Venue: Dugdale Centre - Rooms 2 & 3, , 39 London Road, Enfield, EN2 6DS. View directions
Contact: Tariq Soomauroo
No. | Item |
WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS Minutes: The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. |
APOLOGIES Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Akpinar, Harry Landsman, NPT Inspector Erica Crawshaw, Edmund Fraser and for lateness from Janet Marshall and Cllr Laban.
CHAIRS FEEDBACK Tim Fellows (Chair) to present this item. Minutes: The meetings that the Chair has participated in this period are: Safer & Stronger Communities Board, Crime Scrutiny Panel, Adult Safeguarding Patients Group and chaired the Hate Crime Case Management Panel.
The Chair participated in a gold Group regarding the stabbings in Edmonton. He also attended a very informative talk on modern slavery at Winchmore Hill URC and took part in the hate crime Third Party Recording Training for the voluntary sector. There are around 4/5 reporting locations at present and with it is hoped to increase the number of locations.
We now have permission to use the very comprehensive report (in your pack) created by the Council’s Community Safety Unit. This not only has all that statistics but a very clear narrative to go with it so please read the report and come to the meeting with your questions or comments prepared.
The Stop and Search group provided feedback, unfortunately last nights meeting did not go ahead. However, there is now a group of 8 people who meet regularly and work well together. They look at the statistics and before every meeting 2 members view footage. At the meetings lots of information is provided and the group question and provide constructive criticism as appropriate. The group does have 3 members outside of those from the safer Neighbourhood Board. Neil Bilany confirmed that there are no plans to merge the Haringey and Enfield Stop and Search monitoring groups.
The CCTV group also provided feedback that at recent inspection they also viewed a live incident. The group will send out a schedule of inspections very shortly. One new member has undertaken her training. It was noted that the council is very keen that this monitoring group continues its independent work. |
MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING PDF 185 KB To approve the minutes of the meeting on the 24th January 2019. Minutes: Minutes from the 24 January agreed.
A member of the public commented that he was not happy on the response with regards to the police being unaware of speeding on the A406. |
EXAMINATION OF CRIME STATISTICS PDF 539 KB Examination of crime statistics received. Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to the information provided in the agenda pack the following was highlighted or discussed: · There is lots of data included which has taken on board previous comments made. The Ward data includes attempted offences as well, it should be noted that there would not necessarily have been a substantive offence committed. This does not include all offences instead focuses on the high impact and high harm offences. · A query was raised on figures of theft of motor vehicles, it was confirmed that these figures or other relevant figures can be provided for the CAPE’s at their meetings if required. Neil queried whether information was being received by CAPE’s and was advised that generally this is but can very between CAPE’s and it is also important how well prepared the officers are that attend. Neil requested that any issues on these issues be reported to him. · It was confirmed that the Ward statistics are police figures not MOPAC figures, but there will be anomalies from time to time, an example of why this might happen was late reporting of crimes. · The report prepared by the Community Safety Unit showed comparisons against London and showed some alarming areas. · Residential burglary is a big issue, there has also been a national rise in this crime. Barnet is the current hotspot and it is believed that offenders travel into the borough. The police are reviewing how they look at this issue, looking at the local crime picture of when this occurs and adjust the working hours accordingly. There are also looking at prevention advice. · Clarification was provided that gun crime includes where a gun has been intimated, not necessarily seen. Whilst the numbers are relatively low for this crime it is being proactively looked at.. · It was confirmed that the gangs’ group is progressing well and the merger with Haringey has proved positive. There is a proactive CID unit in both Enfield and Haringey and a Central Unit. A previous presentation provided to the Safer Neighbourhood Board on gangs had been very well received.
