Venue: Virtual Meeting/Remote - Please use the links on the Agenda Front Sheet to join the virtual meeting
Contact: Jacqui Hurst Tel: 0208 379 4096. E-mail:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of the Cabinet are invited to identify any disclosable pecuniary, other pecuniary or non pecuniary interests relevant to items on the agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
DEPUTATIONS To note, that no requests for deputations have been received for presentation to this Cabinet meeting. Minutes: NOTED, that no requests for deputations had been received for presentation to this Cabinet meeting. |
To confirm the minutes of the previous Cabinet meeting held on 14 October 2020.
Minutes: AGREED, that the minutes of the previous meeting of the Cabinet held on 14 October 2020 be confirmed as a correct record. |
SAFEGUARDING ENFIELD ANNUAL REPORT 2019-2020 A report from the Executive Director – People is attached. (Non key) Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Alev Cazimoglu (Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care) introduced the report of the Executive Director – People presenting the Safeguarding Enfield Annual Report 2019-20.
1. The positive actions that had been taken to prevent neglect, abuse and exploitation against adults at risk, and children and families. The report included data to demonstrate the impact of these actions; and, stated the priorities of the partnership for the 2020/21 period.
2. The statutory requirements for producing an annual report as detailed. The Council and its partners were continuing to work effectively together in order to safeguard children, young people and adults at risk.
3. The key issues of the year as highlighted in the report, including the areas of modern slavery, female genital mutilation, domestic abuse, supporting care providers and responding to the ongoing pandemic. The impact of Covid-19 would be reflected in the 2020/21 Annual report.
4. The arrangements in place had been shown to be resilient, collaborative and flexible in responding to changing circumstances and continuing the vital role of safeguarding the most vulnerable. Whilst the progress that had been made was recognised and praised, it was emphasised that continuous improvement would continue to be sought; safeguarding was everyone’s responsibility.
Councillor Rick Jewell (Cabinet Member for Children’s Services) highlighted the aspects of the annual report for children and families.
5. The annual report outlined the excellent work that continued to safeguard vulnerable children and their families. The proactive responses of the Partnership to responding to safeguarding risks were noted, for example in the establishment of the Domestic Abuse Hub in May 2020.
6. Members were advised of the positive work being undertaken to reduce permanent school exclusions with positive alternative solutions being sought wherever possible. There had been no permanent exclusions from Enfield primary schools during 2019/20.
7. That there had been an increase in referrals to the Early Help Hub and an increased awareness of the support services available.
8. The impact of Covid-19 and how the services had responded in a flexible and innovative way to offer services, for example, online and through increased use of social media.
9. Members expressed their appreciation of the valuable work of the Partnership and all involved.
Geraldine Gavin (Independent Chair of the Safeguarding Adults Board and Independent Scrutineer of the Safeguarding Children Arrangements) was invited to present the Annual Report to the Cabinet. The following points were highlighted in the presentation.
10. That the key to the continuing success of safeguarding in the Borough was the open dialogue and effective communication across all the partner agencies involved. The wide range of organisations working to keep children, young people and adults at risk safe in Enfield was highlighted in the annual report.
11. Members were advised of the statutory regulation changes that had taken place in 2019/20 and its impact on previous arrangements. The three statutory partners (Metropolitan Police, Clinical Commissioning Group in Health and the Local Authority) now all shared responsibility for children’s safeguarding, as detailed in the ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Culture Strategy - "Culture Connects" A report from the Executive Director – Place is attached. (Key decision – reference number 5165)
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Ian Barnes (Deputy Leader) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Place outlining a new borough strategy for culture – “Culture Connects” – and seeking approval for the strategy to be adopted and its Action Plan delegated.
1. That the Strategy would cover the next five years 2020-2025. The impact of the pandemic on the cultural and creative industries was highlighted in the report.
2. That the Cultural Strategy had been developed alongside the Economic Development Strategy to provide a framework for Enfield to seize the opportunities that culture and the creative industries present in growing the Borough’s economy and providing opportunities for young people. The report set out the potential funding streams that would be sought and the seeking of external partners to work with the Council for the cultural benefit of the Borough.
3. That the Strategy set out three cross-cutting priorities: Culture Every day; Opportunity for Young People; and, Sustainable Culture, as explained in the report.
4. The five priority areas on which activity would focus over the next five years: On the ground; Right mix; Celebration; Supporting Growth; and, Cultural Capacity.
5. Members thanks to the officers who had been involved in the development of the Strategy. This was an exciting development for the Borough and the synergy with the Economic Development Strategy was acknowledged together with the success of procuring funding as detailed in the report.
