Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 11th June, 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber

Contact: James Kinsella  Email:

No. Item



Members of the Council are invited to identify any disclosable pecuniary other pecuniary or non pecuniary interests relevant to items on the agenda.


No interests were declared by members at the meeting.



To elect the Mayor of the London Borough of Enfield for the Municipal Year 2014/2015.


Before starting formal proceedings the outgoing Mayor, Chaudhury Anwar MBE advised everyone attending that the meeting was being recorded by the Council along with a number of other media agencies and filmed for the purpose of relaying proceedings into Committee Room 1 where additional guests had been seated.  He advised that filming would be focussed on the main participants during the meeting but if anyone did not wish to be filmed they would need to advise a member of staff.  No objections were raised.


He then took the opportunity to formally thank Ingrid Cranfield and her consort Adam for their hard work and support as his Deputy Mayor over the previous year.  Ingrid Cranfield was invited to come forward so he could present her with a certificate, in recognition of the work she had undertaken during her term as Deputy Mayor.


As a final announcement, Members were then advised of the recent deaths of two former Councillors – Richard Course and John Yates.  Council was informed that Richard Course had served as a member of the Council between 1986 – 1998, representing Arnos Ward.  John Yates had served as a member of the Council between 1990 – 2002, representing Chase Ward.  A minutes silence was then observed as a mark of respect for both former Councillors.


The formal part of the meeting then commenced.  Councillor Taylor moved and Councillor Neville seconded the nomination of Councillor Ali Bakir as Mayor of the London Borough of Enfield for the 2014/15 Municipal Year.


In moving the nomination Councillor Taylor highlighted the important role of the Mayor, not only in terms of chairing Council but also in terms of representing the borough and enhancing civic pride.  Councillor Bakir was recognised as someone who was passionate about the local community they served role and role of Mayor, which Councillor Taylor felt Councillor Bakir would perform with diligence, commitment and respect.  He was therefore pleased to be able to move Councillor Bakir’s nomination, for what he was sure would be a highly successful year as Mayor.


Councillor Neville, in seconding the nomination on behalf of the Conservative Group, also wished Councillor Bakir every success for his year as Mayor.


AGREED that Councillor Ali Bakir be elected as Mayor of the London Borough of Enfield for the 2014/15 Municipal Year.


The motion was agreed unanimously (without a vote).  Councillor Bakir then made and signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office and was invested with the badge of office by the retiring Mayor, Chaudhury Anwar MBE.


Mayors Acceptance Speech


The Mayor made the following acceptance speech:


“Can I start by saying Good Evening and welcoming you all.  What a splendid gathering as we start a new council year.


I really must start with a confession and an apology.  So many of you have accepted the invitation to be here tonight, that for many of you there is standing room only, and you may be a bit cramped.  We tried the O2 Arena, and then Wembley – and even flirted with the idea of the Royal Albert Hall – but they were all fully booked – so here we are in Enfield Council Chamber.  I hope you won’t have too much discomfort as I say a few words.  I promise not to take too long.


Firstly I want to thank both, Council Leader, Doug Taylor and Opposition Leader, Terry Neville for their kind words welcoming me as Enfield’s Mayor.


I have placed some Turkish Delight ‘bon-bons’ for all my fellow councillors on their seats as a thank you for their support.  This puts me in mind of a saying in Turkey about this famous sweet. It goes like this “eat sweet – talk sweet”.  Let this be a motto for the discussions and debates that we shall have in this chamber over the coming year. Considered ideas, calm, clear speeches – everything sweet – even when there are disagreements.


For me, it is a great honour to be the Mayor of Enfield and I am truly thrilled and interested to perform this role with passion, and energy.


I have lived in Enfield 26 years coming here as a student to study English and later graduating with a Masters’ degree in International Business.


For three years I worked for Freeman’s Catalogue as a quality control manager. I then moved on to work for Ucon Megastores as purchasing manager and I am delighted that my boss there Mr Aziz Akpinar is here tonight.  All these experiences helped me to develop my own business and I have made my life here with my family. We enjoy living in the borough and take full advantage of all that it has to offer.


Apart from my business interests, I take a keen interest in the community. I was a founder member of the England supporters of Turkey’s Fenerbache Football Club Association and have a wealth of experience as chair of that group that I will bring to the role of Mayor.


I am also looking forward to meeting people of all ages and cultures, giving my support to their work and activities.


During the year it will be my privilege to raise funds for a variety of groups that can develop opportunities for both young and older people and particularly children with learning disabilities.  I will be considering how we can support them – perhaps with equipment or materials for their projects or performances.


In the initial period of the year, I intend to meet as many people as possible and have decided to devote  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.




The Mayor announced the appointment of Berdan Bakir as his Consort for the 2014/15 Municipal Year.  He then invested him with his badge of office.




The Mayor confirmed the appointment of Councillor Patricia Ekechi as Deputy Mayor for the 2014/15 Municipal Year.  The Deputy Mayor then made and signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office and was invested by the Mayor with her badge of office.


