Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 28th March, 2007 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: Stephen Addison  Tel: 0208 379 4097. E-mail:

No. Item



The Mayor’s Chaplain to give a blessing.


The Mayor’s Chaplain, the Reverend John Paul gave a blessing on the Council.




Members were advised of the recent death of Betty Jukes, former Mayor’s Secretary. Members observed a minute’s silence in her memory.


The Mayor made the following announcement:


As this is the last ordinary Council meeting of this municipal year, I would like to thank all Councillors for electing me as Mayor, it has been a privilege to serve the Borough in this capacity and I have been grateful for the opportunity to serve. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Rhoda Aldridge, Melanie Harris, Norman Bremner and Stephen Rose for all of their hard work on my behalf.


I have enjoyed a large number of activities in and out of the Borough and have met a number of other Mayors.


In response to the above, Councillor Rye expressed his thanks on behalf of Members for Councillor Dey’s years service as Mayor of Enfield. It was recognised that the Mayor is placed under tremendous strain with a huge number of duties. Councillor Rye, on behalf of Members, wished Councillor Dey every success during his remaining time on the Council.


Councillor Rodin echoed the comments of Councillor Rye. Councillor Dey had done an excellent job in sometimes difficult circumstances and with good humour.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 46 KB

To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the Council meeting held on 21 February 2007.


AGREED that the minutes of the Council meeting held on 21 February 2007 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.




Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Headley, Lappage, Oykener and Taylor. Apologies for lateness were received from Councillors Laban, T.Smith, Brett and Charalambous.



Members of the Council are invited to identify any personal or prejudicial interests relevant to items on the agenda. Please refer to the guidance note attached to the agenda.


Councillor Bambos Charalambous declared a personal and prejudicial interest in agenda item 7, Opposition Business – Leisure Provision and agenda item nos. 13.2 and 13.3, the motions relating to Enfield Leisure Centres Trust Ltd. in his capacity as a member of the Management Board of the Enfield Leisure Centres Trust Ltd. and left the meeting for the discussion of these items.


Councillor Matthew Laban declared a personal and prejudicial interest regarding agenda item 7, Opposition Business – Leisure Provision and agenda item nos. 13.2 and 13.3, the motions relating to Enfield Leisure Centres Trust Ltd. as his sister is a Council employee who worked at the Edmonton Leisure Centre and he was a member of the Management Board of the Enfield Leisure Centres Trust Ltd. prior to its liquidation. Councillor Laban was not present for the discussion on these items.




Councillor Buckland moved and Councillor Rye seconded a motion “to change the order of business on the agenda under paragraph 2.2 (page 4-5) of the Council’s Procedure Rules to enable the meeting to take agenda item 13.4 as the next item of business. This was agreed by the meeting.


The order of the minutes reflect the order of the agenda, minute no.14 refers.


Following the consideration of agenda item 13.4 (as detailed above) and agenda item 7, Councillor Hurer moved and Councillor Rye seconded a motion “to change the order of business on the agenda under paragraph 2.2 (page 4-5) of the Council’s Procedure Rules to enable the meeting to take agenda item 13.2 as the next item of business. This was agreed by the meeting.


The order of the minutes reflect the order of the agenda, minute no.14 refers.



To receive a report from the Labour Group providing background information on the issue raised for consideration under Opposition Business.  The issue relates to leisure provision within the Borough.


An extract from the Council’s Constitution has also been attached setting out the procedure for the conduct of Opposition Business at the Council meeting.

Additional documents:


Councillor Charalambous left the meeting for the discussion of this item. Councillor Laban was not present for this item.


Councillor Rodin introduced the Opposition Priority Business – Leisure and highlighted the issues raised in the paper presented to Members and the recommendations for consideration.


Councillor McCannah responded to the issues raised.


A lengthy debate followed and each of the three individual recommendations detailed in the paper on Opposition Priority Business – Leisure, as set out below were put to the vote with the following results:


1.            establish a dedicated unit headed by a senior officer with expertise in leisure


For: 20

Against: 31

Abstentions: 2


AGREED that the above recommendation be not carried by the Council.


2.            resolve the issue of the future management of the operation of the Boroughs’ Leisure Centres as a matter of urgency


AGREED that the above recommendation be carried unanimously by the Council.


3.         forge better links with young people and other groups in the community who have an interest in the provision of high quality Leisure facilities.


AGREED that the above recommendation be carried unanimously by the Council.


Relationship Manager and District Auditor's Annual Audit and Inspection Letter pdf icon PDF 28 KB

To receive the report of the Chief Executive accompanying the Relationship Manager and District Auditor’s Annual Audit and Inspection Letter. The Annual Letter summarises for Members the more important matters arising from the Relationship Manager and District Auditor’s audit and inspection programme for 2005/06 and comments on current issues.            (Report No.239)


The report and Annual Letter is to be considered by the Cabinet and the Audit Committee at their meetings on 22 March 2007.