6. The wide-ranging consultation which had taken place with over 40 internal and external stakeholders. Consultative workshops had taken place, as outlined in detail in the report.
7. The success of the “Enjoy Enfield Summer” festival was highlighted which had been enjoyed by a significant number of the Borough’s residents.
8. Members discussed the financial challenges being faced by the Council and sought assurances on funding the aspirations of the Strategy. In response it was explained that it was important to ensure that culture in the Borough was economically viable and in so doing the Council would continue to bid for available grant funding and attract and work with external partners, as set out in the Strategy.
9. That positive feedback had been received to recent cultural events and activities in the Borough, including the art installations (five road crossings) in the Borough’s town centres.
10. Members praised the Strategy which reflected and included the Borough’s diverse communities and linked with the Council’s priorities and objectives. The Strategy was a positive document and the Council was enthusiastic in its development and effective implementation.
Alternative Options Considered: NOTED, that the option not to create a new Culture Strategy had been considered. This had been rejected as it entailed risk to the borough’s cultural sector, community well-being and economic development.
DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to
1. Adopt the “Culture Connects” strategy for 2020-25.
2. Delegate the finalisation of minor amendments, and the subsequent implementation of the “Culture Connects” strategy to the Executive Director – Place in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member.
Reason: NOTED, the detailed reasons for ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Case for Change - Digital Services Strategy 2020-2023 A report from the Executive Director – Resources is attached. (Key decision – reference number 5222) Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Mary Maguire (Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Resources informing Cabinet of a new Digital Services (IT) Strategy and seeking agreement to proceed with its implementation.
1. The requirement for a new Strategy as explained in the report. The case for change was around three key themes: programme portfolio; team capacity and culture; and, customer focus. The new Strategy had been developed to meet the challenges set out in the report and to deliver a Modern Council to the community.
2. The new operating model that was being developed, as detailed in the report. The extent and range of service provision was highlighted; going forward it was essential to ensure that the services were modern, fit for purpose, innovative and provided value for money and customer focused. The Digital Services team looked after the needs of approximately 3,000 council employees and during the pandemic had enabled the council to quickly adapt to remote and mobile working.
3. The change in recent years to bring the ICT support function in-house and the continuing move away from the use of agency staff with an increasing focus on succession planning and retention of staff.
4. The Strategy supported the Council’s vision and priorities. The financial implications were noted, as set out in the report which expected savings of £3.6m to be delivered over 5 years. By delivering the Strategy it would help the Council to achieve its Modern Council cross-cutting objective and deliver the digital workplace demanded by staff and the community.
5. The key performance indicators as outlined in the Strategy.
6. That no additional funding was being sought through this report; efficiency savings were expected, as outlined in the report.
7. The potential positive climate change impacts through a reduction in printing and continued remote working resulting in less commuting and so a reduction in emissions.
8. In the light of a recent cyber-attack on Hackney Council, Members sought reassurance on the cyber security in place at Enfield and the lessons that had been learnt. In response, Members were advised the high incidence of potential cyber attacks on Councils, and the support that had been provided by Enfield to Hackney. Enfield had a good cyber security plan in place and supporting measures had been fast tracked to ensure that Enfield was fully prepared. A dedicated digital security manager was in place; external support had been secured and infrastructure upgraded as necessary. There would be a programme of awareness raising and education across the Council.
9. That the Council had a good remediation plan in place; monthly meetings were held of the Risk and Cyber Panel with all appropriate actions being taken. Members were assured of the measures in place.
10. That the new website was being developed in collaboration with the Director of Customer Experience. It was anticipated that the new website would be completed by Spring 2021.
11. That Members welcomed the Strategy and the thorough update that had been ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Revenue Monitoring 2020/21: Quarter 2 (September 2020) A report from the Executive Director – Resources is attached. (Key decision – reference number 5200)
Minutes: Councillor Mary Maguire (Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Resources setting out the Council’s revenue budget monitoring position based on information to the end of September 2020.
1. That the report set out the position with, and without, the impact of Covid-19 which demonstrated that the Council had been progressing on the journey of establishing a robust and resilient financial position prior to the outset of the pandemic.
2. That the revenue budget forecast including the impact of Covid-19, Government support and the Council’s response was an £0.4m overspend, compared to £10.6m overspend reported at Quarter 1. The detailed breakdown of the revenue budget forecast as set out in the report was explained and highlighted. The impact of Covid-19 had been assessed by forecasting the additional expenditure, loss of income and impact on the savings programme, the total forecast was £64.6m.