· The pack contained a number of graphs on serious youth violence showing alarming figures for Enfield. There is lots of work ongoing to try to divert young people away from gang involvement undertaken by the police, the council and in schools. Awareness raising on the signs to look out for has also taken place with parents. County Lines can now be dealt with as child criminal exploitation and these young people will no longer be treated as criminals instead the focussing will be on those controlling them. · It was confirmed work is undertaken with primary schools. An early warning signs covering the dangers of the lifestyle has been given to a whole year 5 group at a large primary school in Edmonton by the police and partners including rehabilitated offenders. This has also included work all age presentations with age appropriate information provided. The aspiration is to offer this to all schools as early warning alongside the more targeted ... view the full minutes text for item 1078. |
UPDATE ON CURRENT POLICE OPERATIONS To receive an update at the meeting. Minutes: Chief Inspector Neil Bilany highlighted the following: · An update on the operation on prostitution in Fore Street. The Public Space Protection Order has been used where possible. 4 kerb crawlers are currently going through the court system. There will be publicity around the outcomes of these cases once concluded. · Discussed how the recent multiple stabbing incident in Edmonton had been managed. It was noted that this was a very concerning incident for both the police and the community. The Chair commented that the emails received on these incidents were very timely and encouraged those receiving this sort of email to forward to all on their mailing lists anything marked Press lines is public information. Various members of the board commented on how well they felt the police had dealt with this incident and that they felt the police has provided a reassuring presence in the area. · The A10 remains a key issue that has been around since at least 2014. One issue is car meets, with music being played loudly and wheel spins, etc. At the initial carpark where this occurred the landowner worked with the police and locked gates which has moved the problem. The owner where they are now meeting is not currently willing to lock car park gates. Police are looking at the possibility of using the Public Space Protection Order, however this is a police resource issue as these car meets involve in excess of 100 people so require large police numbers to deal. · The other issue is mindless racing up and down the A10. The police and council have been trying to get Transport for London to install speed cameras, they do not have the skills or equipment to stop drivers safely. It is the traffic officers that enforce this issue, who also deal with a number of motorways. Enforcement is needed at the appropriate times that this occurs between after 11pm through to early hours. Commander Kyle Gordon had been in Enfield over the Easter weekend, however within an hour of him leaving the racing had started again. Police officers are engaged at a very senior level and it is hoped that a long-term solution can be put in place. · Neil confirmed that dashcam recording of incidents and registration numbers can be uploaded directly to traffic and can be used in evidence. If not captured on Dash cam should still be reported to police as provide intelligence in the system though may not lead to prosecution.
SNB FUNDING 2019/20 To agree the future SNB priorities and processes. Minutes: The Chair confirmed that this meeting of the Safer Neighbourhood Board is the Annual General Meeting. The priorities for Enfield’s allocation of MOPAC funding are to be set, although it was noted that at this stage the amount of funding available is unknown. Following discussions, the priorities were confirmed as: · Serious Youth Violence (gangs and prevention) · Violence Against Women and Girls and Domestic Violence · OWL
It was confirmed that bids will need to be received and submitted.
ELECTION OF VICE CHAIR To receive nominations and appoint to the role of one Vice Chair for 2019/20. Minutes: Janet Marshall (Vice Chair) was re elected following nomination. |
CHANGE OF NAME OF THE CAPE'S TO NEIGHBOURHOOD WARD PANELS This is a discussion item. Minutes: Discussions were held over the potential change of the name of the CAPE’s to Neighbourhood Ward Panels as they are called in all other areas. Comments were made for and against a change of name following a vote it is agreed that they will remain called CAPE’s. It was suggested that on agendas for meetings the wording also known as Neighbourhood Ward Panels could be used. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: Following incidents at Enfield Grammar School and the Community Wardens that had been set up following this it was queried whether this had had any effect on crime, whether the police were happy with this arrangement and whether a similar scheme might occur with other schools.
Neil advised that it was too early to say what effect that this had on crime. The police are always happy for the community to take interest and had spoken with Emma Rigby who had organised and provided advice. He is aware that there has been interest at other schools and may be something that the community take forward.
A member of public raised concerns on spikes of crime in Southgate Green and Bowes and provided examples of burglary, theft of catalytic converters and cars. In response advised to speak to Matt Bloomfield and that all crime should be reported and this can be done anonymously.
The Chair invited ideas for future guest speakers to attend the Safer Neighbourhood Board. The following ideas were put forward: · Youth Offending Service · Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking · Police Schools Unit · Counter Terrorism · The new Borough Commander Treena Fleming to talk about the successes and challenges of the Basic Command Unit. |
DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS Dates of future Safer Neighbourhood Board meetings will be confirmed after full Council in May 2019. Minutes: It was noted that future meeting dates would be confirmed in early May. |