Additional documents:


Councillor Rye moved and Councillor Lavender seconded the report of the Chief Executive (Report No.239) which accompanied the Relationship Manager and District Auditor’s Annual Audit and Inspection Letter summarising for Members the more important matters arising from the Relationship Manager and District Auditor’s audit and inspection programme for 2005/06 and commenting on current issues.


NOTED that at their meetings on 22 March 2007 the Audit Committee and Cabinet had agreed the Annual Audit and Inspection Letter and recommended to Council that the contents be noted.


A discussion took place on the contents of the Annual Letter.


AGREED to note the contents of the Annual Letter.


"Enfield's Future" A Sustainable Community Strategy for Enfield 2007-2017 pdf icon PDF 40 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Performance, Partnership and Policy asking Council to consider the ESP’s revised Community Strategy’s visions and strategic objectives and endorse the way forward for agreeing Enfield’s Community Strategy.            (Report No.243)


The report is also due to be considered by Cabinet at its meeting on 22 March 2007.

Additional documents:


Councillor Rye moved and Councillor Jackson seconded the report of the Director of Performance, Partnership and Policy (Report No.243A) considering the Enfield Strategic Partnership’s revised Community Strategy’s visions and strategic objectives and seeking endorsement for the way forward for agreeing the Strategy.


NOTED that at its meeting on 22 March 2007 Cabinet had agreed the report and recommended to Council for approval.




1.         to approve the Community Strategy’s visions and strategic objectives as set out in Appendix A of the report;


2.         to endorse the way forward for agreeing the Strategy.


Community Cohesion Strategy pdf icon PDF 36 KB

To receive the report of the Director of Performance, Partnership and Policy outlining the Council’s first Community Cohesion Strategy.            (Report No.230)


The recommendations in the report were endorsed by Cabinet at its meeting on 28 February 2007.

Additional documents:


Councillor Hurer moved and Councillor Lamprecht seconded the report of the Director of Performance, Partnership and Policy (Report No.230A) introducing the Council’s first Community Cohesion Strategy. The report outlined its content and explained the process involved in developing the strategy.


After a debate the recommendations set out in the report were put to the vote with the following result:


For:  34

Against:  21


AGREED to approve the Community Cohesion Strategy.


Capital Programme and Prudential Indicator Monitoring Third Quarter 2006/07 pdf icon PDF 127 KB

To receive the report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources  informing Members of the current position regarding the Council’s 2006 to 2011 capital programme taking into account the latest monitoring information on the progress of schemes.            (Report No.228)


The recommendations in the report were endorsed by Cabinet at its meeting on 28 February 2007.


Councillor Lavender moved and Councillor Rye seconded the report of the Director of Finance and Corporate Resources (Report No.228) informing Members of the current position regarding the Council’s 2006 to 2011 capital programme taking into account the latest monitoring information on the progress of schemes.


The recommendations set out in the report were put to the vote with the following result:


For:  33

Against: 0

Abstentions: 22


AGREED to confirm that the following variations to projects be included in the capital programme:


Additional resources for works to housing stock £2,092k

Purchase and implementation of SAP – MSS/ESS module £1,028k






1.         that in accordance with Council Procedure, Rule 8 (page 4-7 – part 4), the Mayor advised the Council that the time available for the meeting had elapsed and the remaining items of business would be dealt with in accordance with the expedited procedure.


2.         that the remaining items of business would be put to the vote without debate.


3.         that there were no changes to memberships of council bodies and nominations to outside organisations.


COUNCILLORS’ QUESTION TIME (Time Allowed - 30 minutes) pdf icon PDF 39 KB

Urgent Questions (Part 4 - Paragraph 9.2.(b) of Constitution – Page 4-9)


With the permission of the Mayor, questions on urgent issues may be tabled with the proviso of a subsequent written response if the issue requires research or is considered by the Mayor to be minor.


Please note that the Mayor will decide whether a question is urgent or not.  The definition of an urgent question is “An issue which could not reasonably have been foreseen or anticipated prior to the deadline for the submission of questions and which needs to be considered before the next meeting of the Council.”  The submission of urgent questions to Council now requires the Member submitting the question to specify why the issue could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the deadline and why it has to be considered before the next meeting.


A supplementary question is not permitted.


Councillors’ Questions (Part 4 – Paragraph 9.2(a) of Constitution – Page 4 - 8)


The ten questions are attached to the agenda.


1.         Urgent Questions


None received.


2.            Questions by Councillors


NOTED the 10 questions, on the Council’s agenda, which received a written reply by the relevant Cabinet Member.



 13.1   In the name of Councillor Boast


“Enfield Council calls upon the Government to repeal any laws or regulations stemming from the European Working Time Directive that impede the emergency services in the performance of their duties.”


13.2    In the name of Councillor McCannah


Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd. is currently in liquidation. The liquidators are in the process of completing their inquiries and, in due course, may report to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) on the conduct of the company and its directors. When this process is completed it is vital that the public of the Borough are able to examine the reasons for the failure of the company and Council resolves to set up a special scrutiny commission, at a date to be decided following the completion of the liquidators' work and the conclusions of the DTI, to examine the reasons for and the consequences of the insolvency of Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd.


13.3    In the name of Councillor Giladi


“Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd is currently in liquidation.  The liquidators are in the process of completing their inquiries and, in due course, may report to the Department of Trade and Industry on the conduct of the company and its directors.  When this process is completed, it is vital that the public of the borough are able to examine the reasons for the insolvency of the company. The Council resolves to set up a special scrutiny commission, with a budget and access to external professional support, at a date to be decided following the completion of the liquidators’ work and the conclusions of the DTI to examine:


1.      The relationship between the Council and Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd prior to the insolvency, including how funding and policy decisions by the Council impacted on the viability of the company.

2.      The full cost to the Council of the liquidation and how this compares to an alternative strategy of increasing the Council’s subsidy to the company.

3.      The reasons for the early closure of Edmonton Leisure Centre and the closure of Bramley Road squash courts.

4.      Any other relevant matter that the Commission decides”.


13.4         In the name of Councillor Rodin


“This Council values the contribution made by its black communities as well as others and proposes to erect a monument marking the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade”.


1.         In the name of Councillor Boast


“Enfield Council calls upon the Government to repeal any laws or regulations stemming from the European Working Time Directive that impede the emergency services in the performance of their duties”.


The above motion lapsed because of insufficient time.


2.         In the name of Councillor McCannah


(Minute No.6 also refers)


“Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd. is currently in liquidation. The liquidators are in the process of completing their inquiries and, in due course, may report to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) on the conduct of the company and its directors. When this process is completed it is vital that the public of the Borough are able to examine the reasons for the failure of the company and Council resolves to set up a special scrutiny commission, at a date to be decided following the completion of the liquidators’ work and the conclusions of the DTI, to examine the reasons for and the consequences of the insolvency of Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd.”


After a lengthy debate, Councillor Giladi moved and Councillor Rye seconded the following amendment to the above motion with the addition of:


“and to examine:


1.                  The relationship between the Council and Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd. prior to the insolvency, including how funding and policy decisions by the Council impacted on the viability of the company.

2.                  The full cost to the Council of the liquidation and how this compares to an alternative strategy of increasing the Council’s subsidy to the company.

3.                  The reasons for the early closure of Edmonton Leisure Centre and the closure of Bramley Road squash courts.

4.                  Any other relevant matter that the Commission decides”.


(Agenda item 13.3 and motion 3 below refers – motion in the name of Councillor Giladi)


Following further debate, Councillor Hurer moved and Councillor Rye seconded that the amended motion be now put. This was agreed.


AGREED on being put to the vote, that the amended motion be carried unanimously.


3.         In the name of Councillor Giladi


Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd is currently in liquidation. The liquidators are in the process of completing their inquiries and, in due course, may report to the Department of Trade and Industry on the conduct of the company and its directors. When this process is completed, it is vital that the public of the borough are able to examine the reasons for the insolvency of the company. The Council resolves to set up a special scrutiny commission, with a budget and access to external professional support, at a date to be decided following the completion of the liquidators’ work and the conclusions of the DTI to examine:


1.         The relationship between the Council and Enfield Leisure Centres Ltd prior to the insolvency, including how funding and policy decisions by the Council impacted on the viability of the company.

2.         The full cost to the Council of the liquidation and how this compares to an alternative strategy of increasing the Council’s subsidy to the company.

3.         The  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.



To confirm any changes to committee memberships.


There were no changes to committee memberships.



To confirm any changes to nominations to outside bodies.


There were no changes to nominations to outside bodies.



None received.


There were no called in decisions.



The next meetings of the Council will be held on:


·              Monday 16 April 2007 at 7.00 p.m. at the Civic Centre (Freedom of the Borough)

·              Wednesday 9 May at 7.00 p.m. at the Civic Centre (Annual Meeting)


NOTED that future meetings of the Council will be held on:


(a)               Monday 16 April 2007 at 7.00pm at the Civic Centre (Freedom of the Borough)

(b)               Wednesday 9 May at 7.00pm at the Civic Centre (Annual Meeting)