3. That the Government had provided funding of £30.9m to support the Council’s response and further support had been introduced to help manage the loss of sales and fees and charges, as outlined in paragraph 4 of the report.
4. That the Council remained in a financially challenging position, with an estimated budget gap for 2021/22 of £18.117m. Excluding the impact of Covid-19 the budget gap for 2021/22 would have been £1.715m.
5. The impact on the Council’s collection fund through Council Tax and Business rates collections. The Government had announced that the deficit could run for the next three years, as explained in the report.
6. That as part of the package of measures to reduce the financial pressures caused by the pandemic, a mid-year review of the Council’s fees and charges had been undertaken, for approval by the Council following Cabinet consideration, as detailed in Appendix H of the report.
7. The current position in relation to the Housing Revenue Account and Dedicated Schools Grant as set out in Appendices L and M of the report.
8. In particular, the Covid-19 budget pressures outlined and reflected in the Appendices of the report.
9. The Council’s financial position would continue to be closely monitored and carefully managed as set out in the report. The Council was continuing to face its most significant financial challenge.
10. The funding which had been received by the Government to date. The Council would continue to lobby for additional resources to meet the costs incurred in responding to the pandemic. The significant level of uncertainty on future Government funding settlements was highlighted together with the lack of long-term planning by the Government which impacted on the Council’s ability to plan and manage its budget over the coming years. The Government would be announcing a one-year funding allocation in December. Members stated that the Government’s funding approaches were unhelpful to Councils future budget planning in the medium term.
11. The continuing concerns over the lack of adequate funding to meet the costs and demand of Adult Social Care provision. The funding pressures in recent years ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Capital Programme Monitor 2020/21: Second Quarter (September 2020) A report from the Executive Director – Resources is attached. (Key decision – reference number 5201)
Minutes: Councillor Mary Maguire (Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Resources informing Members on the current position (as at the end of September 2020) of the Council’s 10 year capital programme 2020/21 to 2029/30, considering the latest information available for all capital schemes including the funding arrangements.
1. That the report showed the 2020/21 forecast year end expenditure for the approved programme was projected to be £253m: £128m General Fund, £89m Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and £35m for Enfield Companies.
2. That Appendix B to the report listed the projects where individual delegated approvals were still required for “requested additions” to the capital programme.
3. That the main impact of Covid-19 on the capital programme had been reduced expenditure and a reprofiling of 54% of the 2020/21 revised budget reflecting changes regarding the forecast timing of expenditure of programmes between financial years.
4. That the report analysed the budget reprofiling with explanations for the significant items within the General Fund programme (paragraphs 28 to 41 of the report referred).
5. That table 3 of the report outlined the approved additions to the capital programme.
6. The wide-ranging, comprehensive and ambitious capital programme as set out in the report. Several of the projects were highlighted for Members’ attention.
7. The ways in which the Capital Programme was financed as set out in detail in the report.
8. The HRA 10-year capital programme as set out in the report covering a range of projects including the provision of new and affordable homes in the Borough and significant regeneration works which also resulted in the provision of employment for local people.
9. That the ongoing impact of the pandemic would be closely monitored and reflected in future reports.
Alternative Options Considered: Not applicable in the context of this report.
DECISION: The Cabinet agreed
1. To note the inclusion of the following capital programmes which had been granted approval to spend and updated grant funding in the Council’s 10-year capital programme.
· IT investment: Place Asset Management System · Community Safety · Flood Alleviation · Tennis Courts Works at Broomfield Park · Town Centre Regeneration: Good Growth Fund – Fore Street, Angel Edmonton · Reardon Court · Extension to Foster Carer’s Homes · Covid-19 Rough Sleepers Homelessness Grant
2. To note that Appendix A to the report detailed the revised 10 year capital programme including all programmes with approval to spend. The total budget was £1,760bn.
3. To note that Appendix B to the report detailed requested additions, that were subject to further approval.
4. To note that Appendix C to the report detailed the total revised 10 year capital programme. The total budget was £2,296bn.
Reason: To inform Members of the current position of the Council’s capital programme. (Key decision – reference number 5201)
Treasury Management Mid Year Report for 2020/21 A report from the Executive Director – Resources is attached. (Key decision – reference number 5214)
Minutes: Councillor Mary Maguire (Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement) introduced the report of the Executive Director – Resources reviewing the activities of the Council’s Treasury Management function over the half year period ended 30 September 2020.
1. That over the reporting period, all treasury management activities had been carried out in accordance with the approved limits and the prudential indicators set out in the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy statement.
