Issue - meetings

Update to the Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy (JHWBS) and Health Inequalities

Meeting: 18/03/2021 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 5)

5 Update on Enfield Health Inequalities Activity Including Discussion of Poverty Reduction Plans pdf icon PDF 305 KB

Ruth Donaldson and Sarah D’Souza, Enfield CCG, and Dudu Sher-Arami, Shaun Rogan, Harriet Potemkin and Mark Tickner, LB Enfield.


i.              To include IPC inequalities board activity. (Paper To Follow – Attached)

ii.            Pandemic activity around rough sleepers.  (Papers Attached)

iii.           Enfield Poverty Reduction Strategy.

iv.           Review of Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

Additional documents:


i.             Update on Enfield Poverty and Inequality Commission


RECEIVED the update on progress. The slide deck was available in the meeting agenda pack.




1.    Presentation by Shaun Rogan, Head of Corporate Strategy, and Harriet Potemkin, Head of Strategy and Policy, LB Enfield.

2.    The independent commission had reported in January 2020, with 27 recommendations.

3.    There had been good progress in the first year and a plan of action for 2021/22.

4.    Those recommendations most relevant to the Board were highlighted.

5.    Recommendation 5 related to an NHS funded new integrated health and wellbeing centre. It was confirmed that the Masterplan for the redevelopment of North Middlesex University Hospital included potential for a new primary care centre on the site.

6.    Social prescribing programmes were being delivered in response to Recommendation 6.

7.    Recommendation 7 related to food poverty. Work with partners continued to provide isolated people and vulnerable families with food and essential items.

8.    There had been progress in addressing Recommendation 8 to prioritise the East of the borough for play streets and school streets.

9.    In the ‘Learning’ section, Recommendation 12 was highlighted, as it needed partnership working to ensure all Enfield’s children were ‘school-ready’. Similarly, in the ‘Earning’ section, Recommendation 24 related to extending access to benefits advice and support around debt and good credit.

10. In the budget, two sets of funding would launch in 2021/22 to help deliver the recommendations.




11. The Chair welcomed the assurances around the work being done, and noted that the Board would be kept updated. This was an opportunity to narrow the inequalities in the borough, and partnership working was crucial.

12. Bindi Nagra advised that his team would be leading on the Enfield Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy Fund, and this would be very helpful for voluntary sector projects. The primary care hub was also important and should be progressed in a timely fashion.


ii.            Update on Enfield Health Inequalities Plan


RECEIVED the ICP Inequalities Workstream : Progress Update.




13. The update by Dudu Sher-Arami, LBE Consultant in Public Health and Ruth Donaldson, Director of Communities, NCL CCG.

14. Since the last Board meeting, there had been agreement for a jointly funded programme of work including community participatory research, community champions and community chest. The procurement process would be complete by the end of the financial year.

15. An update on progress would be provided to the next Board meeting.


iii.          Review of Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy




16. The verbal update from Dudu Sher-Arami, LBE Consultant in Public Health.

17. The strategy’s themes were still relevant in the current climate and the post-Covid situation. Nevertheless it was felt there was a need to review the JHWS and to ensure a greater focus on inequality. Review proposals would be presented to the next Board meeting.


iv.          Homeless Health in North London / Rough Sleeping in Enfield


RECEIVED the update presented by Joanne Drew, Director of Housing and Regeneration, LB Enfield, Ruth Donaldson, and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5

Meeting: 03/12/2020 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 5)

5 Update on Enfield Health Inequalities Plan pdf icon PDF 146 KB

Ruth Donaldson and Sarah D’Souza, Enfield CCG, and Dudu Sher-Arami, Consultant in Public Health London Borough of Enfield.


i.              To include IPC inequalities board activity.


ii.            Childhood Obesity/Inequality Conceptual and Planning.


iii.           What can our partners do to contribute to this?



RECEIVED the Inequalities Workstream : Progress Update.




1.    Introduction by Ruth Donaldson, Director of Communities, NCL CCG, of the update from the task and finish group.

2.    This first tranche of NCL funding was directed to Enfield post-merger in recognition that the borough had some of the largest inequalities.

3.    A research project had been commissioned and it was realised a long term plan was required and joint working between the CCG and the local authority.

4.    Dudu Sher-Arami, LBE Consultant in Public Health, reported on work and progress since the last update, and the planned focus on childhood obesity, which linked to wider determinants of inequality and to the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.




5.    In response to Members’ queries, it was advised there was evidence that communities had not been engaged with effectively. Research would be carried out around what would make a difference.

6.    The recent Enfield Poverty and Inequality Commission report commissioned by the Council was timely and relevant, and the local authority was committed to delivering on its recommendations. Updates were co-ordinated by Harriet Potemkin and Shaun Rogan and there was potential for joint working. It was confirmed that this report formed part of the evidence base for the workstream.

Meeting: 01/10/2020 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 11)

Update on Enfield Health Inequalities Plan

Dudu Sher-Arami, Consultant in Public Health London Borough of Enfield, Stuart Lines, Director of Public Health London Borough of Enfield, Ruth Donaldson Enfield CCG.


AGREED that due to lack of time for a full discussion, this item be deferred to the next meeting of Health and Wellbeing Board.


ACTION: Mark Tickner, Health and Wellbeing Board Partnership Manager

Meeting: 16/07/2020 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 7)

7 Update on Enfield's Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy (JHWBS) and Health Inequalities pdf icon PDF 385 KB

Dudu Sher-Arami, Consultant in Public Health, Mark Tickner (HWB Partnership Manager), Stuart Lines, LBE DPH, Ruth Donaldson Enfield CCG


·         Post Covid-19 suggested updates to JHWBS Action Plans with particular reference to addressing health inequalities – Mark Tickner – to note


·         Presentation on joint health inequalities work – Stuart Lines and Ruth Donaldson – to note


RECEIVED the presentation on joint health inequalities work.




1.    Introduction by Mark Tickner, Health and Wellbeing Board Partnership Manager, that the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWBS) had been approved last year and that additional actions would be put into the plan in respect of recovery post Covid. There would be significant inequalities components and an additional action plan. This would be brought to the next Board meeting.

2.    Stuart Lines and Dudu Sher-Arami introduced the slide presentation resulting from the collaborative approach taken with the CCG and North Middlesex Hospital on tackling health inequalities, and addressing the recommendations in the PHE reports previously referred to. It was wished to link this work with the JHWBS.

3.    Wider determinants of health had a more significant impact than access to healthcare.

4.    There was partnership working, and a consensus would be built for addressing inequalities, with practical actions and activities identified.


AGREED that Health and Wellbeing Board noted the update on Enfield’s Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWBS) and health inequalities.