Venue: Virtual/Teams
Contact: Jane Creer Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies (6:30 - 6:35PM) Welcome from the Chair and introductions |
Declaration of Interests Members are asked to declare any pecuniary, other pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests relating to items on the agenda. |
UPDATE ON IMPENDING CQC INSPECTION OF LB ENFIELD ADULT SOCIAL CARE (6:35 - 6:40PM) Doug Wilson, Director of Adult Social Care, London Borough of Enfield, for noting.
To include brief detail of preparations and possible timelines. |
DELIVERING POPULATION HEALTH AND INTEGRATED CARE AMBITIONS IN ENFIELD and JOINT LOCAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING STRATEGY / ACTION PLAN PROGRESS UPDATE (6:40 - 7:05PM) Kelley Hamilton, Integration and Partnerships Senior Manager – Enfield CMO and Place Directorate NHS North Central London ICB. And Dudu Sher-Arami, Director of Public Health, Public Health Department LB Enfield, and Victoria Adnan, Policy and Performance Manager, People’s Department LB Enfield. (Papers to follow.) |
STATUS OF INTERNAL REVIEW ON STATUTORY AND OTHER BOARD INTEGRATION IN LONDON BOROUGH OF ENFIELD (7:05 - 7:15PM) Matthew Cagnetta, National Management Trainee, People Department, Public Health LB Enfield. (Papers to follow.) |
ITEM FROM SEND AND INCLUSION SERVICE (7:15 - 7:35PM) Trauma Informed Practice and its place within the Successor Health and Wellbeing Strategy, and activity across LB Enfield - Dr Leylla Mulisa, Senior Lead Educational Psychologist for Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health/ E-TIPPS Programme Lead. |
I-THRIVE RISK SUPPORT MODULE DELIVERY FOR ENFIELD (7:35 - 7:45PM) Rachel Stephen NCL iThrive Manager, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. (Paper to follow.) |
LBE / NCL AUTUMN VACCINATION PROGRAMME / INFECTION CONTROL UPDATE (7:45 - 7:55PM) Gayan Perera, Public Health Intelligence Manager – Public Health Department, LB Enfield. (Papers to follow.) |
FUTURE SUBJECT ITEMS FOR SPOTLIGHT AND DISCUSSION i. Board suggested items. ii. Development session on Wednesday 23 October 2024. |
To Note – Better Care Fund/S75 Agreement Status – Doug Wilson, Director of Adult Social Care London Borough of Enfield asks the Board to note the report sent out with papers for information only. |
MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 11 JUNE 2024 PDF 93 KB To receive and agree the minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 2024. |
Next Meeting Dates Proposed dates of the next meetings of Enfield Health and Wellbeing Board:
Tuesday 3 December 2024 Wednesday 5 March 2025
Formal Board meetings proposed to commence at 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. |