Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday, 13th December, 2006 8.00 pm

Venue: Conference Room, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA. View directions

Contact: Jacqui Hurst Tel: 0208 379 4096. E-mail: 

No. Item




An apology for absence was received from Councillor Hurer and an apology for lateness was received from Councillor Jackson.



Members of the Cabinet are invited to identify any personal or prejudicial interests relevant to items on the agenda. Please refer to the guidance note attached to the agenda.


Councillor Laban declared prejudicial interests for agenda Item Numbers 7 – Consultation on the future of Enfield’s Leisure Centres, being a former Director of the Enfield Leisure Centres Limited and 10 – Asset Management Plan – Disposals Programme Update as his father is a member of Crews Hill Golf Club.  Councillor Laban left the room during the consideration of these items.



The Chairman will consider the admission of any late reports (listed on the agenda but circulated late) which have not been circulated in accordance with the requirements of the Council’s Constitution and the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to Information) (England) Amendment Regulations 2002.

Note: The above requirements state that agendas and reports should be circulated at least 5 clear working days in advance of meetings.


There were no urgent items.




There were no deputations or petitions to consider at the meeting.


Management of the Green Belt pdf icon PDF 148 KB

A report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources is attached.  This report advises on the outcomes of a review undertaken by an independent consultant in response to concerns about the management of the Green Belt. The report recognises the pressures now faced being placed on the Green Belt; the fact that the management of the Green Belt has been under-resourced, and the problems that this has allowed to develop. A series of actions are recommended, including the securing of expert external management of the Council’s Green Belt Estate.

 (Non – key)


Councillor Lavender introduced the report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources (No. 180) advising on the outcomes of a review undertaken by an independent consultant in response to concerns about the management of the Green Belt. The report recognised the pressures now faced being placed on the Green Belt; the fact that the management of the Green Belt has been under-resourced, and the problems that this has allowed to develop. A series of actions are recommended, including the securing of expert external management of the Council’s Green Belt Estate.




1.         The comments of Councillors Dey and Dreblow the ward Councillors regarding the numerous problems over recent years in managing the green belt and ensuring compliance with landlord and planning responsibilities.  Both Councillors were supportive of the proposal to externalise this element of the property management service.  They felt that the lack off consistent enforcement had led to a deterioration of the borough’s green belt particularly in the Crews Hill area.


2.            Councillor Lavender advised that one of the residents at South Barvin had contacted the Council with observations on the report. He felt it was reasonable to record those observations that are set out below:


The first concerns the reference in the consultants report on page 36 to traffic levels when the resident has pointed out that a later survey than the one used by the consultant records a much higher number of vehicles moving into the site in the busiest hour between 8 and 9 am on weekdays. The survey used by the consultant refers to 87 vehicles in the busiest half-hour.


The second point raised relates to the consultants findings on page 37 regarding boundary disputes. The resident does not accept the position as described relating to the rear boundary fence but does agree that he is happy with the current position of those fences.


3.         The view of Councillor Rye that the externalised management company should report to Members on a quarterly basis.


Alternative Options:


As considered as part of the review undertaken by the independent consultant.



1.                  To approve implementation of the actions detailed in the summary of the consultant’s report in Appendix A.


2.         To approve engaging an external consultant to:

a.             Take immediate conduct of the management of the Green Belt portfolio.

b.             Make proposals on engagement of an external company to undertake the longer term management of this estate.


3.         To note the assurances of improved performance with regard to the collection of Business Rates and Planning Enforcement within the Green Belt estate.


4.         To note compliance with the Audit Commission’s recommendations that the Council improve its processes to enable business rate amendments resulting from changes to planning permissions to be identified and actioned on a timely basis.


5.         To recommend to the Constitution Review Group that the scope and terms of reference of the Green Belt Forum be reviewed.

Reasons: To determine the way forward for the future management of the Councils Green Belt Estate.

(Non –  ...  view the full minutes text for item 146.


October 2006 Revenue Monitoring Report. pdf icon PDF 205 KB

A report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources is attached. This sets out the Council’s revenue budget monitoring position for 2006/07 based on information to the end of October 2006. The report indicates a potential overspend within departmental budgets of £43k that is offset by a corporate savings including £930k within Treasury Management leaving an overall potential underspend on the budget of £951k.

(Key decision – number 2029)


Councillor Lavender introduced the report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources (179) setting out the Council’s revenue budget monitoring position for 2006/07 based on information to the end of October 2006. The report highlighted a potential overspend within departmental budgets of £43k that was offset by a corporate savings including £930k within Treasury Management leaving an overall potential underspend on the budget of £951k


Alternative options considered:

Not applicable to this report.




1.         To note the potential net underspend set out in the report and the commitments against the central contingency.


2.         To allocate £36k from the net underspend to fund a review of the Civic Centre reception arrangements in order to improve access for customers (paragraph 6.5).




To ensure that Members are aware of the projected budgetary position for the Authority, including all major budget pressures and underspends which have contributed to the present monthly position and that are likely to affect the final outturn.

(Key decision – number 2029)



A joint report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources and the Director of Education, Children’s Services and Leisure is attached.  Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd (ELCL) is currently in Creditors Voluntary Liquidation. The Council is working with the Liquidators of the company to improve the service at the leisure centres and stem the financial losses, which flow from the operation by ELCL. It is proposed that the future management arrangements for the leisure centres are based on a detailed specification that is itself based on a detailed community consultation carried out in the New Year.

(Key decision – reference number 2074)


Councillor McCannah introduced the joint report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources and the Director of Education, Children’s Services and Leisure (No.181). 



1.         That Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd (ELCL) was currently in Creditors Voluntary Liquidation. The Council is working with the Liquidators of the company to improve the service at the leisure centres and stem the financial losses, which flow from the operation by ELCL. It is proposed that the future management arrangements for the leisure centres are based on a detailed specification that is itself based on a detailed community consultation carried out in the New Year.


2.         That the Enfield Older People’s Forum had submitted their views on this service and these would be included in the consultation exercise.


Alternative options considered: To be considered as part of the proposed comprehensive consultation to be conducted.




That, the future management of the centres, in terms of what is provided, when and where (the specification) is subject to future decisions of the Council which will be fully informed by a comprehensive consultation conducted as widely across the Community as possible. The target date for completion is 23rd February 2007.


Reasons: To determine the future management arrangements for the leisure centres.

(Key decision – reference number 2074)


Enfield Town pdf icon PDF 101 KB

A report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources is attached.  This report considers Enfield Town Phase 2, (the Palace Exchange Shopping Centre) and the award of the fitting out contract for Thomas Hardy House.  It also considers in principle the next phase of the rejuvenation programme for Enfield Town.

(Key decision – reference number 2088)


Councillor Rye introduced the report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources (No. 182) considering Enfield Town Phase 2, (the Palace Exchange Shopping Centre), the award of the fitting out contract for Thomas Hardy House and in principle decision on the next phase of the rejuvenation programme for Enfield Town.


Alternative options considered:


This report seeks approval to a fit-out scheme for Thomas Hardy House as is contractually required.




1.         To approve the revised budget for the fitting out of Thomas Hardy House of £4.73m.


2.         To approve the letting of the fitting out contract for the Thomas Hardy House as disclosed in Appendix 1.


3.         To approve the inclusion of the sites as described in Section 7.2 of the report in the asset disposal programme.


4.         The outline scheme for the demolition, reconstruction and refurbishment of the Carnegie building subject to the outcome of the review of the medium term financial plan.




To progress the next stage of the Enfield Town property improvement programme.

(Key decision – reference number 2088)


Compulsory Licensing of Higher Risk Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) pdf icon PDF 78 KB

A report of the Director Health and Adult Social Services is attached.  This report deals with the compulsory licensing of higher risk Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO).It seeks Cabinet approval to set the level of fees for licensing and agree an additional post of HMO licensing Officer whose costs are to be recovered from HMO licence fees.

(Key decision – reference number 2044)


Councillor Laban introduced the report of the Director Health and Adult Social Services (No. 183) dealing with the compulsory licensing of higher risk Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO).  The report sought Cabinet approval to set the level of fees for licensing and agree an additional post of HMO licensing Officer whose costs are to be recovered from HMO licence fees.


Councillor Neville while supporting in principle the scheme, was concerned

that licensing without controls, particularly on the numbers of people who

could be accommodated in a house, having regard to the facilities provided,

would be of little use in dealing with the growing problem of houses in

multiple occupation in parts of the Borough.


Alternative options considered:


This licensing scheme applies nationally and is mandatory.




1.         To accept the recommendations of officers concerning licensing (paras 3.3,3.4 refer);


2.         To set the HMO licence fee at £120  per letting in the case of licensable HMO for a licence period of five years (para 3.5 refers);


3.         To approve the employment of a HMO licensing officer at scale SO2 (paras 3.6 – 3.8 refer).


4.         That a report be presented to a future meeting of the Cabinet proposing a policy for Houses in Multiple Occupation to ensure there was a coherent planning and licensing policy.




The Council is required to operate a compulsory licensing scheme and the payment of fees by applicants is seen as meeting the cost of licensing. 

(Key decision – reference number 2044)



A report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources is attached.  This report updates Members on the sites/properties sold in this financial year, those properties deferred to 2007/08 and identifies additional properties to be included in the 2007/2008 disposals programmes.


Additional documents:


Councillor Lavender introduced the report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources (No. 184) updating Members on the sites/properties sold in this financial year, those properties deferred to 2007/08 and identifies additional properties to be included in the 2007/2008 disposals programmes.


Alternative options considered:


The Council can continue to retain its’ assets and receive the revenue income from the commercial portfolio properties.

That Members note and approve:




1.         To note the disposals sold to date in this financial year, 2006/2007 and the anticipated capital receipts for this financial year 2006/2007 (contained in Appendix I).


2.         To note and approve the disposals deferred from this financial year (contained in Appendix II) and those new sites/properties identified in the disposals programme for 2007/08.




To implement the Council’s disposals programme in order to ensure delivery of the capital programme.



Our Enfield Magazine pdf icon PDF 68 KB

A report of the Chief Executive is attached.  This seeks Cabinet approval for the creation of a new residents magazine.  The magazine will be called Our Enfield, produced bi-monthly and distributed to all homes in the Borough.  It will be funded through a combination of existing publication budgets and advertising income.

(Key decision – reference number 2090)


Councillor Zinkin introduced the report of the Chief Executive (No. 185) seeking Cabinet approval for the creation of a new residents magazine.  The magazine will be called Our Enfield, produced bi-monthly and distributed to all homes in the Borough.  It will be funded through a combination of existing publication budgets and advertising income.


Alternative options considered: Discussion took place with specific focus groups with citizen panel members; there was broad support for a Council magazine.




To approve the production of the magazine and that relevant budgets are captured to support its costs.



Whilst there have been improvements, residents surveys have shown that local people do not feel that the Council keeps them adequately informed. 

Producing a resident magazine reflects residents’ preference for information direct to their homes but in a more effective way than producing a series of separate leaflets. 

 (Key decision – reference number 2090)


Housing Resident Involvement strategy pdf icon PDF 87 KB

A report of the Director of Performance, Partnership & Policy is attached.  This presents the Enfield Homes’ Resident Involvement Strategy 2006-11 – people like you…… making a difference’ which has been developed following consultation with individual residents and resident’s groups and key partners such as FECA. The report briefly explains the context for preparing the strategy, the consultation process undertaken and sets out the overall vision and objectives of the strategy for the next 5 years.

(Key decision – reference number 2091)


Councillor Laban introduced the report of the Director of Performance, Partnership & Policy (No. 186) presenting the Enfield Homes’ Resident Involvement Strategy 2006-11 – people like you…… making a difference’ which has been developed following consultation with individual residents and resident’s groups and key partners such as FECA. The report briefly explains the context for preparing the strategy, the consultation process undertaken and sets out the overall vision and objectives of the strategy for the next 5 years.


Alternative options considered:


No alternative was considered, whilst there is not statutory requirement o have a resident involvement strategy, it is widely acknowledged to be good practice and inspectors would have an expectation that we would have one in place.




To approve the overall vision and objectives for the resident involvement strategy and agree the way forward for finalising the strategy as detailed in the report.




There is a need for resident influence on decision-making and involvement in improving services to be mainstreamed within the landlord services. The strategy will build on existing structures and areas of good practice to develop a coherent and coordinated approach to this.

(Key decision – reference number 2091)


2006 Annual Performance Assesment of Services For Children and Young People in Enfield Council pdf icon PDF 61 KB

A report of the Director of Education, Children’s Services and Leisure is attached.  The report details the 2006 Annual Performance Assessment of Services for Children and Young People, carried out by OFSTED and CSCI, provides strategic performance information about improvements since the Joint Area Review. All services and our capacity to improve have been judged as ‘Good’ and there has been overall good progress since the Joint Area Review.


Additional documents:


Councillor Vince introduced the report of the Director of Education, Children’s Services and Leisure (No. 187) detailing the 2006 Annual Performance Assessment of Services for Children and Young People, carried out by OFSTED and CSCI, provides strategic performance information about improvements since the Joint Area Review. All services and our capacity to improve have been judged as ‘Good’ and there has been overall good progress since the Joint Area Review.


NOTED that seven schools in the Borough were now judged by Ofsted to be outstanding.   Councillor Vince and the other Members of the Cabinet thanked the Director, his team and the schools for their hard work.


Alternative options considered:






To note the outcomes of the Annual Performance Assessment of services for children and young people in Enfield.




This letter provides important evidence about the performance of Council services.




No items have been received for consideration at this meeting.


No items have been received for consideration at this meeting.



To confirm any items to be referred to the Council.




That Item No. 7 – Consultation on the Future of Enfield’s Leisure Centres be referred on to the Council for consideration.



Attached is a provisional list of items scheduled for future Cabinet meetings.


NOTED the provisional list of items scheduled for future Cabinet meetings.



Members are asked to consider any forthcoming key decisions for inclusion on the Council’s Forward Plan.

Note: The next Forward Plan is due to be published on 16 January 2007, this will cover the period from 1 February to 31 May 2007.


NOTED that the next Forward Plan was due to be published on 16 January 2007, this will cover the period from 1 February to 31 May 2007.



To receive for information, the minutes of a meeting of the London Borough of Enfield / Enfield Racial Equality Council held on 4 October 2006.


RECEIVED for information, the minutes of a meeting of the London Borough of Enfield / Enfield Racial Equality Council held on 4 October 2006.



To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting of the Cabinet held on 22 November 2006.


AGREED that the minutes of the previous meeting of the Cabinet held on 22 November 2006 be confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.



To identify any matters arising from the above minutes.


Councillor Vince updated the Cabinet on Minute No. 140.1, she confirmed the inspection was conducted on 9 December and the inspectors seemed to be very happy with what they found during the visit.



To receive an oral update from members of the Enfield Strategic Partnership Board (Councillors Michael Rye (Chairman), John Jackson and Paul McCannah).


Councillor Jackson confirmed that the next meeting of the board was to be held on Tuesday 19 December 2006.



Cabinet members may wish to take this opportunity to raise any issues which may be of interest to Cabinet colleagues.


163.1          HR Recruitment Team


Councillor Zinkin reported that the Human Resources Recruitment Team had been recognized by recruitment website for their outstanding progress in reducing the time to recruit to vacancies.


163.2          Alcohol Control Team


Councillor Zinkin highlighted a recent article in the Gaurdian Newspaper regarding the Council’s alcohol harm reduction strategy and the progress that had been made by the Alcohol Harm Reduction Board consisting of Council officers and other partners.


163.3          Council Website


Councillor Zinkin reported that the Council’s website had recently been improved with a number of new functions, an improved search facility and spoken pages.


163.4          Education Funding


Councillor Vince confirmed that the Council had recently been successful in a bid to the London Development Agency (LDA) for funding for childcare for children aged 0-5 years with disabilities and SEN.  Enfield’s bid (worth at least £489,000) will work with children with disabilities, parents and childcare providers to increase the capacity and inclusive practice of provision that currently exists, and create opportunities for parents to engage in work or training. 


163.5          Cuckoo Hall Primary School


Councillor Vince the recent release of Department for Education and Skills (DfES) achievement and attainment Tables for Enfield schools. The results highlighted Cuckoo Hall Primary School, Edmonton as the 25th highest school in the KS1-2 Value Added tables with 103.6 pts. She congratulated the school on this incredible achievement.


163.6          Millfield Theatre Pantomime


Councillor Vince recommended the Snow White production to other Members, she felt that this was the best pantomime that had be put on at Millfield for a number of years.


163.7          Winchmore Hill Controlled Parking Zone


Councillor Neveille reported that he had asked officers to only consider amendments primarily within the boundary of the zone where some 'fine tuning' is required to improve the operation of the parking controls. No significant extensions would be considered until the completion of the Parking Policy review. Therefore, no consideration would be given to extending the CPZ to the following roads, as this would constitute a substantial extension to the zone:


- The Alders and Gatward Close


- Hurst Road, Arlow Road and the northern part of Haselmere Road.


- Roads within the area bounded by Green Dragon Lane, Hoodcote Gardens, the northern Boundary of the CPZ and Green Lanes.


163.8          Concessionary Bus Travel


Councillor Neville advised that the proposals in the Concessionary Bus Travel Bill would have a financial impact on London Boroughs as the government had set aside only £250m to implement the scheme.  Any additional costs for providing travel to eligible residents outside London would fall equally on all boroughs.  The views of the Mayor for London on these proposals were being sought.


163.9          Weekly Paid Staff


Councillor Nevillle raised concerns over the fact that staff, were still being paid on a weekly basis and this would lead to uneccssary additional expenditure.

The Chief executive advised that payroll cost savings could not be achieved without a rationalisation of terms and conditions for a large number of staff.  This process  ...  view the full minutes text for item 163.



The next meeting of the Cabinet is scheduled to take place on Thursday 18 January 2007 at 8.00pm at the Civic Centre.


The next meeting of the Cabinet was scheduled to take place on Thursday 18 January 2007 at 8.00pm at the Civic Centre.