Issue - meetings

Mayor's Announcements

Meeting: 22/02/2024 - Council (Item 3)

Mayor's Announcements


The Mayor welcomed everyone to the Chamber.


The Mayor on behalf of all councillors, expressed best wishes to King Charles III following the recent announcement of his cancer diagnosis. Also, as Cllr Gina Needs continues with her treatment, to also extend our best wishes to her during her recovery. As members knew, cancer is one of the themes of the Mayor’s charity this year and she hoped and prayed that a cure was found soon for this disease which affects so many.


The Mayor continued to support the residents of Enfield by attending the Citizenship ceremonies that take place most weeks. She was honoured to stand before the new citizens of Enfield. They stand proud to be part of our borough and she was delighted to receive them. The Mayor also continued to attend local events and was humbled by the kindness bestowed to her from the residents of Enfield.


The Mayor noted that LGBT+ History Month was formally celebrated across the UK in February to claim its past, celebrate its present and create its future. The Mayor sent her best wishes to all our Enfield residents during this time.


The Mayor this morning welcomed the High Commissioner of St Lucia to the Civic Centre to celebrate 45 years of their nation’s independence. It gave us time to reflect on the individuals who came to Britain on the Windrush and helped rebuild Britain to be great again after the war.


The Mayoral Gala had been booked for 25th April and the Mayor hoped all would join her to raise much needed funds for her chosen charities: cancer and autism, two very important themes. Raising funds for charities was becoming more and more difficult in the current economic climate and she hoped members could support her.


A sad announcement was made of the sad loss of former Councillor and Past Mayor, Christiana During. She was a dedicated public servant for Enfield for many years, being first elected in 2002 in Ponders End Ward, later Upper Edmonton from 2006-14 and Edmonton Green Ward from 2014 to 2018. She was Mayor of Enfield in 2011-12, being the first female black African Mayor of the borough. She served as a midwife with the NHS from 1962 and later became the Assistant Director of Nursing at North Middlesex Hospital.


Councillors were invited to say a few words in commemoration of the late Christiana During. Cllr Doug Taylor praised her humility, cheerfulness, warmth, and caring approach to residents and the issues they raised. Condolences were sent to her husband and family. Cllr Michael Rye concurred with Cllr Taylor’s comments, and that Members would support an initiative to mark her legacy in Enfield. Cllr Joanne Laban also remembered Christiana During’s positivity, compassion and care. Cllr Kate Anolue spoke of her long and close friendship with Christiana, a special person with whom she had done everything together. All Members were invited to attend the funeral service on 8th March and pay their respect.


The Mayor had  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3

Meeting: 27/09/2023 - Council (Item 3)

Mayor's Announcements


The Mayor welcomed everyone to the Chamber.


The Mayor began by sending her heartfelt condolences to all the families that have been affected by the recent earthquake in Morocco and the recent flood damage caused by Storm Daniel in Libya, where over 5000 have died and many more missing. It is often hard to find the right words at a time like this. She prayed that they may find peace, comfort and all the support they need in the days to come.


The Mayor took part in a ‘walkabout’ in Enfield in June, visiting local businesses and sharing her chosen charities with them. She received many donations and was delighted to meet as many people as possible. She would be holding a similar event in the autumn to raise awareness of her chosen charities, namely autism and cancer.


The Mayor was pleased to mention and thank Jo Fear who was present tonight, and who most councillors and officers would know. Jo recently retired in August of this year after 46 years of dedicated and loyal service. Jo had worked in various roles within the Education service, as an assessor for special educational needs, and then as an officer in school admissions, and was finally appointed as Head of Service of Admissions and Education Welfare in 2014. The Mayor was delighted to present Jo with a certificate and flowers as a thank you and appreciation for her service to both the council and the people of Enfield.


The Mayor was pleased to congratulate Cllr Georgiou and his wife on the arrival of their baby boy, and to congratulate Cllr Elif Erbil and her husband on the arrival of their baby girl in August, and to Cllr Dogan and his wife who recently had a baby girl.


The Mayor requested members’ continued professional and orderly conduct during this meeting and reminded them that any members wishing to speak should stand unless they are not able to do so and should address the meeting through her and continue to treat each other courteously and with respect during political interactions.


The Mayor noted that, unfortunately, the Young Mayor was not able to attend this evening, but Sila Karapinar, the Young Deputy Mayor, was present, and was invited to update the Chamber on their activities in their elected roles.


Sila Karapinar expressed thanks for the opportunity to speak as Young Deputy Mayor of Enfield and a member of the Enfield Youth Council.


The Youth Council had worked together and created a video and questionnaire for the young people of Enfield to vote on to choose which two priorities from the Empowering Young Enfield Plan they should focus on in their campaign. After receiving all the votes, they would be focusing on the two priorities: education and safety.