2. The key points outlined as summarised in paragraph 3 of the report.
3. The cost of borrowing and interest rates as detailed in the report were highlighted for Members’ attention. The economic background was set out in paragraphs 16 to 23 of the report. The Council had 95 loans spread over 50 years with the average maturity being 29 years.
4. That Appendix 1 of the report set out an additional policy for 2020/21 Enfield Treasury Management Strategy Statement for approval by the Council which would strengthen the current governance arrangements.
5. In conclusion, the Council’s commitment to investing in the Borough for long-term transformational benefits was highlighted. The major and significant projects included within the capital programme were noted.
6. That the capital programme was reflected in the Council’s medium-term financial plan, was affordable and financially resilient. Continued investment in the Borough was important for its long-term sustainability. The programme was ambitious and would be of benefit to the Borough and its residents.
Alternative Options Considered: NOTED, that the CIPFA Treasury Management code required that the Council established arrangements for monitoring its investments and borrowing activities hence the performance and activities of the Council’s treasury operations was being reported to the Cabinet on a regular basis. This report was required to comply with the Council’s Treasury Management Policy statement, agreed by Council.
DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to
1. Note the report and made the comments detailed above.
2. Recommend that Council consider and note the 2020/21 Mid-year treasury management position and approve the additional policy for 2020/21 Enfield Treasury Management Strategy Statement attached as Appendix 1 to the report.
Reason: To inform Council of the Treasury Management performance for the half year period ended 30 September 2020. (Key decision – reference number 5214) |
Trading Company Annual Accounts and Performance A report from the Director of Law and Governance is attached. Note: Restricted appendices containing exempt information also refer. (Key decision – reference number 5197)
(This item contains exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person – including the authority holding that information) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, as amended).
Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Mary Maguire (Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement) introduced the report of the Director of Law and Governance identifying and communicating the results achieved by the Council’s wholly owned trading companies and providing assurance that they continued to contribute effectively to the achievement of the Council’s corporate objectives.
1. That during the financial year ending March 2020, four companies wholly owned by the Council had operated to deliver services to residents. These were: Housing Gateway Limited; Lee Valley Heat Network Operating Company Ltd. (trading as Energetik); Enfield Innovations Ltd.; and, Independence and Wellbeing Enfield Ltd. (IWE). The final year-end results were now presented to Cabinet (containing exempt information) for transparency. The company accounts were approved by the Company Boards. IWE had since been insourced as of 1 June 2020. The legal entity was currently in the process of being wound up, following the Cabinet decision of 22 January 2020.
2. The accounts and performance of each of the companies as set out in the report. The impact of the pandemic on Housing Gateway Ltd. was explained as detailed in the report. The performance of Energetik was also highlighted, together with explanations and comparisons with other energy companies who had incurred high-profile losses. It was noted that the funding structure of Energetik worked to minimise risk to both the Council and the company. The model was explained fully to Members and reassurances provided.
3. The outcomes and future status of Enfield Innovations Ltd. (EIL) as set out in the report. The Company had no viable project to move on to following the sales of its final property interests and approval was now being sought to wind-up the company.
4. That letters from each of the Company Directors were provided for Members to note.
5. That the Company Accounts and performance information were being presented to the Cabinet for noting and transparency as Shareholder of the Companies and to comply with agreed governance arrangements.
6. The lessons that had been learnt from the setting up of Enfield Innovations Ltd. (EIL). The importance of establishing a comprehensive business case considering all related risks, modelling from a company perspective and addressing the priorities of the Council was explained.
7. That the company business plans were presented on a regular basis, comprehensive shareholder agreements were in place and, clear governance arrangements were followed with effective scrutiny of the companies’ activities and performance taking place.
Alternative Options Considered: NOTED, that the only alternative option was not to report or monitor progress, which as identified in paragraph 25 of the report, might result in a lack of cohesion between the Council’s objectives and its use of companies. The alternative to wind-up EIL was to leave the company dormant. As there was no viable project for the company in the foreseeable future, there was not assessed to be any value in this option.
DECISION: The Cabinet agreed to
1. Note the results presented by the companies (containing exempt information).
2. Approve the wind-up of Enfield Innovations ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |
CABINET AGENDA PLANNING - FUTURE ITEMS Attached for information is a provisional list of items scheduled for future Cabinet meetings. Minutes: NOTED, for information, the provisional list of items scheduled for future Cabinet meetings. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING To note that the next Cabinet meeting is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 9 December 2020. Minutes: NOTED, that the next Cabinet meeting was scheduled to take place on Wednesday 9 December 2020. |