Venue: Virtual/Teams
Contact: Jane Creer Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome and Apologies Welcome from the Chair and introductions Minutes: Cllr Alev Cazimoglu, Chair, welcomed everyone to the virtual meeting.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Abdul Abdullahi, Dr Nnenna Osuji (North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust) and Peppa Aubyn (NHS North Central London ICB). |
Declaration of Interests Members are asked to declare any pecuniary, other pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests relating to items on the agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest in respect of any items on the agenda. |
UPDATE ON CQC INSPECTION OF LB ENFIELD ADULT SOCIAL CARE ON 16.12.2024 Doug Wilson, Director of Adult Social Care, London Borough of Enfield. Minutes: RECEIVED a verbal update from Doug Wilson, Director of Adult Social Care.
1. The CQC’s second letter had been received, and the inspectors would be on site from the afternoon of Monday 16 December, for three days. 2. The inspectors would be meeting with various people including the Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care and the Director of Adult Social Care, frontline staff, and VCS and NHS partners. There was an agreed schedule for the meetings. 3. The Adult Social Care Service welcomed the inspection.
4. The Chair reported a recent meeting of London Chairs of Health and Wellbeing Boards and that a paper had been prepared to emphasise to the CQC the need to take into account the London context when analysing data. |
(Papers to be distributed prior to meeting.) Minutes: RECEIVED the presentation slides, introduced by Barbara Thurogood, Head of SEN.
1. Clarification was provided of the inspection framework for the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) offer, and the self evaluation carried out in Enfield. 2. Numerous partners had contributed towards the self evaluation. 3. Focus was on the offer for children and young people with complex needs; the preparation for adulthood agenda; and communication / speech and language. 4. The self evaluation framework had been based on feedback and findings on the strengths and weaknesses throughout the system. 12 month and 24 month targets had been set as a result, and quarterly feedback would be provided to relevant bodies on the effectiveness at meeting needs.
5. NHS partners also acknowledged the pressure seen in the SEND area, and increased demand for assessments and therapies, which had been difficult to manage. Officers confirmed that the challenge was national, and mitigating actions were being sought that addressed the concerns of families, such as the waiting service. It was confirmed that Enfield had a strong universal offer, and services were needs based and did not require a diagnosis. It was also advised that CAMHS had extended their service up to those aged 25. 6. Data from Enfield was clarified: it was advised that 98% of assessments were done on time and 95% of Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) were written up on time. Enfield was one of the top performing boroughs in London, and was known to assess correctly and have a lower number of tribunals. 7. The reasons for Enfield having the highest number of EHCPs in London included that it was a disadvantaged borough. Low birth weights had been identified, and smoking prevalence at time of delivery was high. Numbers of children needing NHS therapeutic input for speech and language was high. 8. Enfield Carers Centre would like to facilitate a forum on SEN and Pamela Burke would liaise with Barbara Thurogood further to this meeting. 9. Cllr Supple asked if there was a mapping document on the SEND offer in Enfield to help to find specific areas. Barbara Thurogood would respond direct. Action: Barbara Thurogood 10. SEND partnership governance was noted, with accountability to the Health and Wellbeing Board. The Board had no further comments on Enfield’s SEND Local Offer Self Evaluation 2024. |
ENFIELD JOINT LOCAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING STRATEGY - REQUEST FOR FORMAL APPROVAL OF ACTION PLANS Dudu Sher-Arami, Director of Public Health, Public Health Department LB Enfield, Victoria Adnan, Policy and Performance Manager, People’s Department LB Enfield, Mark Tickner, Senior Public Health Strategist, Public Health Department LB Enfield.
(Papers to follow.) Minutes: NOTED that this item was discussed together with Agenda Item 6. |
Dudu Sher-Arami, Director of Public Health, Public Health Department LB Enfield, Victoria Adnan, Policy and Performance Manager, People’s Department LB Enfield, Mark Tickner, Senior Public Health Strategist, Public Health Department LB Enfield.
(Papers to follow.) Minutes: RECEIVED the Health and Wellbeing Board Action Planning Workshop feedback introduced by Victoria Adnan, Policy & Performance Manager.
1. Everyone who took part in the workshop was thanked for their contribution. 2. Key questions in respect of the plans and the actions to achieve the priorities and a commitment to be worked on collaboratively had been considered for each life course. 3. The feedback and suggestions were summarised. 4. The workshop had also been helpful in eliminating any duplication with other action plans. 5. Consideration would also be given to helping shape the NCL framework in liaison with ICB colleagues, and feed into a bigger dashboard.
6. The Chair stressed the importance of timelines, resource, and measurable outcomes for the actions. Officers provided reassurance that actions would all be achievable, and would need to be covered by current resources. All involved were mindful of needing to verify outcomes. 7. For the benefit of newer Board attendees, the earlier stages of extensive engagement and consultation were confirmed to have shaped the priorities. Consultation had included with young people and in particular with the full Enfield Youth Council in person. 8. In respect of the Age Well action plan, the aim of increasing digital access was discussed and welcomed, particularly as GP practices were increasingly moving to total triage models online. 9. The Chair noted that the action plans were dynamic documents which would evolve and be updated, and engagement would continue with the Board. Future Board meetings would each include a special focus on one of the action plans.
AGREED that Health and Wellbeing Board approved the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy Action Plan to be recommended to full Council for approval. |
(Papers to follow.) Minutes: RECEIVED a presentation introduced by Matthew Cagnetta, National Management Trainee, People Department, Public Health LB Enfield.
1. The update on the mapping and governance project was further to the presentation to the last Board meeting, and aimed to identify opportunities to improve collaboration and joint working. 2. There were some initial recommendations, including the introduction of three new strategically focussed boards based on the three life stages format, and Board members were invited to discuss further. 3. The final project findings were proposed to be presented to the next meeting of the Board in March 2025.
4. Board members raised that further details would be required in relation to chairs, leads, and supporting of the boards. 5. Board members expressed preference for fewer meetings and more integrated meetings. It was noted that partnership boards often had input into all three strands of the JLHWS and spanned the whole population. Senior managers benefitted from attending meetings with wider areas of discussion. 6. Matthew Cagnetta confirmed that he was also reviewing groups’ terms of reference, and thanked the Board for all their feedback at this meeting. The Chair expressed her thanks and urged further progress, and potentially setting up a Board development session if necessary. |
FUTURE SUBJECT ITEMS FOR SPOTLIGHT AND DISCUSSION i. LBE Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Action Plan for March 2025 ‘Spotlight’ – ‘Start Well’. ii. Integration Mapping Item – Boards and Sub-Groups. iii. CQC Inspection Follow-Up Report. Minutes: 1. The three proposed future subject items should be included on the next Board agenda, noting that a development session may first be required on the integration mapping item as discussed at this meeting. 2. Board members were asked to raise any suggested items for future meetings. 3. Clare Henderson proposed an item on NHS neighbourhood health care, further to its recent promotion nationally by the Health Secretary. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: It was noted that Healthwatch Enfield had produced a Young People’s Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing Guide, which was available in print and PDF : Healthwatch Enfield - Young People's Mental Health Guide |
MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 8 OCTOBER 2024 PDF 77 KB To receive and agree the minutes of the meeting held on 8 October 2024. Minutes: AGREED the minutes of the meeting held on 8 October 2024. |
Next Meeting Dates Proposed date of the next meeting of Enfield Health and Wellbeing Board:
Wednesday 5 March 2025
Formal Board meetings proposed to commence at 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Minutes: NOTED the next Board meeting date: Wednesday 5 March 2025, 6:30pm on Teams. |