They had met with Peter Nathan, Director of Education, and Lucy Nutt, Head of School and Early Years Improvement Service to discuss what we think needs improving in the education sector. Their concerns were expressed and many  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3

Meeting: 23/02/2023 - Council (Item 3)

Mayor's Announcements


The Mayor welcomed everyone to the Chamber.


The Mayor thanked the Deputy Mayor for chairing the last meeting, whilst she attended her son’s graduation. Since then, she had continued with her mayoral duties.


In January she attended the Holocaust Memorial Service where those who lost their lives in conflict and war were remembered. As part of the service, councillors were invited to sign a Pledge Against Genocide, and members would also be able to add their names to the pledge tonight.


She was fortunate to be invited as a special guest to the Enfield Youth Elections Announcement Event where new elected members of the UK Youth Council and Enfield Youth Council were announced, alongside the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Cllr Abdul Abdullahi. She was proud to see the young people of Enfield getting involved and looked forward to seeing them succeed in this field.


Members were reminded that the Mayor’s Gala Dinner takes place on the 28th February, and all were welcome to join her and enjoy a wonderful evening of food, drink, and entertainment. Please contact Koulla Panaretou in line with emails previously sent.


A sad announcement was made that a long serving officer, Erhan Hassan, passed away on Wednesday 1st February 2023. Erhan worked for Enfield Council for 27 years, firstly in Payroll Services and over more recent years in the Meridian Water Team. During his employment, he knew many officers, both as a friend and colleague and will be hugely missed. Condolences were expressed to Erhan’s family, friends, and colleagues at this very sad time.


The Mayor was also saddened to hear of the loss of life and devastation as a result of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. She offered her heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of those who have been killed, and her deep sympathies to all those whose lives have been affected.


The 24th February also marked the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, with the loss of hundreds of lives and the displacement of millions of people. Her thoughts and prayers went to those who continued to be affected.


Members were invited to say a few words.

Cllr Nesil Caliskan highlighted the solidarity between Enfield residents and people in the regions hit by the recent earthquakes: how there had been generosity and a coming together to help, and the response from the diversity of Londoners in this global capital. Cllr Alessandro Georgiou on behalf of the Opposition, expressed condolences to all those affected by the earthquakes and was proud of the efforts of councillors and officers and people from all backgrounds working together to help those in need. Cllr Ergin Erbil’s family came from the affected region, and he was pleased to note the quick response from communities, London Councils, and the Foreign Secretary. Cllr Dyson paid particular tribute to British firefighters who provided help.


Members and all attendees were invited to join in a minute’s silence to commemorate recent lives lost recently.

Meeting: 16/11/2022 - Council (Item 3)

Mayor's Announcements


Since we last met, I have continued attending events in our community and I am pleased that the Mayoral duties are picking up speed again this year.


Black History Month in October has been busier than ever this year and I have attended many events in the borough and have been overwhelmed with the celebrations taking place. I attended “Celebrating the Windrush generation” event at Fore Street Library and the Black History Month event with Enfield Unison Black Members Group, in recognition of contributions made to British society and culture throughout history.” October serves as an opportunity for society at large to recognise these contributions, practice tolerance and learn about racism and inequality, allowing us to celebrate and acknowledge and give thanks to all backgrounds and cultures that live together in our diverse Borough, making Enfield such a wonderful place to live.


I try to go to all school invitations as the children are always so excited to see the Mayor. I was at the Mind Kind event at Edmonton County Primary School, and I was honoured to be at the Enfield High Achievers Evening at St Ignatius College, for those who achieved the highest grades in their GCSE’s, it is great to see the children of the borough thriving in their education.


The Citizenship Ceremonies are taking place most Thursdays now, with citizens arriving in their finery – it is lovely to see so many people settling into our diverse Borough. So far this year we have welcomed 1476 people as new citizens of this wonderful borough.


I attended the Remembrance Day Services both in Enfield, Edmonton and at City Hall which recognised the tremendous personal sacrifice made by so many people in the two world wars and other conflicts.


Members, may I thank you for your professional conduct at our last Council meeting where you adhered to my requests to conduct the meeting in an orderly fashion. Can I remind you that any members wishing to speak should stand when speaking unless they are not able to do so, and that you should address the meeting through me. Please continue to treat each other courteously and with respect during the debate. As I have said before, we may challenge robustly but we must remain polite and professional.


I intend to continue to preside over this meeting in a firm but fair manner. I will give opportunities to members on both sides of the Chamber to speak and I will not tolerate rude and discourteous interruption. I would remind members that when I stand then you will sit. Please wait for me to invite you to speak.


If you would like to ask for an extension of time, or if you wish to move any other type of procedural motion, please do so at the end of a speech and not in the middle of it.


Finally, please may I ask all members to speak up as there are no mics available. We are all used to speaking at  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3