11 Garfield School Re-provision of a 3FE School PDF 241 KB
A report from the Director of Schools and Children’s Services and Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services will be circulated as soon as possible. This details proposals for the re-provision of Garfield Primary School. (Report No.210, agenda part two also refers) (Key decision – reference number 3698)
(Report No.207)
(8.45 – 8.50 pm)
Additional documents:
Councillor Ayfer Orhan (Cabinet Member for Children and Young People) introduced the report of the Director of Schools and Children’s Services and Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services (No.207) detailing proposals for the re-provision of Garfield Primary School rather than the originally proposed expansion.
1. that Report No.210 also referred, as detailed in Minute No.31 below;
2. that this was a good opportunity to re-develop the school and enhance the teaching environment for all pupils in the school. The challenges faced by the school in its current buildings were recognised. The proposed redevelopment would enable the school to become a focal point for the local community and would enhance the planned Ladderswood estate regeneration;
3. that the adoption of the scheme within the Council’s capital programme would need to be agreed by full Council. It was noted that the capital programme was on budget and Members endorsed this scheme as part of the primary expansion programme.
Alternative Options Considered: To provide the necessary additional school places via the addition of new classrooms whilst retaining the current school buildings.
DECISION: The Cabinet agreed
1. to the re-provision of the school rather than the expansion of the site;
2. to approve funding for developing and submission of a new planning application to Planning Committee;
3. approval to seek, at an appropriate time, the approval of the Secretary of State to the disposal of Education land to delegate the detail of the extent of the land to be disposed of to the Cabinet Members for Children and Young People and Finance and Property: and Directors of Schools and Children’s Services and Finance, Resources and Customer Services;
4. to approve the funding of the re-provision of the school as detailed in the part 2 report (Report No.210, agenda part two, Minute No.31 refers);
5. to approve the tendering of the building works and disposal of any surplus land on the open market and delegate to the Cabinet Members for Children and Young People and Finance and Property; and Directors of Schools and Children’s Services and Finance, Resources and Customer Services.
RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL to adopt the project in the Council’s capital programme.
Reason: The Council had an overriding statutory duty to provide sufficient pupil places to meet anticipated demand. The redevelopment of the school would provide cost effective strategy to deliver the additional places required in the area, section 5 of the report referred).
(Key decision – reference number 3698)