Councillor Ekechi then made a speech thanking the Mayor and Council for her appointment and highlighting the honour she felt at being nominated as Deputy Mayor.  She advised that she intended to do her utmost to support the Mayor in representing the Council and serving all the people of Enfield.




The Deputy Mayor announced the appointment of Dr Christine Ekechi as her Consort for the 2014/15 Municipal Year.  She invested her with her badge of office.


Election of Leader of the Council


Councillor Stewart moved and Councillor Georgiou seconded the nomination of Councillor Doug Taylor for appointment to the postion of Leader of the Council.  No other nominations were received.


AGREED that Councillor Doug Taylor be appointed Leader of the Council for a four year term of office, to expire at the Annual Council Meeting in 2018.


Councillor Taylor thanked the Council for electing him to the position of Leader of the Council.




Councillor Taylor confirmed the appointments as set out below:


Deputy Leader – Councillor Achilleas Georgiou


Cabinet member for Community Organisations – Councillor Yasemin Brett


Cabinet member for Culture, Sport, Youth & Public Health – Councillor Rohini Simbodyal


Cabinet member for Economic Development – Councillor Alan Sitkin


Cabinet member for Education, Children’s Services and Protection – Councillor Ayfer Orhan


Cabinet member for Environment & Community Safety– Councillor Chris Bond


Cabinet member for Finance – Councillor Andrew Stafford


Cabinet member for Health & Adult Social Care - Councillor Don McGowan


Cabinet member for Housing & Estate Regeneration – Councillor Ahmet Oykener


Presentation of the Past Mayor and Mayoress' Badges

On behalf of the Council, the Mayor will present past Mayor’s and past Mayoress’ badges to Councillor Chaudhury Anwar MBE and Quamrun Anwar & Sabrina Anwar.


The Mayor presented past Mayor’s and Mayoress badges and certificates recording the Council’s appreciation to the retiring Mayor, Chaudhury Anwar MBE and Mayoress Quamrun Anwar.


The Mayor, on behalf of the Council, thanked them for the hard work they had undertaken as Mayor and Mayoress during the 2013/14 Municipal Year.


The Leaders of both Groups were also presented with a token of appreciation for their support over the year.




The Mayor made the following announcements:


(a)       Deputy Lord Lieutenant


The Mayor placed on record the Council’s thanks and appreciation to the Deputy Lord Lieutenant, Major John Rodwell, who he advised would shortly be leaving Enfield to take up a new appointment.


He praised the work undertaken by Major Rodwell in serving as an advocate for the Council and for his efforts in pursuing recognition of the hard work undertaken by voluntary organisations and individuals across the borough.


The Mayor wished Major Rodwell and his wife Rosie well in their new appointment and invited them to join him in the Chamber where he presented them both with a small gift of appreciation.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 319 KB

To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the Council meeting held on Wednesday 2 April 2014.


AGREED that the minutes of the Council meeting held on Wednesday 2 April 2014 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.


APOLOGIES (if any)


Apologies for absence were received form Councillors Lee Chamberlain and Daniel Pearce. An apology for lateness was received from Councillor Eric Jukes.


Amendments to the Constitution: Changes to the Political Management & Member engagement structure pdf icon PDF 633 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Finance, Resources & Customer Services proposing changes to the Council’s decision making and Member engagement structure.(Report No.1)



Councillor Achilleas Georgiou moved and Councillor Simon seconded a report from the Director of Finance, Resources & Customer Services (No.1) detailing the outcome of a review of the Council’s political management and member engagement structure undertaken, following the election of the new Administration in May 2014.




1.         The changes set out in the report had been focussed on the following areas:


a.         The structure and role of Cabinet and Cabinet Members, the role and function of scrutiny and of the Council’s wider committee structures;


b.         Members representational roles and engagement structures;


c.         Members Allowances including Special Responsibility Allowances (SRAs);


d.         The structure and operation of the Council’s Planning Committee, following a peer review by the Planning Advisory Service;


e.         The deadline for submission of motions with notice to Council, following review by the Members & Democratic Services Group;


2.         The proposals within the report had been designed to:


a.         enhance members representational roles at ward level;


b.         reflect the need for the Council to make substantial savings over the next four years in response to significant budget restraints which would limit the resources available to support members;


c.         enable members to develop their representational role and establish clear and accountable mechanisms for listening to and representing local people and in championing their needs on a more strategic and holistic level, in order to manage and deliver more responsive services based around the Council’s strategic aims;


d.         retain a scrutiny function that whilst continuing to play an important role in holding the Executive to account, would also provide a more flexible and focussed approach towards the identification of work streams within the more limited financial and operational resources available.  The scrutiny model proposed had been based on structures developed within other local authorities and would also ensure that the statutory scrutiny requirements placed on the Council in relation to Health and Crime & Disorder were maintained.


e.         be cost neutral in terms of the review of Members Allowances and Special Responsibility Allowances


3.         The areas to be covered and functions of the three new Associate Cabinet Members posts, as detailed were detailed in section 3.7 of the report.  The Associate Cabinet Member posts would cover three, geographical areas covering the whole borough.  Whilst the posts would not have Executive status they would provide a focal point within their areas for co-ordinating member engagement in regeneration and other wider strategic objectives/developments and serving as link between the locality and Cabinet/Council.


