision:   23 Jan 2008

Lead officer:  David Legg

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


*KD 2251 School and Children's Services sites: re-development proposal

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   21 Nov 2007

Lead officer:  Chris Graham

Decision status:  Abandoned


KD 2292 Note the Council Improvement Plan quarterly monitoring report and consider the actions proposed to improve performance.

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   5 Mar 2008

Originally due:   21 Nov 2007

Lead officer:  Simon Tendeter

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


* KD 2071 To approve the Enfield Town Area Action Plan Preferred Options report for the first formal stage of public consultation.

Decision maker:  Local Development Framework Cabinet Sub-Committee

Decision due:   Not before 1st Oct 2008

Originally due:   28 Jan 2008

Lead officer:  Joanne Woodward

Decision status:  Abandoned


*KD 2072 To approve the Core Strategy Preferred Options Report for the first formal stage of public consultation.

Decision maker:  Local Development Framework Cabinet Sub-Committee

Decision:   Not before 1st Feb 2008

Originally due:   28 Nov 2007

Lead officer:  Joanne Woodward

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


KD 2264 To set the Council Tax base for 08/09 New Item!

Decision maker:  Audit and Risk Management Committee, Council

Decision:   27 Feb 2008

Lead officer:  Geoff Waterton

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


*KD 2262 To award a contract for Bulk Mailing Services on behalf of Enfield Council For the period 15th Feb 2008 – 30th September 2011 New Item!

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   12 Dec 2007

Originally due:   17 Jan 2008

Lead officer:  Colin Bulllworthy

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved