Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 28th June, 2006 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Stephen Addison  Tel: 0208 379 4097. E-mail:

No. Item



The Mayor’s Chaplain to give a blessing.


The Mayor’s Chaplain, the Reverend John Paul gave a blessing on the Council.


Mayor's Announcements


The Mayor made the following announcements:


1.                  July 2005 Bombing – Remembrance


The Deputy Mayor is to lay a wreath at the tree of tolerance at 11.50 a.m. on 7 July to mark the first anniversary of the bombings in London.  All members are welcome to attend and further details will be provided on the Members’ newsletter


2.                  Capel Manor Mayor’s Day


I would like to thank Capel Manor for hosting my garden party, it was a splendid occasion and I have received many thank you letters from other Mayors and invited guests.


3.                  Pymmes Park


I recently attended an event in Pymmes Park, to highlight a conservation project undertaken by pupils of Aylward School with support from an officer involved in Enfield in Bloom to mark the renaming of their school in September.  The pupils worked hard on a plot of land in the park and had  incorporated the new name, Gladys Aylward in the planting design.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 79 KB

To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the Council meeting held on 24 May 2006.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Council meeting held 24 May 2006 be approved and signed by the Mayor as a correct record.




Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bond, Brett, Jukes, Headley, Orhan and Zinkin.



Members are invited to identify any personal or prejudicial interests relevant to items on the agenda. Please refer to the guidance note attached to the agenda.




1.         That the Borough Solicitor was to make a statement regarding Item 15 – Members Allowances. The statement is set out in full in minute number 40 below.


2.            Councillor Taylor declared a personal interest in Item 13 on the agenda.


Change of order of Business


Councillor Hurer moved and Councillor Rye seconded a motion ‘to change the order of business on the agenda under paragraph 2.2 (page 4-5) of the Council’s Procedure Rules to enable the meeting to take agenda item 17.1 as its next item of business.  This was agreed by the meeting.




RECEIVED the following motion pursuant to Part 4 – paragraph 10 of the Council’s Constitution, Rules of Procedure:-


In the name of Councillor McGregor


Councillor McGregor moved and Councillor Lamprecht seconded the following motion:


“This Council recognises the strength of feeling expressed by the electorate on May 4th for maintaining the current level of essential services (in particular A and E, child and maternity services) at Chase Farm Hospital.


The announcement by the Trust on the possible options for the hospital is imminent.  Enfield Council reiterates its opposition to any plans to downgrade the hospital.  Enfield Council commits to providing the necessary support and resources to ensure the overwhelming arguments in favour of retaining essential services at Chase Farm will be articulated in a robust manner.”


Councillor Lavender moved and Councillor Rye seconded the following  amendment: 


“And this Council regrets that Joan Ryan MP has failed to acknowledge that strength of feeling in not organising a deputation to the Secretary of State as requested by this Council.”


Following a lengthy debate the amendment was put to the vote with the following result:


In favour of the amendment – 30

Against the amendment – 25


The motion as amended was then debated further. 


During the debate Councillor Lavender asked officers to develop a plan of action for consideration by the Health Scrutiny Panel, with a further report to Cabinet which details the resources and action required to save the hospital.


The substantive motion was put to the vote with the following result:


In favour – 30

Against – 23

Abstained - 2


RESOLVED accordingly.


Enfield's Scrutiny Annual Report 2005/06 pdf icon PDF 64 KB

To receive the report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (No.33) setting out the work of the six Scrutiny Panels and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee during 2005/06 for consideration by Council.

Additional documents:


Councillor E Smith moved and Councillor Pearce seconded the report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (No.33) setting out the work of the six Scrutiny Panels and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee during 2005/06 for consideration by Council.




1.         to endorse the Scrutiny Annual Report 2005/06 for publication


2.         to note the areas identified as future challenges for Enfield’s scrutiny function within the Annual Report.


Consideration of Application to become a Fairtrade Borough pdf icon PDF 80 KB

To receive the report of the Environment, Parks and Leisure Scrutiny Panel (No.9) seeking consideration of Enfield becoming a “Fairtrade Borough”.


The report was considered at the Cabinet meeting held on 14 June 2006 and their recommendation is set out below:


RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL that consideration of the report be deferred for future consideration in the light of the concerns expressed by the Cabinet particularly with regard to the financial implications of the proposals. Cabinet asked that the involvement of the voluntary sector be explored further and that the proposals should not lead to the Council incurring costs.


RECEIVED the report of the Environment, Parks and Leisure Scrutiny Panel (No. 9) outlining the Fair Trade Working Group’s findings, and offering recommendations to Council.




1.         that Council on 28 September 2005 agreed that consideration be given to Enfield becoming a ‘Fairtrade Borough’. This project was passed to the Environment, Parks & Amenities (EPA) Scrutiny Panel, who in turn set up a Scrutiny Working Group to review the various benefits and disadvantages of such a move.


2.         that if Council was minded to approve the recommendations, a Steering Group would work towards Fairtrade Borough accreditation, as awarded by the Fairtrade Foundation.


3.         the draft minute of the Environment, Parks and Leisure Scrutiny Panel meeting held on 22 June 2006, tabled at the meeting, setting out the views of Members of the Panel on this issue.


4.         the recommendation to Council set out on the agenda agreed by Cabinet at its meeting on 14 June 2006.


5.         the procedural debate regarding the most appropriate way for this item of business to be considered by the Council.


At this point, with the agreement of the Council, Councillor Rodin moved and Councillor Charalambous seconded, the motion set out below and listed as item 17.2:


“This Council approves all the recommendations contained in Report No. 9 of Municipal Year 2006/07 (Consideration of Application to become a Fairtrade Borough).”


After a lengthy debate the motion was put to the vote with the following result:


In favour - 27

Against – 28


The motion was therefore not carried.


Councillor Rye moved and Councillor Lavender seconded the recommendation of Cabinet as set out below.  This was put to the vote and approved.


RESOLVED that consideration of the report be deferred for future consideration in the light of the concerns expressed by the Cabinet particularly with regard to the financial implications of the proposals. Cabinet asked that the involvement of the voluntary sector be explored further and that the proposals should not lead to the Council incurring costs.


Amendments to the Pension Board Terms of reference pdf icon PDF 107 KB

To receive the report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources (No.35) proposing changes to the Pension Board terms of reference to reflect the need to maintain a pro-active and efficient co-ordinating role over the management of the Pension Fund.


Councillor Neville moved and Councillor Hall seconded the report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources (No.35) proposing changes to the Pension Board terms of reference to reflect the need to maintain a pro-active and efficient co-ordinating role over the management of the Pension Fund.




1.         that the Pension Board had not agreed the schedule of meeting dates set out in the report.  These would be reviewed at the next meeting of the Board


2.         the amendment to paragraph 2.3.1 of the terms of reference  reported at the meeting and set out below:


2.3.1   The Chairman of the Investment Committee shall be the Chairman of the Pension Board.


RESOLVED to approve the new structure and amended terms of reference for  the Pension Board.


Enfield's Final Local Implementation Plan (LIP) pdf icon PDF 275 KB

To receive the report of the Director of Environment Street Scene and Parks (No. 10) providing details of Enfield’s Local Implementation Plan (LIP).  Under Section 145 of the Greater London Authority Act 1999 ('the GLA Act’), London local authorities must prepare Local Implementation Plans (LIPs) containing their proposals for the implementation of the Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS) in their areas.


The recommendations set out in the report were endorsed by Cabinet on 14 June 2006.


Councillor Neville moved and Councillor E Savva seconded the report of the Director of Environment Street Scene and Parks (No. 10) providing details of Enfield’s Local Implementation Plan (LIP).  Under Section 145 of the Greater London Authority Act 1999 ('the GLA Act’), London local authorities must prepare Local Implementation Plans (LIPs) containing their proposals for the implementation of the Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS) in their areas.




1.         the recommendations set out in the report were endorsed by Cabinet on 14 June 2006.


2.         that Councillor G Savva proposed that the Environment, Parks and Leisure Scrutiny Panel should monitor the implementation of the LIP.




1.         to approve Enfield’s final Local Implementation Plan for submission to the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone.


2.         that the Environment, Parks and Leisure Scrutiny Panel be requested to monitor the implementation of the LIP.


Enfield Council's Improvement and Best Value Performance Plan 2006-2009 pdf icon PDF 34 KB

To receive the report of the Chief Executive (No.15) seeking adoption of the updated Enfield Council Improvement and Best Value Plan for 2006-2009.


The recommendations set out in the report were endorsed by Cabinet on 14 June 2006.


Councillor Rye moved and Councillor Lamprecht seconded the report of the Chief Executive (No.15) seeking adoption of the updated Enfield Council Improvement and Best Value Performance Plan for 2006-2009.


NOTED that the recommendations set out in the report were endorsed by Cabinet on 14 June 2006.


RESOLVED to adopt the updated Enfield Council Improvement and Best Value Performance Plan for 2006-2009.


Revised Local Authority "Gold" Resolution pdf icon PDF 64 KB

To receive the report of the Director of Environment Street Scene and Parks (No. 20) relating to a request to all London Boroughs from the Association of London Government to adopt a revised Local Authority “Gold” resolution.


The recommendations set out in the report were endorsed by Cabinet on 14 June 2006.

Additional documents:


Councillor Rye moved and Councillor Hurer seconded the report of the Director of Environment, Street Scene and Parks (No. 20) relating to a request to all London Boroughs from the Association of London Government to adopt a revised Local Authority “Gold” resolution.


NOTED that the recommendations set out in the report were endorsed by Cabinet on 14 June 2006.




1.         that the recommendations below be adopted, whilst the ALG continue to work on two areas of concern:-


i.            indemnities for "Gold" Chief Executives in respect of personal liabilities, to the extent that this might not be covered by an authority's existing arrangements;


ii.         the exploration of additional arrangements for pooling expenditures.


2.         in accordance with section 138 Local Government Act 1972, section 101 Local Government Act 1972, section 19 Local Government Act 2000, Regulations 7 and 10 Local Authorities (Arrangements for the Discharge of Functions) (England) Regulations 2000  and all other enabling powers. The resolution has regard to “Emergency Response and Recovery” the non-statutory Guidance issued pursuant to the Civil Contingencies Act 2004.


3.         As from the date of this resolution the Council’s functions under section 138(1) Local Government Act 1972 (Powers of principal councils with respect to emergencies or disasters) are delegated to the Council which has appointed the Head of Paid Service as defined in paragraph 3 below in the circumstances set out in paragraphs 4-7 below.


4.         The Head of Paid Service is the person appointed by one of the Councils under section 4 Local Government and Housing Act 1989 who, following the convening of the Strategic Co-ordinating Group (“Gold Command”) to respond to an incident requiring a “Level 2” response (as defined in paragraph 4 below) has agreed to discharge the functions under section 138(1) Local Government Act 1972 (“the functions”) on behalf of the Councils.


5.         An emergency requiring a Level 2 response is a single site or wide-area disruptive challenge which requires a co-ordinated response by relevant agencies.


6.         The functions hereby delegated shall not be exercised until resolutions delegating the functions have been made by all the Councils.


7.         The powers hereby delegated to the Council which has  appointed the Head of Paid Service shall not include any power to incur expenditure or to make grants or loans to any person unless either:


i.          the Head of Paid Service has received confirmation from the Minister that  expenditure reasonably incurred by the Head of Paid Service in taking immediate action to safeguard life or property or to prevent suffering or severe inconvenience  will be reimbursed by HM Government; or


ii.         the Head of Paid Service has received confirmation on behalf of the Council(s) in whose area(s) the incident has occurred that expenditure reasonably incurred by the Head of Paid Service in taking immediate action to safeguard life or property; to prevent suffering or severe inconvenience and to promote community cohesion and a return to normality, will be met by the Council (or the Councils in proportions to be agreed by them).


8.         In  ...  view the full minutes text for item 36.


Food Safety: Submission of Food Service Plan 2006/7 pdf icon PDF 64 KB

To receive the report of the Director of Environment Street Scene and Parks (No. 36) setting out in abridged form at Appendix 1 the Food Safety service plan for approval in accordance with the Food Standards Agency Framework Agreement on Local Authority Food Law enforcement, made under the Food Standards Act 1999.  A copy of the full report has been placed in the Members library, both group offices and on the Council’s website.

Additional documents:


Councillor Neville moved and Councillor E Savva seconded the report of the Director of Environment Street Scene and Parks (No. 36) setting out in abridged form at Appendix 1 the Food Safety Service Plan for approval in accordance with the Food Standards Agency Framework Agreement on Local Authority Food Law enforcement, made under the Food Standards Act 1999. 




1.         that a copy of the full report has been placed in the Members library, both group offices and on the Council’s website.


2.         the amendment to the recommendations proposed by Councillor Taylor and seconded by Councillor Simon that the Scores on the Doors initiative be supported in principle.




1.         that the Food Safety Service Plan 2006/07 be agreed by the Council, as required by the Framework Agreement on Local Authority Food Law Enforcement;


2.         that Officers investigate the implications of the Scores on the Doors initiative.






1.         That in accordance with Council Procedure, Rule 8 (page 4-7 – part 4), the Mayor advised the Council that the time available for the meeting had elapsed and the remaining items of business would be dealt with in accordance with the expedited procedure.


2.         That the remaining items of business would be put to the vote without debate.


3.         That the Council will be deemed to have agreed the changes to memberships of council bodies and nominations to outside organisations.


Statement of Community Involvement pdf icon PDF 40 KB

To receive the report of the Director of Environment Street Scene and Parks (No. 348) seeking endorsement of Enfield’s Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). The SCI sets out how the community will be involved in the preparation and revision of the Local Development Documents, that will form the Local Development Framework (LDF) and in the consideration of planning applications.


The recommendations set out in the report were endorsed by Cabinet on 26 April 2006.


RECEIVED the report of the Director of Environment Street Scene and Parks (No. 348) seeking endorsement of Enfield’s Statement of Community Involvement (SCI).




1.         that the recommendations set out in the report were endorsed by Cabinet on 26 April 2006.


2.         that the SCI set out how the community would be involved in the preparation and revision of the Local Development Documents, that will form the Local Development Framework (LDF) and in the consideration of planning applications.


RESOLVED to adopt the Statement of Community Involvement.


To review the Council's members allowances scheme for 2006/07 pdf icon PDF 88 KB

                                                                                                            TO FOLLOW

To receive the report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources, (No. 37) containing recommendations from the Members Services Working Party held on 19 June 2006.

Additional documents:


RECEIVED the report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources, (No. 37) containing recommendations from the Members Services Working Party held on 19 June 2006.




1.         that the Borough Solicitor advised the Council that the Standards Board for England had recently given guidance as to the position of Members in relation to allowances and conflicts of interest.  Paragraph 10 (2) of the Members’ Code of Conduct allows an exemption from a prejudicial interest to Councillors to enable them to determine the levels of their allowances.


2.         the advice from the Standards Board, in the interests of openness and transparency, is that all Members should declare personal interests.  Notwithstanding this advice, declarations of interest are members responsibility, he therefore asked any Member who did not wish to declare a personal interest to indicate by raising their hand and their name would not be recorded in the minutes.  No hands were raised.


3.         in accordance with  2 above it was deemed that all members present at the meeting and listed at the start of these minutes, declared a personal interest.




1.         to Increase the basic allowance for all councillors from £6,750 to £9,500 per year (paragraph 4)


2.         to approve the levels of Special Responsibility Allowances as set out in Appendix A (paragraph 5) with the proviso that, if a member occupies more than one eligible position, they will be paid the higher SRA only.


3.         that consideration of whether to admit all councillors who wish to join to the Local Government Pension Scheme on the criteria set out by the ALG’s Independent Remuneration Panel (paragraph 6) be deferred until September 2006 to allow the Working Party to consider a more detailed report.


4.         that consideration of whether the Council should pay dependent carers allowance (paragraph 7) be deferred until September 2006 to allow the Working Party to consider a more detailed report.


5.         to increase automatically the rates for travel and subsistence each year in line with inflation (paragraph 8).


6.         to limit the payment to co-opted members to the Chairman of the Standards Committee (paragraph 9)


7.         that the allowances be increased annually in line with the national index for average earnings rather than 1% plus the retail price index as agreed by Council previously (paragraphs 3.4 and 10).


8.         that the above changes be operative from 5 May 2006.



16.1    Urgent Questions (Part 4 - Paragraph 9.2.(b) of Constitution – Page 4-9)


With the permission of the Mayor, questions on urgent issues may be tabled with the proviso of a subsequent written response if the issue requires research or is considered by the Mayor to be minor.


Please note that the Mayor will decide whether a question is urgent or not.  The definition of an urgent question is “An issue which could not reasonably have been foreseen or anticipated prior to the deadline for the submission of questions and which needs to be considered before the next meeting of the Council.”


A supplementary question is not permitted.


16.2            Councillors’ Questions (Part 4 – Paragraph 9.2(a) of Constitution – Page 4 - 8)


The eight questions and responses are attached to the agenda.


1.         Urgent Questions


NOTED the receipt of an urgent question and the decion of the Mayor that it did not meet the urgency test set out in the constitution.


2.            Questions by Councillors


NOTED the 8 questions, on the Council’s agenda, which received a written reply by the relevant Cabinet Member.



17.1In the name of Councillor McGregor


“This Council recognises the strength of feeling expressed by the electorate on May 4th for maintaining the current level of essential services (in particular A and E, child and maternity services) at Chase Farm Hospital.


The announcement by the Trust on the possible options for the hospital is imminent.  Enfield Council reiterates its opposition to any plans to downgrade the hospital.  Enfield Council commits to providing the necessary support and resources to ensure the overwhelming arguments in favour of retaining essential services at Chase Farm will be articulated in a robust manner.”


17.2In the name of Councillor Rodin


“This Council approves all the recommendations contained in Report No. 9 of Municipal Year 2006/07 ( Consideration of Application to become a Fairtrade Borough).”


17.3In the name of Councillor Rodin


“This Council recognises its failure to deliver services to people living in Eastern and Southern Enfield and resolves to improve services in those parts of the Borough.”


NOTED that the following motion was lost because of insufficient time:


i.          In the name of Councillor Rodin


“This Council recognises its failure to deliver services to people living in Eastern and Southern Enfield and resolves to improve services in those parts of the Borough.”



To confirm any changes to committee memberships.


RESOLVED to confirm the following changes to committee memberships:


1.         Adult Social Services Scrutiny Panel – Councillor Anwar becomes Labour Lead.


2.         ALMO Steering Group - Councillor Stafford to replace Councillor Giladi.


3.         ALMO Shadow Board – Councillor Fallart, Councillor Lamprecht, Councillor Kaye, Councillor Oykener, Councillor Stafford and Councillor Buckland.


4.            Complaints Against Curriculum Panel - Councillor McGowan to replace Councillor Goddard.


5.            Conservation Advisory Group – To appoint Councillor Kate Wilkinson.

2 Labour vacancies.


6.            Corporate Parenting Group - Councillor Goddard to fill vacancy.


7.            Eastern District Community Housing Partnership - Councillor Orhan to replace Councillor Taylor.


8.            Edmonton District Community Housing Partnership - Councillor Headley to replace Councillor Buckland.


9.            Electoral Review Panel - Councillor Charalambous to replace Councillor Taylor.  Councillor Simon to fill vacancy


10.       Green Belt Forum - Councillor Robinson to fill vacancy.


11.       Joint Borough Health Scrutiny Panel – Healthy Hospitals – Councillor Adams and Councillor Pearce to fill vacancies.


12.       Joint Consultative Group for Teachers and Staff Forum - Councillor Brown to replace Councillor Goddard.


13.       Local Joint Group – Councillor McCannah, Councillor Buckland, Councillor Robinson and Councillor Giladi to fill vacancies.


14.            Member Governor Forum – Councillor Chamberlain to fill vacancy


15.            Parents Forum - Councillor G. Savva to fill vacancy


16.            Planning Committee - Councillor Robinson to replace Councillor Oykener.


17.       Public Transport Consultative Group - Councillor Orhan to replace Councillor During


18.       Staff Appeals Panel – Councillor Robinson, Councillor Giladi, Councillor Rodin to fill vacancies.


19.            Twinning Working Party - Councillor Oykener to fill vacancy.


20.  Overview & Scrutiny Committee and Childrens’ Services Scrutiny Panel

To appoint Mrs Valerie Girling as a Parent Governor Representative.


21.  Overview & Scrutiny Committee and Childrens’ Services Scrutiny Panel

To appoint Mrs Carmel Tylee (RC), Rabbi E. Levy (Jewish) and Revd. R. Knowling (C of E) as the 3 religious representatives.



To confirm any changes to nominations to outside bodies.


RESOLVED to confirm the following changes to the Council’s nominations to outside bodies:


1.    Edmonton United Charities – Conservative vacancy


2.    Enfield Church Trust for Girls – To reappoint Mrs Anderson for a further 4 years.


3.   Enfield Community Police Partnership (ECPP) – To appoint Councillor Adams.


4.    Enfield Communtiy Police Partnership-(ECPP) Management Committee – To appoint Councillor Adams.


5.   Enfield, Essex & Hertfordshire Border Liaison Group – Broxbourne, Epping Forest, Lee Valley RPA, – Councillor Constantinides and Councillor Bond to fill vacancies.


6.         Enfield In Bloom – Councillor Robinson to fill vacancy


7.    Enfield Leisure Centre Ltd. Board – Councillor Charalambous to fill vacancy


8.    Enfield Partners Panel – Councillor Jackson, Councillor Zinkin and Councillor Stafford.


9.    Enfield Racial Equality Council (EREC) – Councillor Brett and Councillor Anwar to fill vacancies.


10.    EREC Executive Committee – Councillor Anolue to fill vacancy


11.    Enfield Sports Advisory Council – Councillor Charalambous to fill vacancy


12.  Enfield Strategic Partnership – Councillor Rodin as representative of the Labour Group


13.  Greater London Employment Forum (new ALG forum) – Councillor McCannah and Councillor Prescott (Deputy)


14.  Health & Social Care Board – Councillor Giladi and Councillor Lappage to fill vacancies


15.  Health and Social Partnership Boards:


Physical & Sensory Disabilities & HIV/AIDS – Councillor During to fill vacancy

Mental Health – Councillor Brett to fill vacancy

Older People – Councillor During to fill vacancy

Carers – Councillor Robinson to fill vacancy


16.  London Borough of Enfield/Enfield Racial Equality Council – Councillor Charalambous and Councillor Rodin to fill vacancies


17.London Borough of Enfield Mayor’s Charity – Councillor Constantinides to fill vacancy


18.  Local Government Association General Assembly – Councillor Rodin to fill vacancy


19.  London Housing Unit Executive Sub-Committee – Councillor Hurer and Councillor Fallart (Deputy)


20.  Racial Incident Action Group (RIAG) – Labour vacancy


21.  Racial Incident Action Group (RIAG) Executive – Councillor Anwar to fill vacancy


22.  RELATE – Labour vacancy


23.  Sectoral Joint Committee (London Housing Unit committee) – Councillor Rye


24.  Safer & Stronger Communities – Councillor McCannah to replace Councillor Hurer Councillor Kaye (Deputy)


25.  Southgate Cultural Fund – Councillor Giladi to fill vacancy


26.  Southgate Old People’s Welfare Committee – Councillor Cole to fill vacancy


27.  2012 Forum (new ALG forum) – Councillor Jackson and Councillor Vince (Deputy)


28.  Upper Lee Valley Local Economic Partnership – Councillor Stafford to fill vacancy


29.  Upper Lee Valley Strategic Partnership Board – Councillor Goddard to fill vacancy.


30.  Victim Support – Councillor Robinson to fill vacancy.



None received.


None received.



The next meeting of the Council will be held on Wednesday 20 September 2006 at 7.00 p.m. at the Civic Centre.


NOTED that the next meeting of the Council was to be held on Wednesday 20 September 2006 at 7.00 p.m. at the Civic Centre.