4.         Whilst supportive of the proposals within recommendations 2.2 (b), (c) and (e) and 2.6 of the report, concerns were raised by the Opposition Group in relation to the following issues:


a.         The lack of detailed cross party consultation on the proposals relating to scrutiny, member engagement and introduction of the Associate Cabinet Member positions in advance of the Council meeting;


b.         The impact of the proposals in relation to the ability of scrutiny to continue effectively holding the Executive to account and assisting with the wider development of members;


c.         The role and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.



9.1       Urgent Questions (Part 4 - Paragraph 9.2.(b) of Constitution – Page 4-9)


With the permission of the Mayor, questions on urgent issues may be tabled with the proviso of a subsequent written response if the issue requires research or is considered by the Mayor to be minor.


Please note that the Mayor will decide whether a question is urgent or not.


The definition of an urgent question is “An issue which could not reasonably have been foreseen or anticipated prior to the deadline for the submission of questions and which needs to be considered before the next meeting of the Council.”


Submission of urgent questions to Council requires the Member when submitting the question to specify why the issue could not have been reasonably foreseen prior to the deadline and why it has to be considered before the next meeting.  A supplementary question is not permitted.


9.2       Councillors’ Questions (Part 4 – Paragraph 9.2(a) of Constitution – Page 4 - 8)


No questions have been submitted for written response at the meeting.


None received.



None received.


None received.



To receive the report of the Director of Finance, Resources & Customer Services asking the Council to determine the constitution and political balance of the committees, joint committees and panels that have been set up for discharge of the Council’s functions.          (Report No.2)


Additional documents:


Councillor Stewart moved and Councillor E.Hayward seconded the report of the Director of Finance, Resources & Customer Services (No.2) seeking Council approval to determine the constitution and political balance of the committees, joint committees and panels that had been set up for discharge of the Council’s functions.




(1)    that the seats allocated to each political party on the committees and boards to which Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 apply, be approved as set out in Appendix A of the report.


(2)    in accordance with paragraph 3.3 of the report, Council resolves (without dissent) that the rules of political proportionality should not apply to those bodies marked with an * in Appendix A of the report.


(3)    to note that the rules on political proportionality had been disapplied in relation to the allocation of seats on the Health & Wellbeing Board.



12.1    To establish Council bodies for the coming Municipal Year and to appoint memberships to these (see list on yellow).                                                                    TO FOLLOW


12.2    To confirm the Terms of Reference of those bodies set out in Part 2 of the Constitution.


17.1Appointment of Council Bodies 2014/15: Committee Membership list


Councillor Stewart moved and Councillor E.Hayward seconded the list of Council bodies to be established and membership appointments for the 2014/15 Municipal Year.


AGREED to the establishment of the Council bodies for the 2014/15 Municipal Year and appointment of their memberships, as set out in the yellow list tabled at the meeting.


17.2Appointment of Council Bodies 2014/15: Terms of Reference


AGREED to confirm the Terms of Reference of those bodies set out in Part 2 of the Constitution.



To consider the Council’s representation on other bodies and organisations as required (see list on green).            TO FOLLOW


Councillor Stewart and Councillor E.Hayward moved the list of nominations for appointments to outside bodies for the 2014/15 Municipal Year.


AGREED the Council’s representation on outside bodies, as detailed on the green list tabled at the meeting.



The Council is asked to agree the authority’s Scheme of Delegation as set out in Part 3 (pages 3.2 to 3-12) of the Constitution.


AGREED the authority’s Scheme of Delegation, as set out in Part 3 (pages 3-2 to 3-12) of the Constitution.



15.1    To approve the calendar of Council meetings, including the proposed date for the next Council Meeting on Wednesday 16 July 2014 at 7.00 p.m. at the Civic Centre.  The calendar has been the subject of consultation with officers and both political groups.           TO FOLLOW


15.2    The Council is asked to approve the calendar, subject to any further changes/additions being delegated to the Director of Finance, Resources & Customer Services in consultation with both party groups.


NOTED the calendar of meetings included indicative dates for future meetings of the Council up until May 2016.




(1)    the calendar of meetings of the Council, including the next Council meeting, which had been scheduled for Wednesday 16 July 2014.


(2)    that approval of any further amendments to the calendar be delegated to the Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services, in consultation with both party groups.



None received.


None received.



Members are asked to note that subject to Item 16 above, the next meeting of the Council will be held on Wednesday 16 July 2014 at 7:00pm in the Civic Centre.


NOTED that the next meeting of the Council would be held at 7pm on Wednesday 16 July 2014 at the Civic Centre.